
Apocalypse - I Can See Through Everything

Henry woke up to find himself in a post-apocalyptic world! Survival became the common goal for everyone! But Henry was different from ordinary people; he could see hints that others couldn't. Henry could see hidden information: [It seems this boss has a wound on its back, attacking there could cause triple damage!] [Something might be buried under that big tree ahead? Digging it up could reveal a surprise!] [This lake seems extraordinary, fishing here might yield a surprise!] [This dungeon appears to have a hidden level with even more powerful monsters inside.] While everyone else cautiously explored this unknown world, Henry was already dominating the apocalypse, defeating the world's master, and ascending to the throne.

moon_dream · Sci-fi
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90 Chs

The Armed Mech is in Trouble

Although Henry's armed mech boasted formidable firepower, it couldn't withstand the relentless onslaught of zombies that surged like a tide. With each explosion, more zombies that had been hiding inside the academic buildings surged out.

Instead of decreasing, the number of zombies on the playground actually increased. The two heavy machine guns were simply insufficient to hold off such a massive horde. For every zombie that fell, three or four more trampled over its corpse to surge forward.

As the zombies drew closer, Henry leaped backward and activated the rocket jets in mid-air. He flew backward over a hundred meters before slowly descending. Meanwhile, several more rockets were launched. One rocket flipped a Crawler and about twenty surrounding zombies. Another struck a Behemoth.

With a double boom, the Crawler was blasted into the air, losing an arm. The ordinary zombies were utterly devastated, their flesh and bone no match for the power of the rockets, blasted to bits instantly.

On the other hand, the rocket that hit the Behemoth merely left a charred mark on its chest. After the smoke cleared, the Behemoth's charge was only slightly hindered; it quickly resumed its onslaught with a ferocious roar.

"It seems the Behemoth's strength far surpasses that of a Crawler," Henry muttered to himself. "Even a rocket can't take it down!"

[This type of monster is hard to kill; you need to destroy over 30% of its tissue to completely annihilate it!]

"Destroy 30% of the tissue?" Henry gasped in surprise. This thing was practically indestructible!

Using the armed mech was indeed the right choice. While contemplating his battle strategy, the horde of zombies advanced another few dozen meters.

At this moment, the faster Crawlers had already rushed to the front, followed by the Behemoth, and then the ordinary zombies surged like a tidal wave. The armed mech stood like a rock waiting for the zombie tide to crash against it...

In the regional chat channel, everyone was startled by the loud noise produced by the rocket, and they started popping up in the chat:

"Damn, did you guys hear that? I just heard an explosion!"

"I heard it too, it seemed to come from the direction of Sun University!"

"Sun University again? Who's looking for trouble with a zombie horde? Isn't that a death wish?!"

"Holy crap, I saw it, you guys won't believe what I just saw!"

"What? Was it another truck? But heavy trucks can't explode, right?"

Soon, a live stream was posted in the regional chat channel.

The footage showed an armed mech nimbly dodging a ball of corrosive liquid, then starting to fire its machine gun.

Zombies fell like cut rice, wave after wave.

"This is just like watching a sci-fi blockbuster, so freaking cool!"

"What the hell is this? A Gundam? Does this world actually have such war machines?"

"That's an armed armor, just click on the picture and you can see the annotation!"

"Could this guy be the same one who drove the heavy truck? Now he's operating armed armor, impressive!"

"But it seems even an armed mech isn't very useful, considering how many zombies there are!"

"Holy crap, look at that giant monster... and it has long hair? Man, with so many zombies, it's like a hellish start!"

"I'd estimate there are not one thousand but several thousand zombies, and you have to shoot them in the head to kill them!"

"I bet a single armed mech doesn't have enough ammo!"

"What's there to fear? The mech can fly, and if it can't win, it can still escape. Plus, all those Energy Cores... he's making a fortune!"

"I'm drooling with envy, what with trucks and armed mechs!"

"How come all the good stuff happens to this one guy!"

"Speaking of which... I remember this person's hands can glow..."

"This guy is much more fierce than the one Slater talked about who killed 8 people yesterday.

After all, people can't compete with a mech!"

"It's strange that in a world that has developed armed mechs, it can still be overwhelmed by zombies!"

"That's the weakened version; some of the restrictions will be lifted after 30 days, haven't you forgotten?"

"Sheesh... the thought is terrifying... It's this scary now, what will it be like after 30 days?!"

"Wolf Fang Camp is recruiting, everyone is welcome to sign up~"


Henry was unaware that his entire battle was being livestreamed. Whether it was broadcasted or not didn't matter to him. Right now, he was fully focused on dealing with the Behemoth and the zombie horde in front of him.

"Enough talk, full firepower!"

Henry rapidly operated the mech.

Next, the mech stowed away the heavy machine gun and pulled out a cannon-like weapon over two meters long from its back. The rocket launchers on its shoulders slowly rose.


Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~

Dozens of rockets began to bombard the zombies in front of them in a sweeping barrage. The explosive spectacle dazzled onlookers.

Indeed, if it were just a regular zombie virus outbreak...

Modern military weapons could absolutely decimate zombies!

However... the zombies present were a weakened form. Otherwise, humanity wouldn't be hunkering down in bunkers just to survive!

Waves of heat mixed with chunks of flesh and blood swept across. The continuous explosions shattered all the glass along the streets.

Some zombies leaped out of the windows onto the street, crashing to the ground. The air was thick with gunsmoke, obscuring the view.

"Damn, that's intense! The firepower is absolutely shocking!"

"Everything must be taken care of by now!"

"If the zombies at Sun University are cleared, we could move in there. They have dormitories with beds, much more comfortable than sleeping on concrete!"

"Yeah, and there's a cafeteria too, probably with gas cylinders! We can finally eat something hot!"

"All thanks to him, incredible, really incredible!"

"I wonder if that big guy got blown up!"

"He must be blown away; carbon-based life forms stand no chance against artillery!"

As the voices in the chat channel died down, a huge shadow slowly emerged from the smoke.

It was the Behemoth!

Its body was riddled with blast injuries, but its combat effectiveness seemed undiminished.

"What the hell kind of monster is this, not dying even after all that?"

"Are we sure this is a world weakened by the system? How are we supposed to fight such a monster?"

"Never mind that kind of monster; even those crawling, screaming things on the ground, we only have the option to run!"

"The armed mech is in trouble now!"

Everyone was holding their breath for Henry!