
Execution and Return

(A/N: When you realize that Syr has been autocorrecting to "She" but you're too lazy to fix it in all the published chapters.)

Hopping through the window, and landing perfectly was a feat I was quite proud of. I felt kinda like an acrobat doing a stunt. The central area of the police station was actually quite organized and clean, not that it'd be that way for much longer. With my newfound strength, and endurance, I wasted no time at all. Opening the front entrance, I saw Syr, looking with a bit of concern as I opened the first door, and backed up.

Four undead came out, every one of them a Walker. I slammed my knife into the closest one, getting the blade underneath its neck. I didn't think it'd be a lethal blow. My knife was far too short to reach the brain, yet it stopped moving. As I pulled Saint Longinus' Blade out, it looked longer.

No longer was it a one-sided blade, changing forms into a two-sided dagger. I didn't have time to dwell on it as two undead tried to grab a hold of me. My kni- no, my dagger found its way into the Walker's skull, killing it before I had my arm latched onto.

My heart rate rose, as I quickly let go of my dagger, and grabbed my sig, blowing the brains out of the two remaining undead. I was sloppy, far too confident in the benefits that the system gave me. "Fucking ey..." I sighed, before removing my dagger from the undead's body.

Sheathing the blade, I looked into the room, seeing a metal table set up with sleeping bags on the floor by another door. There was zero banging on it, yet I kept my gun drawn. "Syr," I called out, hearing her approach me. Something felt off about this door, and I didn't feel comfortable going in by myself. "Close the door." Syr closed the front door, locking it before coming up to me. "Connaissez-vous l'allemand?" I whispered quietly, catching her off guard.

"Je parle un peu allemand, pourquoi?" Syr responded in an equal tone. I pointed toward the door. "dis que tu peux sortir en toute sécurité." She nodded her head, going up to the door as I kept my gun pointed toward the center of the door.

"Es ist sicher, rauszukommen!" Syr shouted, before withdrawing her own pistol.

There was a bit of shuffling before the sound of footsteps followed.

"Endlich! Ich habe zwei verdammte Tage gewartet!" The voice of a male said before the door opened. I didn't even hesitate to fire off the rest of my shots, getting him in the shoulder and chest. I holstered my Sig, before grabbing the yelling man by his blond hair, dragging him out of what looked to be the armory, and slamming him against the wall.

"Didn't fucking expect us, did ya?" I said to the man, before withdrawing the Tome from my inventory. "Keep your gun on him. Shoot him if he makes any sudden movements." I told Syr, who nodded without issue. "Is this man with Klaus Schattenmacher?" I asked the tome in a hushed voice.


The answer decided my next course of actions. Unsheathing my dagger, I slit his throat, taking a step back. I watched him gasp for air as Syr looked at me with shock. "That's for the family," I said, no hint of emotion on my face as he eventually stopped moving.

[Killed human. 15 Gold added.]

[Quest: LIFE FOR A LIFE has been completed. Awarding 100 Gold.]

"Before you even ask, think." It didn't make sense for there to be only one survivor when supposedly, all of the men in here had been infected due to poisoning. It made more sense if there was a person working on it inside. I left Syr to her thoughts as I walked into the room the German had been taking refuge in.

Upon entering, I understood why they would attack this place. In this room alone, I counted four AK-74 rifles, four bizons, ammo for days, scopes, and hunting rifles, and that was just what was in view. "It's at times like these that I realize how lucky I am." All these weapons, and ammo could keep us going for a long time. "Big score so far," I said, before opening up the drawers right under the gun rack. Inside one of the drawers we're a stack of Glocks and Makarovs all scattered about, some with suppressors on them, while some didn't.

I took them all without any thought, emptying a few of the Makarovs' magazines. It'd be safer for Syr to have a few spare mags on her, along with a suppressor. More and more things began to enter my inventory, before the armory was finally completely raided.

I walked out of the room towards Syr. "Got a lot of good stuff. Here's some magazines, compatible with your gun, and a suppressor. Make sure to put some ammo in the magazines before you try reloading to them," I joked, before looking down at the lifeless body of the man I had just killed. "His group will see his body soon. Let's finish cleaning this place out, and get on to the safehouse."

"Got it."


Raiding the rest of the police station was successful. I managed to level up to level five, and invested all five points into strength, reaching ten in it. I felt the immediate difference, as I stabbed some of the undead. The force I exerted caused one of the undead's heads to split open, opening a waterfall of blood, which got onto my boots.

Other things became easier too, like lifting heavy objects, denting metal doors, even fucking breaking brick walls. My strength was starting to become above human, or maybe just barely at the peak of human strength.

Which was crazy to say especially when I was only a level 5.

"You about ready to go?" I asked the fatigued Syr. She'd worked pretty hard to help me clear out the police station, going as far as to split an undead's head open with a fire axe.

Speaking of fire axe, Syr seemed to have taken a liking to the tool, keeping it on her. She still had her knife, of course, but how she looked at her newfound weapon was like a starving man looking at a platter of food.

"How... the fuck... are you not tired?..." Sye said to which I smiled. "I'm just built different. What can I say?"

She didn't seemed amused by my joke, glaring at me with enough venom to kill a man. "Look, let's just get out of the police station. The farther we are away from it, the less likely we are to encounter others."

Collecting herself, Syr stood up, grabbing her fire axe. "To be honest, I don't want to stay in Siberia. The soil here is terrible for crops, and raising livestock. If we are to have a future, we cannot remain here."

I didn't want to tell her that I had no need for food nor water, so I simply nodded. "I got a car. It's in need of repairs, obviously, but once it's fixed up, and fueled up, we can go southwest."

"We'll get to see France."

"I hope the fuck not," I quickly responded. Honestly, France smelled like saturated urine the last time I was there, I can't imagine what it'd smell like now, and I didn't want to find out.

"What's your problem with the French?" Syr suddenly asked. "As a Canadian born in Toronto, Quebec is the problem. They're the fucking Texans of Canada," I said before standing up as well.

We both walked out of the building, keeping near the buildings as we conversed quietly. "You know, I've been meaning to ask you about that, you say you're from Canada, and you're pretty young, nineteen, maybe twenty, am I right?" She asked. "Younger, I'm eighteen," I responded as we got passed the town square. "How did you get here?"

"Woke up in a dark void one day, and had my face grabbed, and subsequently burned by a skinned humanoid man, before waking up with a woman's voice in my head that calls me stud muffin, and gives me magical bullshit powers. Pretty sure I'm not even from this version of the world, as everything looks like it's in the eighties, maybe nineties," I said in the most neutral tone imaginable.

"You know, not the craziest thing I've heard," she responded. "I would figure so, considering you're labeled a divine spirit."

She stopped in her tracks, looking at me wearily. "How did you know that?" She asked, her hand on her holster. "The woman in my head calling me stud muffin told me. Duh." If she shot me, so what. I was at the point where I couldn't give a fuck about whether I died or not. When stuck in a post apocalyptic world where everyone you knew was possibly dead, what point was there to live other than to, y'know, survive.

"I can't tell if you're fucking with me or not," Syr admitted, to which I sighed. "Hun, I haven't told a single lie since I got to this world, now make up your mind. Pull the fucking trigger, or holster your gun, come with me, and we can chill out at my home."

"Mér líkar reyndar ekki við þig."

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