
Commander MaSan, You've Dropped Your Bread

Liu Xiaoyu had already silently positioned herself behind Noah, her expression stern as she grasped her saber tightly. With just one look from Noah, she would strike down this smiling tiger. Nearby, Xue Qingyu was also secretly on high alert. However, her focus was more on Qiaoqiao, who was just an ordinary person. The moment a fight broke out, she would protect Qiaoqiao at all costs.

Sensing the tense atmosphere, MaSan laughed heartily.

"Haha, ladies, don't be too nervous. I, MaSan, mean no harm." Saying so, MaSan extended his hand towards Noah.

"I forgot to introduce myself. I am MaSan, the leader of the Serpent Adventure Group. May I know your esteemed name?"

Noah raised an eyebrow at this. He thought to himself that this old man might be planning to poison him. Despite suspecting that there might be poison involved, Noah didn't refuse the handshake but instead smiled broadly and said, "Noah, leader of the Changsheng Adventure Group."

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