
Anything for You, My Love.

"loving you was my choice that I regret making." ( WARNING- R-18) " Funny thing how the table is now changed ." Isla said with a dry chuckle as she eyed her handsome husband. " Remember when I was begging you to believe me? And now you are begging me to forgive you." she said with a devilish smirk. " how does it feels to be at my place, Leo?" Her husband remained silent. " What will you do to make me forgive you?" she asked , her voice soft as she eyed the love of her life. " Anything for you, My Love." he replied. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey readers!! Kook_Mochim here! This is my first ever ORIGINAL novel so please support me!!

Kook_Mochim · Urban
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31 Chs

No Way

After coming back from the office especially after having a bad day anyone would want to just fall asleep on the bed But the case with Leo is different. he was a complete clean freak.

As soon as leo entered the apartment , he directly made his way towards the bedroom. he threw his coat in the bucket for washing it later.

After that , he changed his bed sheet and pillowcases , making the bed as clear as it can ever be . He undressed himself before walking in the bathroom for a bath.

That is how Leo is, sophisticated , handsome , clean freak and intimidating. He hates invasion in his life. Being a CEO is difficult and yet this man does it efficiently.

He is in top 100 bachelor in the country and he don't plan to change the fact anytime soon.

He walked out of the bathroom wearing a grey sweatshirt and having a towel thrown around his neck . Water droplets were falling on his well toned body and he don't care to clean them off before wearing a loose t-shirt.

He sighed as he finally let his body fall on the comfortable and warm bed, smelling like heaven. This is the moment he craves for the entire day . Running a entire company can be exhausting and Leo knows it better than anyone.

This 27 year old male is extremely gifted with good looks and extremely wonderful body that can make boys and girls go crazy for him.

His brown eyes are something else , no one wants to look at them , they are intimidating . Having to wear suit all the time is uncomfortable for for him but the sight is worth it for the employees.

He is good looking and he knows it . He may look all serious but he too has aplayboy side which always comes out when he is with his friends.

As he lay on bed , his phone started ringing making him groan at the thought that maybe it was from one of the contractor they are trying to work with.

He furrowed his brows when his phone flashed the name of his dad. His dad never called him at night, knowing well how much he is usually tired work.

" Hello?" he asked as he answered the phone while patting the non-existent dust off the bed.

"Leo." His father's voice can be heard and just by the sound of it , Leo knew that something was wrong .

" What is it, dad?" He asked, slightly impatient.

" Come to my office tomorrow. I have something to talk to you." Leo furrowed his brows, his father sounded so depressed that it was unnerving.

" Have I done something wrong?" He asked , pulling the duvet over his body .

" You haven't done anything wrong. Just... Just meet me tomorrow as soon as possible." With that said the line was cut short, making Leo frown at his father's tactics.

His father has always been collected with his thoughts but right now he sounded conflicted. And so the first thing that Leo did was to meet his father as soon as he reached the office.

The workers began to bow at him as he walked by. His presence alone was intimidating even though he wasn't even trying.

He opened the door of his father's cabin and walked in without knocking.

"You came early today." His father sounded amused .

" Yes. Maybe because I wasn't able to sleep the entire night thinking what I did wrong." He said and sat on the vacant chair.

" What will your employees will say if they knew that their boss is afraid of his father." His father said with a chuckle and Leo just rolled his eyes at him.

"What do you want, old man?" He asked as he began to place few flies in a proper way on the table.

George sat in front of him , fidgeting with his long fingers. Leo raised his eyebrow at him because it was rare to see his father nervous.

" You know my childhood friend Jennifer?" He started and Leo looked at him with confusion written all over his face. He nodded . " She is in last stage of brain tumor." He said.

" We can help her with fees , right? I mean I can take care of the hospital bills." Leo immediately said and his father just chuckled.

" I am already taking care of the hospital bills , Leo. The request I have for you is different." His father said, sounding more serious than before. Effectively, Leo knew that it won't be good.

"What is it dad? You are making me nervous." Leo said and he leaned forward, looking at his father's sadden and conflicted face.

" She has a beautiful young daughter. " His father started , glancing up at Leo to see his reaction. Leo just nodded as a silent approval for him to continue. " Jennifer requested me to take care of the girl as she is just 20 years old." He said and took a deep breath before speaking again. " I want you to marry her."

And that's it. Air was effectively knocked out of Leo without any physical blow.

" What?!" He said as he stood up. " What are you saying?" He shouted at his father who just sat there looking up at him with unreadable expression.

" I knew you would have this reaction but I have never asked you to do . Just it is my wish. My bestfriend is on the death bed and the only wish she wanted to be fulfilled is the safety of her daughter." He said , softly this time almost pleading.

" What kind of emotional blackmail are you trying to pull on me, dad? You know that I am not ready for this shit!" Leo's eyes were ice cold that even made George gulp.

" You won't ever be ready for the shit that is called marriage, Leo. Isla is a good girl and she is perfect for you. Please just ... Just think about it. I am already torn between loosing by bestfriend just after meeting her after so long." The thing Leo hates is to see his parent's eyes filled with tears

He maybe a bad boy but he is still his parent's baby boy.

" I... I don't know what to say dad. You can't just drop the bomb on me. " Leo said as he massaged his forehead with his fingers.

" Take your time, Leo. I am not forcing you to take decision this instant . Give your answer by tomorrow night." George said.

Leo huffed . Wasn't all of this forced?

" Don't keep any hope." He said .

" Whatever your answer is, Leo just remember that your father, me, is begging you to just agree with this request. Isla is a sweet girl and she is too young to be left alone in this world." His father said.

Damn! His father is really good with emotional blackmail!

" Why can't you just let her live alone or something? I will take care of her education and expenses." Leo said as he sat down again and ran a hand through his black hair.

" Why can't you just marry and take care of her education and expenses? You have reached the age of marriage already. When I was your age ,you were already 5 years old then." His father commented and Leo huffed

" Not everything has to be completed by marriage." Leo replied, rolling his eyes at his father.

" Life would surely be complete with marriage. Believe it or not ." George replied, pushing his glasses up on his nose even more. " Atleast consider it. It's my only request from you. The girl is all alone and knows nothing about this would. Please Leo." George begged

" I need some time, old man. You have just dropped a bomb on me." He said as he stood up to leave the room.

" Ofcourse, take your time and answer me tomorrow." He heard his father but he just walked out of the room .

Entire day , Leo can't think straight. Marriage has never been on his to-do list. He was okay with casual hook ups .

Marriage brought lot of responsibilities with it and Leo wasn't ready for any of that. In top of that, he seriously can't think of himself being married to someone who is seven years his junior.

God knows how much manners she has as her lifestyle must be completely different than his.

When he had came to office this morning, he had thought that maybe there were some mistakes in the new project they are working on but never in billion year he would have thought that his father was trying to get in locked up in a prison called marriage.

He was a weak man when it comes to the request his father and his mother would make to him. He can do anything for them if they ask to .

His dad looked and sounded so torn up that it made Leo's heart ache . He can't see them like this , so vulnerable and begging.

He wonders ,what type of girl this Isla is . Surely won't be a happy marriage if he ever agree to this stupid request.

Let's see what future has hold for him...

Hey dear readers!!

This is my first time writing an actual novel... I don't know if it is good enough or not and I will never know if you guys won't comment.

So please let me know your thoughts!

Kook_Mochimcreators' thoughts