
Apocalypse online

The Mana finally broke in the milky way galaxy across the planets and all planets inter in the path of evolution. Animal turn into terrifying beast human turn into zombies and human who witnessed the wave of mana awakened their skill . Earth entered a new era where old lawa are not lawa anymore the only lawa was the law of the jungle were strongest devour the week . Noah an apparently normal collage student but no normal ( I will tell later on the chapters that make him not normal ) Got an unusual skill which has no [ name ] and got an ancient God legacy how he survived the apocalypse and become the strongest existence. Demon , Angles , Dragons , Vempires and many other races to become supreme existence. Desclaimer: The earth in in the novel is the same earth we are living but slightly better technology .

Izumi_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


China , Beijing

Date_ 2 May 2022

In a isolated Location many scientists are gather and watching movement of metroid after brif conversation of a scientists the first scientists tells everyone " I am never scene that kind of sight in my lifetime as a scientists , What the hack going on the galaxy "

Some scientists were also confused why the all metroid and planets are acting strangly ,

when the all scientists were confused a tall man with a berad tells everyone '' listen all of you I don't what going to happen in next 24 hours but I will tell everyone which is going to happen cover all milkey way galaxy "

All scientists were stunned after listening to the man almost panicked for a sec.

In the distance space 1000 of light year away from earth were some people watching milky way galaxy one of people start talking '' It seems like it time of this galaxy "

other people star talking '' It almost the same were we visited the other universe now we have This universe to add "

After a brif silent all people start gathering their energy on one spot to unleash their attack , the strongest people on the group start laughing and said " Let the game begins ""

Rumble Rumble Rumble


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[ Apocalypse Online ]

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