
Anything but an Extra

"Anything but An Extra" dives into the life of David, an author underappreciated and criticized in his world, who is suddenly thrust into the universe of his own creation, "Redo of a Hero." But, in an ironic twist of fate, he doesn't become the mighty hero he wrote about, but an overlooked extra bearing his own name, belonging to a prestigious hero family. Suddenly in a world molded by his imagination, David finds himself grappling with the realities of the life he penned. He must navigate through this new life at the Elite Future academy, facing the trials and tribulations that he himself wrote, but this time through the eyes of a seemingly insignificant character. Equipped with his knowledge of the plot, David now holds the power to rewrite destiny, and redefine what it means to be an 'extra.' Can he leverage this unique position to alter the course of events, prevent the tragic betrayals, and change the fate of Enryu, the hero he lovingly created? I will be dual posting this story on Royalroad.com along with Webnovel until it gets contracted on either site.

IEatTurtles · Action
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50 Chs

Chapter 43: Backup Arrives

David, taken aback by the abrupt disappearance, barely had a moment to process what had just occurred. But before he could, the atmosphere was once again disrupted. This time, by a series of quick shadows descending from the sky, landing in various parts of the alley.

He looked up to see a diverse group of individuals, their appearances suggesting they were fresh to the scene. The absence of any recognizable figures made David raise an eyebrow in both surprise and uncertainty.

'These are all Extra's just like me.' David thought, if these extra's were weak this situation could go very wrong.

A young woman with electric blue hair, her suit shimmering in the dim light, confidently stepped forward. "Name's Voltara," she said, a spark flashing in her eyes. "I've got control over all things electric," she added, letting arcs of electricity playfully dance between her fingers.

Following her, a lanky figure with rotating goggles covering his eyes introduced himself, "They call me Goggle Guy. I've got the vision – I see everything. And I mean, EVERYTHING."

A slight figure shimmered as she moved, her outfit reflective like a myriad of mirrors. "I'm Mirage. Light's my plaything. I can manipulate it to craft illusions," she whispered, almost dreamily.

A towering figure with skin resembling cracked stone rumbled forward, "Bedrock's the name. As sturdy as they come," he said, stomping his foot and making the ground quiver.

The last in the group, a graceful woman with swirling, animated tattoos covering her arms and face stepped forth. "You can call me Glyph. Every symbol has power," she murmured, a specific tattoo on her wrist glowing and shifting.

As the introductions were wrapping up, David, feeling the weight of the hero's, stepped forward, "You can call me Nox."

David – now taking on the alias of Nox, David took in the names and abilities of his new allies, appreciating their diverse strengths. Before they could delve into any more conversations, the piercing voice of Bone tore through the air.

"I'm not done with you yet, you poser!" Bone yelled, his anger palpable.

David, adjusted his stance, preparing for Bone's onslaught. His electromagnetism flared up, lighting the scene with an eerie blue glow. Every pore of his being was focused, drawing upon the martial arts training he'd received from Lucian.

Bone lunged, a flurry of silver fur and raw power. Voltara reacted instinctively, firing a bolt of electric energy. The Beastiamorph deflected the charge with a swipe, but David capitalized, using the electric energy to strengthen his punches, turning them into charged electromagnetic strikes.

Glyph, with the intricacy of a dancer, channeled her tattoos. Symbols glowed on her skin, each one bursting with power, ready to counter Bone's magical strength.

Bedrock, being the sturdiest, rushed forward, clashing with Bone in a display of brute force. The ground quaked with each impact, but Bone's supernatural strength sent Bedrock flying with a powerful swipe.

Mirage, capitalizing on the distraction, bent light around her, creating illusions of herself. Multiple Mirages circled Bone, confusing him. But his instincts were sharp, snapping at the real Mirage and narrowly missing.

Goggle Guy, donning his high-tech goggles, analyzed Bone's movements, looking for weak points. "His joints!" he shouted. "Target the joints!" Bone's Beastiamorph form might have been powerful, but it wasn't invulnerable.

Taking Goggle Guy's advice, David used his martial arts skills, focusing on Bone's joints with precision strikes, dancing around the Beast with agility and grace. Each hit was empowered by his electromagnetism, jolting Bone's massive form.

However, Bone's instincts adapted. With a howl, he summoned a mighty roar, sending a shockwave that scattered the group.

Voltara, regaining her composure, channeled her electricity, intertwining it with David's electromagnetism. Together, they created a cage of energy, attempting to trap Bone. But with a ferocious roar, Bone shattered the cage, sending electric surges everywhere.

Glyph and Mirage coordinated their efforts. Mirage created blinding flashes of light, disorienting Bone, while Glyph summoned protective barriers from her tattoos, shielding the team from Bone's retaliating strikes.

Bedrock, recovered from his earlier encounter, engaged Bone in a battle of strength, grappling with the werewolf. Their struggle was titanic, with neither giving an inch.

David, sensing an opportunity, drew upon his deepest reserves. Remembering Lucian's teachings, he executed a series of lightning-fast strikes, targeting Bone's vital pressure points. Each strike resonated with electromagnetic energy like a Taser, weakening Bone's defense.

Glyph chanted a sealing spell, targeting Bone's essence. The spell wrapped around Bone, its energy conflicting with his Absurd power. The Beastiamorph roared, feeling his strength diminish.

With Bone momentarily weakened, the team converged. Nox, Bedrock, Voltara, Mirage, and Glyph, aided by Goggle Guy's strategic insights, combined their abilities, launching a synchronized assault.

The alley reverberated with energy, lights, symbols, and raw power. Bone's silver fur was a blur, his yellow eyes reflecting desperation and fury. But as the seconds ticked, his resistance waned.

Finally, with a combined push of energy and martial prowess, Bone was subdued, his form receding, leaving a dazed man in its wake.

Amidst the settling dust and dim lighting of the alley, Goggle Guy reached into his utility belt, pulling out a pair of glinting power-dampening cuffs. They hummed with energy, each link resonating with tech designed to nullify even the most potent Super Powers and Biological Abilities.

With a nod from the group, David took the cuffs, striding confidently towards the subdued Bone. As he locked the cuffs around Bone's wrists, the energy drain was instantaneous. Bone's eyes, still filled with a mix of rage and disbelief, shot daggers at David

"You worthless imbeciles!" Bone snarled, his voice echoing off the brick walls, "How could those harlots forget about me and leave me behind!?" His face contorted with anger, and his voice dripped with venom as he continued to hurl insults, "You think you've won? Those treacherous wenches! I was their backbone!"

"Quit your complaining tough guy, you're only making your situation worse." David said.

"You know how Omega 6 does things I'll be released in no time, back on the streets because Omega 6 doesn't know how to regulate us!" Bone laughed, continuing to do so as he was covered in blood.

David, maintaining his composure, couldn't help but let his mind race. He was acutely aware that taking down Bone, especially in such a public display, was going to send ripples across the cities. The notoriety would be immense. But with the limelight came its shadows.

He knew about the Saber Sisters were legends in their own right. They held grudges like no one else, nursing them until they turned into vendettas. The fact that he'd laid a hand on Trish, probably marking the first time she'd ever been physically bested, meant a storm was brewing on his horizon. The idea of being targeted by the Saber Sisters was a chilling one. They were known to never forget... and never forgive.

The group gathered around, their faces a mix of exhaustion and relief. Mirage approached Nox first, her reflective outfit glinting, "We owe you big time. Without you and your... unique skills, Bone would have been too much for us."

Bedrock, brushing off dirt from his stone-like skin, rumbled in agreement, "Never seen anyone fight like that. You've got some moves, Nox."

Glyph, her tattoos still faintly glowing, added, "Your energy, your tactics it was just what we needed to tip the scales."