43 My plans

Bakugo's pov

After two years with Izu I've been thinking I want to take our relationship to the next step. I've been kinda avoiding her because I'm kinda overthinking it and I'm acting weird around her.

I've talked with Auntie and my parents and they said is was a fantastic idea and that we have their blessings. I'm planning to ask her on our graduation because it's special and everyone will see that she's mine now.

The graduation is two weeks away so when me and Izu go to get our outfits for the party and all that other shit I'll sneak away to get the ring.

We are going tomorrow so we don't worry of anything else we need like school stuff. I'm kinda nervous for tomorrow but I feel happy that soon she will know how much I love her.

Tomorrow is a school day so the next day we are going to mall. But for now I'll just keep doing my homework so I can go to sleep early.

The next day

I woke up and did my normal routine of the morning and went to class after giving Izu breakfast. I was walking with Shitty hair and Dunce face to class since Raccoon eyes and Tape arms stayed helping that earplug extra.

I finally get to class and sit of my hair to wait for the other extras to come and Izu too. Next week we take the final tests of the year so I got to study from today on. I'll try not to get to distracted with the whole surprise for Izu.

Finally after a while class started with Aizawa sensei entering the room. He said it was a self study day and slowly got inside his yellow sleeping bag. With that Four eyes goes to the front of the class and takes over.

The day went by pretty well but now we have to take these last few weeks of school with a Sex-ED class with Midnight. This will not be ok at all...and I bet that everyone is saying the same thing...well except that pervy Grape.

We took this class in our first year and it was a nightmare I tell you but since most of us already had sex we were fine or bored in class. Well at least I know Izu and me were talking to each other while the others were suffering in class.

Ever since that incident with that damn bastard half and half we haven't had sex. Well I don't ask or provoke her just for her because I don't want to hurt her or anything. And what would be worse of me is to get her pregnant and take her future as a hero.

If we ever do that to have a child we would have to agree with it together. Take a break until the child grows up and then she would go back to hero work.

That's what I mostly think would happen but who know what will happen in the future after all.

After that very boring and long class we finally went back to the dorms. After we all changed and did our homework we as usual went to the common area to watch a movie together while we wait for dinner to be ready.

And lucky them that today was my turn to cook dinner. Izu stayed with me sitting on the counter while I cook. As usual she mostly talks about practice, pro hero's or All Might.

I had the rice making so I had to wait for a while. I slam my hands on the counter and on her sides. She jumps a little the looks at me "Why dont you talk about me for once Izu?"~ I said looking her straight in the eyes.

She got red and covered her face, I just went back to cooking while laughing at her. We had dinner and went to sleep for the day.

The next day at the mall

We were getting my suit since we already got everything Izu needs. "Kacchan I'll come back right away I just want to get a drink" she said as she runs to a vending machine.

Deku's pov

Once I got my water and walk back to Kacchan that was inside the store. But before I got there everything went black, I dropped my water and bag on the floor. As I slowly faint I hear Kacchan scream my name

Sorry for not posting but I've been pretty busy with school. I hope this makes up for the lost time and just so you know I'm still not done with the story. I'm planning on taking this story to more dan 50 chapters so....yeah! Anyway I hope you liked it and have a wonderful day or night!
