1 Prologue

In the mist of chaos caused by the tyrant of the north he gets a set twins rare for those of his being seeing as at the least you usually end up having triplets it was supposed be consider a blessing a joy the kingdom should celebrate as twin were a sign of a prosperous future for the next generation rule as it marked as the twins of the first rule and much like then it was a boy and girl with girl being older both completely opposite in features as well but instead of allowing kingdom to rejoice he realized the two posed a threat to his rule so he hid them away among the rest of their already 674 siblings then he deprived there mother and went on a spree of more tyrannical acts burn down a whole village a fit of rage but well the temple waited for its king to come and ask about the twins destiny and fate along with his own from their birth one of the priest snooked a glimpse and wanting nothing than it to come true for the kingdom freedom and prosperity he murder his brethren with spells of mass destruction took the book and his few belongings and left not to be seen until 11 years later when the blood mascare started between the 987 princes and princess afterall even the youngest look to be at least 5 but had the mind of a 23 year old even if they were a barely a month afterall these sibling were gods among the 987 siblings only 3 survived at the end these 3 being the twins Prince Daniel Engre Solaris Dawn Eaglenar Sunmore and Princess Aphrodite Leare Lunalie Dusk Yuki Dovena Hebi Tsuki Moonlight and there elder brother Prince Jean Damore Anubis Shi Mori Crowley the 3 had lost much and had dealt the final blow to their father afterwards they decided to split the kingdom into 3's the twins elder brother had wished to rule after the dead the twins obliged to his wishes and the the territory of the living was spilt into two the North would be ruled by Aphrodite and the west would be ruled by Daniel

our story starts with these turn events how will the story unfold from here.....
