
Wind Blade Ability

Upon hearing this, Professor Diego nodded. "Yes."


Dylan continued, "Among you, has anyone awakened an ability?"


At the mention of abilities, Professor Diego's eyes lit up.


 She looked at Dylan, feeling that his question indicated it wasn't a secret anymore.


"The ability you're talking about, is it this?" Professor Diego said, raising her right hand and making a cutting gesture towards a zombie corpse on the ground.


A gust of wind emerged, instantly slashing a large gash in the corpse, exposing bones.


Dylan recognized it immediately; wasn't this the Wind Blade ability? Just like the one Hannibal used to kill Fraser back then.


Dylan nodded. "Yes!"


Receiving Dylan's confirmation, Professor Diego smiled.


"Oh, many of our students have awakened abilities.


We have some whose strength suddenly increased, some with particularly sturdy bodies, and one who can control snowflakes to attack."


Professor Diego listed them one by one.


Upon hearing that one of them can control snowflakes for attack, Dylan's eyes brightened. That's the Water System ability in the magic system!


"Oh, which one can control snowflakes for attack? Can we see a demonstration?" Dylan asked.


"Elaine, come show them!" Professor Diego didn't hesitate, calling out the student directly.


From among the students emerged a relatively delicate-looking girl.


Dylan noticed her hair was much cleaner than the others', giving a comfortable feeling.


Clearly, she was someone who took care of herself regularly.


 However, it's quite cold these days, and most people wouldn't dare to wash their hair.


If one catches a cold without medicine, it could be fatal.


Yet this girl named Elaine dared to wash her hair.


It seems to have some connection with her ability.


Elaine came to Professor Diego's side.


 She didn't speak, just extended her right hand, making a grabbing motion towards the snow on the ground.


Suddenly, all the snow within her control floated up.


Then, she pushed these floating snowflakes towards a nearby big tree. The snowflakes turned into sharp blades, flying towards the tree.


The tree immediately trembled, and snow fell to the ground. Some smaller branches were cut off by these snow blades, falling to the ground.


After this attack, Elaine withdrew her hand. She stood calmly behind Professor Diego, looking at Dylan and the others without speaking.


"Wow! This girl's ability is really dazzling! So beautiful!" Jodie exclaimed with some envy.


"Not only beautiful, but also quite powerful," Dylan added.


Actually, Elaine doesn't control snowflakes; she controls water.


Similarly, she can control ice. It's impressive; as long as there's water, she can attack.


However, her ability level is relatively low for now.


When she upgrades in the future, it will be quite formidable.Especially during future periods of major floods, it would be the strongest application for someone with Elaine's ability.


Dylan looked deeply at Elaine.


 Talent like hers couldn't be easily overlooked.


"Elaine, your awakened ability is impressive.


 However, it's difficult to become stronger solely on your own.


 If you join us, I can help you become stronger in the shortest time possible.


 You should consider it," Dylan said with a smile.


"And joining us can ensure you have food and shelter," he added, thinking a little temptation wouldn't hurt.


To Dylan's surprise, Elaine, after hearing this, simply said, "I listen to Professor Diego.


 Where she goes, I go!"


Huh? How come she's not pursuing anything!


However, Professor Diego, seeing Dylan trying to recruit her students, wasn't upset.


 She smiled and asked Kelly, "Kelly, where are you staying now?"


"At the Purple Mountain villa area," Kelly replied.


"Oh? That's a nice place!" Professor Diego's eyes lit up; she knew about the place.


 Purple Mountain is the highest point in the entire Bluewater Bay city and its surroundings, with no other buildings except for the villa area.


With sparse population and beautiful surroundings, it's indeed a good refuge.


"Professor Diego, why don't you come with us?


 It's safe there.


 Now, the entire Purple Mountain villa area is under our control.


Besides, since you've also awakened an ability, why not join us?


 I promise, you'll be pleasantly surprised there," Kelly suggested.


Kelly knew Dylan wanted to recruit Elaine, but Elaine listens to Professor Diego.


 So, she had to find a breakthrough from Professor Diego.


Professor Diego hesitated upon hearing Kelly's invitation.


The supplies in the supermarket were running out, and it was already crowded with so many people.


Moreover, most of them were boys, making it inconvenient for her and the few female students.


 Although these students called her Professor Diego, she had long noticed that few of them truly obeyed her.


There were disputes over the distribution of resources.


 If not for the fear of her Wind Blade ability, they probably would've turned against her already.


 Only Elaine treated her like a teacher and respected her.


 So, these past few days, whenever they had the chance, she and Elaine would come out to kill some zombies to prepare for their escape to a safer place.


 However, there were simply too many zombies in the campus, and the two of them couldn't kill them all.


 And now, with the zombies outside being cleared by Kelly and the others, she knew the opportunity had come.


 That's why she opened the door and walked out.


 She had already wanted to leave, and upon hearing Kelly's invitation, she was somewhat tempted.


 Moreover, just now in the supermarket, she had seen Kelly and their strength.


 Especially the handsome man in front of her, killing zombies was as easy as chopping vegetables, thousands of times stronger than her.


 If she joined them, safety should be guaranteed.


She looked at Dylan and saw him smiling at her.


 Professor Diego knew he was willing to accept her.


 After thinking it over, she made her decision: "Alright! I'll join you."


Hearing her answer, Dylan and Kelly smiled at each other.Kelly is impressive! Professor Diego turned to Elaine.


"Elaine, what do you think?"


Without hesitation, Elaine replied, "If you join, I join too!"


"Good!" Professor Diego took Elaine's hand and then looked at the other female students behind them.


 Seeing that those students didn't express their opinions, Professor Diego didn't say anything more.


These students were all proud and unwilling to submit to others.


Everyone has their own aspirations; let them be.


Dylan was satisfied that Elaine was willing to join. He didn't care about the thoughts of the other students.


"Let's go, we'll meet up with our other team!" Dylan led the way towards the building where the equipment room was located.


The remaining students, seeing Dylan and the others leave, returned to the supermarket.


"That old hag finally left. Darling, tonight we can indulge ourselves properly," a male student embraced a female student, speaking affectionately.


Other male students, seeing this, couldn't help but feel jealous.


There were only five girls in total, and except for Elaine, the others were already taken.


 And now Elaine was taken away by Professor Diego. Humph, showing affection, they'll die quickly!




When Dylan and his group arrived at the gate, Georgia and her group were already waiting there.


 Additionally, there were three more people with them, two men and one woman, all looking quite young.


They must be surviving college students too.


Dylan approached them, glanced at the three newcomers, and then asked Georgia, "Who are they?"


"Oh, these three are surviving college students from the cafeteria.


When they saw us, they insisted on joining us.


I asked them, and all three of them have awakened abilities,"


Georgia explained to Dylan, then turned to the three students, saying, "This is our leader.


 Introduce yourselves.


 Whether we accept you or not depends on his decision."


Upon hearing this, the three students quickly faced Dylan. One of the male students said, "Hello, leader."

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