

Everyone in the world has superpowers or is am alien or hybrid of the sort and well normal humans are common just not treated right so here lies our protagonists a human descriminated and captured for experiments until his body collapsed having been sent into a new one he's rescued by another organisation Here's where their trouble begin

Kvng_zeno · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

i am human




<br/>Greetings and welcome to the world of aliens and super-humans, far from the basic understanding of such a thing they aren't at war, that was over centuries ago.


<br/> Superpowers, the privilege of the few now accessible to anyone who had enough money for it If they were ever so unfortunate as to he born powerless.


<br/> The age had come to the point where normal humans were hard to come by and as the fates would have it our journey begins with one of those few remaining humans.


<br/> His name is Zack Gamora and for all wants and purposes he's a normal human male.


<br/>This ordinary human male is a study, like most of his peers, but due to his own intelligence he's going to one of the best schools around.


<br/>Welcome to quantum high, the place of your dreams, where the young can fully explore and mature with their powers, however here's the deal the school's human population is rather low in comparison to the others for that exact reason.

<br/> The truth though is that it's not all that low considering that there's up to give percent occupied by normal humans, some schools have one percent at most so you could say there's a lot of them.


<br/>You all must be wondering, if there are no normal humans then how is it that people are acquiring powers?


<br/> That question my is very easy to answer you see, the answer is mod humans, thanks to the new alien cohabiters humans could now be altered at birth or even during their later years, extending their lifespans, granting them abilities or otherwise, the only issue? The surgery is costly and only gets more dangerous the older one is.


<br/>Who could possibly be the people organising this miraculous opportunity? They are called Arcsine industries.

<br/> These suspicious individuals appeared over the course of a few years and made themselves rather well known to all who needed them.


<br/> The way they gave people powers or how they came upon these methods are unknown to anyone who isn't part of arcsine industries.


<br/> The boy named Zed Gamora had chosen to not receive this modification, not only because he couldn't afford it but he didn't exactly trust it.


<br/> His parents had died during an interplanetary cruise and left him with some money he could use.


<br/> He was doing well academically so he was particularly short of money but he didn't feel the need to alter his body just to fit in.


<br/> His best friend however seemed to have a different opinion however, he was willing to use his family discount to get him a fix up but he turned it down.


<br/> This rich young masters name was Beckham Ludwig, not the brightest bulb in the room but he made up for it in looks and his powers.


<br/> The two had only become friend's due to a group project he couldn't complete due to well being considered handicapped.



<br/> "Hey, something on your mind?" Zed looked up at his friend, the longer he stared at the pretty looking hybrid the angrier he seemed to get.


<br/>"Poverty". He replied leaving the classroom for break and then stopping at the door, realising that there's nowhere for him to actually go.


<br/> He spun back on his heels and slumped back into his chair and sighed while shaking his head.

<br/>"Back from your flight my lord?"


<br/>"Die in a flame" Zed rolled his eyes, slouching in his chair with a finger on his desk.


<br/>"You don't seem too happy today? What happened, attacked by sentient tentacles?" Beck smirked and his friend made a face.


<br/>"If only your fans knew you were such a weirdo" He rocked in his chair while his friend was eating whatever was left of the strange bread looking thing he was eating.


<br/>"Did you want some? A girl from the other class gave them to me"


<br/>"Do you just eat anything ?" he tried to raise his hands and nearly fell over before finally catching himself.


<br/>"You ought to be more careful man, you're not as durable as the average person afterall" Beck chuckled, the average person in this context could likely destroy an entire building if they put their minds to it.


<br/> Zed did nothing but shake his head slowly when his friend had stopped smiling for a bit "look man, I could probably help you out with school, why don't you get yourself a nice power set?"


<br/>"what's the use?"


<br/>"I know what happens to you after school man". Zed flinched slightly, while he did well in school, where the most they could do were what would be considered minor pranks.


<br/> Outside he would often have to deal with much harsher things than the occasional static shock, they tried their best to heal him every time but it still hurt.


<br/>"I'll be fine, they won't kill me at least". Beck nodded in agreement, they at least knew that regular or not they couldn't kill someone.


<br/> However people often times over stepped their limits, placing faith in something so abstract was bound for failure at some point.


<br/> The pair spent the rest of the day chatting in-between classes and self study as most classes either didn't need much .


<br/> They day had finally ended and Beck advised him to take a different route today in hopes of avoiding his usual beating.


<br/> This would have normally solved the issue for today but perhaps that in itself was a mistake.


<br/> He just so happened to encounter something much worse than some highschool bullies.


<br/> They took most of his belongings and upon discovering he had no powers decided to have a little fun.


<br/> "what the hell is wrong with you man!!" one of them shouted, the boy lay on the floor, unmoving.


<br/> The man being yelled at had punched the boy in the stomach after increasing his density and had hit the boy a little too hard


<br/> His head was bleeding and it didn't seem like the boy was breathing at the moment, so they had panicked, deciding it best to take everything and run as far as they could.


<br/> These foolish men, if they had remained even the slightest bit calm they would have noticed that the boy was in fact still alive, albeit barely.


<br/> He wasn't sure if he could open his eyes, nor was he sure how long his brain could remain functional like this.


<br/> "Suspected carrier for high mind found" The boy felt a cold hand touch his skin, the temperature seemingly shocking some of his consciousness back into place.

<br/> "Suspect has sustained damage", he lifted his hand from the boys body and looked around "subjects is currently not in critical state, proceeding to transport"



<br/> The next time the boy opened his eyes was in a room strapped to a table with various instruments hanging above his head.


<br/> The room was too dark and he was still too lightheaded to make out anything about the room he was in.


<br/> "Subject appears to have woken up earlier than calculated, his compatibility seems high, further sedation would be dangerous"


<br/>"Begin the experiment"


<br/> The boys brain could barely register the words the men had exchanged when he could hear the sound of something pierce his flesh.

<br/> The nerves in his body seemed to flare up as a searing hot pain had torn through his body.

<br/> "Subjects nerves appear to have been reactivated, further restraint may be necessary".


<br/> A small groan escaped his mouth as he tried his best to move his body to break himself free of this pain. "Sto...."


<br/> "Subject has regained the ability to vocalise, switch to greater stimulus" The boy could feel his hair stand on end , his body jolted aa he suddenly went numb his muscles threating to snap his bones as they tensed.


<br/> "Subject is responding well, resuming augmentation"






Kvng_zenocreators' thoughts