
Chapter 1. Why Bring This Up?

It was a bright sunny day, a young boy around 5 years old was licking an ice cream cone and was totally oblivious to his surroundings. He was walking towards the main road where care were driving at a full pace. That was when a black Bentley car that was very expensive and anyone who saw it would obviously know it belonged to a rich person. The black car was coming at full speed and didn't seem to have any intetion of stopping.

As no one knew what was going to happen as the car got closer to the boy. Subconsciously, everyone closed their eyes in anticipation for the worst to happen. But everyone opened their eyes slowly and their faces were filled with shock.

Shock, yes shock. A girl was already hugging the boy and one hand was signalling for the car to stop,which it did.

"Kevin!" A woman rushed over with tears in her eyes and immediately hugged her son when she saw him and the boy also started crying and said "mum *sobs* mum woo my ice cream woooo". "Are you alright?" The woman asked and said" I will get you another ice cream". The woman eyes started searching around for the girl that saved her son but the girl left after she spotted the mother.


The young girl went back to the side of the road and started walking. No one could see her face because she wore a grey hoodie and grey joggers to match.

She arrived home and stood at the front of the average house that bore so many memories of her and her once happy family and life she knew.

"Back from jogging?" Adrien,her little brother,her everything,her younger brother who meant the world to her. He said this to her after noticing her entry and stood up from the couch. "Yes" she simply replied.

"Anything happened? You look tired" he asked out of worry and put his hand on her shoulder. "How am I suppose to look after coming back from a jog?" She wore an irritated expression and shrugged off his hand.

Adrien loved his sister,that sometimes he behaved like the elder one,to Adrien,Kiya had always be the one to look after him ever since their parents died,so he had to worry.

"Erm....... Kiya?" He called out to his sister,who was busy relaxing on the couch after refreshing and having a change of clothes. "What?" She asked casually. "The mailman delivered a notice of our outstanding debts and bills to be paid" he said cautiously and he continued not waiti g for her to reply. "Maybe we should take out of the money mom and dad left........." Before he could finish, Kiya already stood up from the couch with a displeased face she stood up and looked at her brother's brown eyes and instantly said "Adrien,why bring this up now? You know the money is not even more than enough for one person talk more of two". "We can't just do that,lets not discuss this". "But........" "But nothing Adrien. It's not up for discussion,I have taken care of us for years now and I still will,just trust me and I'll fix everything once and for all ok?" She interrupted Adrien and the poor boy could do nothing but sigh at his sister's words and eventually nodded.

Next chapter