
The Superior One

Fukuda has ignited the spirits of all those at the tryouts, their drive spreading among each other, creating a powerful mix of determination. It is now in the hands of these young individuals to decide if this enthusiasm will propel them towards success or lead to their detriment.

Numerous parents of the contestants were present at the field, appearing to back their kids on this possibly transformative occasion. While they couldn't assist their children in passing the assessment, their mere presence provided the youngsters with extra drive.

The lush grass appeared more vibrant than ever, and the weather was ideal for playing football. The field was brimming with skilled individuals, all striving to reach the pinnacle of success.

'Hahaha, this is a dream come true.'

Arata, wearing his customary smile, was engaging in stretching exercises, preparing himself for competition and to observe others. He had a feeling that his decision to come here was not a mistake, but rather a destined choice.

The "Youth" entrance exam included physical tests that incorporated elements of Football, culminating in a 7v7 mini-game, also known as 7-a-side. Some may argue that this limited platform does not adequately evaluate players' abilities, but also considering the fact that the Coaches were already aware of the physical/technical level of participants, Arata strongly disagreed.

'If you can't demonstrate your best in a short period, how can you even hope to secure a spot of a starter at any level.'

The trials began with a 50-meter dribbling run, where the cones were set up in a straight line. The players had to dribble around the cones in a zigzag pattern as quickly as possible. At the end of the test, Arata didn't notice anyone who particularly stood out. He paid close attention to Aoi Ashito, but felt that he was only slightly better than average.

'So, your weapon isn't dribbling and you don't seem like the fastest guy around... What's the catch with you?'

Little did he know, his performance was significantly superior to everyone else's. However, Augustine's intention was not to showcase his superiority; he simply desired to challenge himself against formidable opponents. Despite his appreciation for everyone's earnest efforts, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something lacking, preventing him from feeling completely content.

As he was observing the last few guys challenging the cones, he was approached by a boy with a light complexion and a short stature. The boy called out to him and introduced himself.

"You blew this out of the water, man. Your close control is something else."

Arata looked at the guy, and the first thing that he noticed was a terrible haircut he had on his head. The teen had green hair that was shaved on the sides and left long on top, adding to his already awkward aura.

"Thanks, it's nothing special really. You are...?"

Realizing he forgot to introduce himself, the boy quickly made up for it.

"Oh, my name is Otomo Eisaku, nice to meet you."

Arata warmly smiled and greeted the boy back with a stretched hand.

"Name's Augustine Arata."

The conversation between Otomo and Arata carried on casually until it was their turn to participate in the 50 meter dashes to assess their speed. Otomo appeared to be overly anxious, while his new friend, on the other hand, exuded a calm and relaxed demeanor, as if he was simply going for a leisurely stroll.

After witnessing another player beating the previous guys' record, brimming with competetiveness, Otomo couldn't help but sigh nervously.

"Man, everyone's so unnecessarily fired up, that speech made them go crazy, taking these drills much more seriously than they should've, I'm all shaking here."

Arata faced his acquaintance and locked eyes with him, expressing a differing viewpoint.

"Hehe, don't you find it awesome how everyone is striving to prove they belong on the team? It's... truly fascinating."

Otomo, taken aback by Arata's unexpectedly idealistic and peculiar response, hadn't anticipated such depth from someone who appeared so unaffected and disinterested.

"6.3 SECONDS! Next!"

It was now Augustine's time to take the 50 meter dash. Considering how speed is his trump card and really his most lethal weapon on the pitch, he wasn't doubting his triumph here either.

'I just wonder why do these particular drills? Do they need forwards? These runs aren't really kind to CBs and MFs, or they just don't make them stand out, I should say.'

During his time observing various players, only few of them have caught his eye, and frankly, only one of them was interesting. Arata remembered him from Hana bringing him up as an example to Ashito.

'Soichiro Tachibana, if I'm not mistaken.'

As he got stretched and got ready for a run, Arata noticed that all of the eyes were on him, which didn't make him uncomfortable but was weird to him nonetheless.

'Sigh, I guess that's what I get for standing out so much. Well, not like it matters.'

The whistle blew and the boy took off, with shocked expressions all over the pitch, the other participants couldn't help but be awed by the speed he was running with.

"Almost a blur, is that guy real?!"

Even the coaches observing the trials were dumbfounded by a sheer athleticism, after Arata finished the race not a single sound was heard, everybody was just processing what happened.

"... 5.5 seconds."

"Hee, not bad." Satisfied with his time, Arata went back to the spot he was standing in, not paying attention to the shock he caused all around. The looks he was receiving now, though, were of admiration and wariness. All the players in the vicinity saw him as a threat, bigger than anyone else.

After finishing the dash drills, it was now time for a mini-game, which was the most crucial part of the exam. In this game, players from all backgrounds and abilities had to immerse themselves in a fierce battlefield of skill and talent.

Arata, unable to contain his excitement once again, gazed at the sky with a wide smile and took a deep breath, eagerly anticipating the start of this intense battle.

"Oh man, haha, I'm all fired up!"

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