
Anti-System: the Fallen Angel

In a magical world where Dark and Light mages are revered more than the other mages, the only forces that can effectively fight the Erovian race, an invading battle-hardened race that evolved in a way to counter mystic elemental mages. Samael, a priest's son from the Divine Sanctum of Divinity, had an affinity to the Light Element but no talent in magic. Mocked and ridiculed, he keeps on doing good even if it is through being a training dummy for other mages to test their spells. Driven by his father's good teachings and his childhood friend's support, he kept going and never broke down. He reminded himself of the three Divine Axioms: God always protects, guides, and chooses the side of good. Perhaps this is the way given by God for him to become stronger. But in the end, he was mercilessly exposed to the true evil of the world. An evil that breaks the three Divine Axioms that he believed deeply. Samael's family was shattered by evil that does sins casually, and the System that is fated to be his way to justice was stolen by the person he trusted the most. Due to this horrible event, Samael was forced to confront the true nature of the world which leads him to meet with the Devil itself where all of his questions are answered. Was he genuinely talentless? Or does he not know his true elements? Was there really a happy ending for him? Or was God fated him to suffer evil and die a meaningless death? Is God real? Or is God simply a manifestation of the mind? Is there pure Good and Evil? Or are there only those in between? Once a good man turned into a person of evil, once a devoted man of God now turned into a non-believer, once a human turned into a Fallen Angel. Follow Samael's journey of vengeance as he makes a contract with the Devil and devoted his life to the Devil in order to achieve his vengeance.

TheAlpha · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Mistaken as an Erovian

Since the hellish portal that act as an exit for him earlier was the only way out, Samael went through there to escape the Imps' grasp not knowing where it leads to. But now, he realized that he was back at the front of the gate that leads to the Canyon of Virtue.

Zlile City is the nearest city to here, quite a small and desolate city.

Albeit it's not supposed to be weird to see the people that Samael assumed from Zlile City roaming about around the area, it's weird because it's nighttime. Judging from the location of the moon, it's supposed to be nearing midnight.

Like any forest inhabiting magical beats, nighttime is more dangerous than during the day.

Powerful beasts that are slumbering during the day come out during the night to start their first hunt and meal of the day, and thus it's generally common knowledge for any small city near a forest to stay inside the protection of the city during the night.

Not only magical beasts but there might be traveling bandits that arrived at the area.

Following that logic, Samael was really confused when he saw a group of people that he assumed to be from Zlile City traversing through the forest while holding torches and all kinds of farming tools such as pitchforks, axes, and mauls.

Counting mentally, there are roughly about thirty to forty of them which is a lot.

"What are they doing here this late at night...?" Samael mutters to himself, seemingly confused by the behavior of these people. But as he doesn't want to expose himself just yet, he wanted to hide from them and let them do whatever they are doing.

But as he stood up, a man leading the group spotted him and pointed at him.

"I see the monster! Right there!"

Upon the shout from the man, the other people behind the man looks over at the direction where Samael is standing right now before their eyes widened. In a split second, the people started rushing towards him.

Samael was shocked when he saw this, "Are they here for me? But why?"

Cyrus and his forces already chased him here and even take down his forces. On top of that, Lily already came out and probably told them that he was dead, so there was no reason for these people to aim for him.

"Stall the monster! We're going to stall it until the mages arrived!"

"Don't let it get away!"

Samael was deeply disturbed by how these people referred to him, he wasn't a monster.

It didn't take long before the group of people reaches the open space and stood across from Samael who is really confused about the situation, nobody should know that he was inside the forest, and yet these people seem to know exactly about his location.

"H-Hello there... Is there any problem?" Samael asked politely with a wry smile.

Although he was confused about the situation, these people wear unfriendly faces, and with one wrong rub they might attack him, and he doesn't want that. It's not his intention to use his newly gained power to suppress the innocent.

Upon hearing this, one bearded man that seems to be the leader trains his sword forward.

"Yield, you monster! There's no way to run, we are going to stake you at the city square and burn you for the chaos you bring into this once great world!" the man said, clearly exposing his hostile intention.

Samael was at a loss for words, he wasn't expecting this at all, there must be a mistake.

"W-Wait! I think there's some misunderstanding..." Samael replied as he raises both of his hands forward, trying to show this group of people that he was harmless and is not searching for any problem.

From the way the man acted, it doesn't seem they recognized him as a wanted man.

Just as Samael was about to follow up to try and convince this group of people that there was a misunderstanding, his eyes caught sight of his own arms that are not the way they used to be. "Hmmm?! What happened to me?" he uttered in shock.

Instead of the usual fair skin that he has, his skin now has turned darker.

Not the usual dark color that some people have, but dark ashen color instead that looks unnatural. Samael was shocked because he was quite confident that this hasn't happened earlier when he picked up Norman's ring.

On top of that, he also realized that he has more muscle than he last remembered.

Since Samael hasn't got the luxury to take a look at himself inside the hellish plane, he doesn't realize the changes his body undergoes when he absorbed the blessing from the Father of Darkness.

If he did then he wouldn't be surprised by his muscular arms right now.

[Notice: As the anti-host is only at a Greater Being, a change in skin color during the night is unavoidable and is one of the side effects. Evolving the anti-host's bloodline will fix this side effect for good]

'What?! What kind of side effect is this?!' Samael exclaimed inside his head.

But as he shouted inside his head, the man who is pointing his sword at Samael clenched the handle of his sword with a hateful glare. "Misunderstanding? I thought the Erovian race is quite smarter than this, but it seems a juvenile in any race is the same. Stop pretending and come with us! We're not going to play nice if you keep resisting!"

'Did they mistake me for being an Erovian juvenile? This is bad...' Samael thought in concern.

As the war between all of the races and their respective kingdoms against the Erovian race ensued, the general knowledge of the Erovian race also developed in the minds of the people as they are the most-hated race that currently exists.

It's pretty general knowledge that an Erovian changed color tone during the night.

Most of the races have power revolving around magic and mana, the Human and the Elf race are the pure example of that. But that is exactly why the Erovian race has become a prominent and almost unbeatable force as they are the counter for magic-related races.

Nobody knows how they can evolve this way, but each Erovian has a unique constitution.

The unique Erovian constitution gives them outright immunity against mystic elements known to the current races. It's not that they are completely immune, but each Erovian race can be born with immunity against a certain element for example fire elements, wind elements, or other mystic elements.

Because of this, the Erovian race is classified into standard, advanced, and elite.

The standard Erovian race has immunity against one particular fundamental element, advanced Erovian has immunity against second-circle elements such as Ice, lightning, and wood while elite Erovian has immunity against third-circle elements such as Dark and Light.

Even though that is the case, elite Erovian is very rare and is usually the commander.

Although their unique constitution is very devastatingly effective against mages that they have immunity against, they provide one weakness that can be exploited and that is their skin color changed into the respective element they have immunity against during the night.

For instance, a standard Erovian with fire immunity will have its skin turn red during the night.

This is why most races that are opposing the Erovian race prefer to fight them during the night, this will allow them to effectively pick the Erovian that doesn't have immunity against their element.

Since his skin is the ashen color right now, it seems these people mistook him for an Erovian.

Now that he realized his skin color changed into dark ashen color, Samael finds it very reasonable that these people mistook him for an Erovian as during their juvenile age, an Erovian looks humanoid with a few small differentiating features.

'Someone must've spotted me earlier, I need to escape' Samael thought in a hurry.

Since he knows exactly the hatred humans have against the Erovian race, he realized that convincing these people are way harder than escaping. It would just be talking to a wall, they wouldn't listen.

But noticing that Samael was about to escape, the man shouted, "Surround this monster!"

With firm movement, the group of people quickly surrounds Samael from all sides. Each of them is showing their fierce hostility through their savage expression, an expression that is filled with hatred.

Generally, an Erovian is terrifyingly strong, but they think Samael is a juvenile.

It was only because of that fact that these people are brave enough to confront Samael, elite Erovian's carcass despite being juvenile would sell for a hefty amount of gold, and it would be even more expensive if the elite Erovian is alive.

An amount of gold that would bolster the lives of the Zlile City immensely if gained.

Even though Samael wanted to flee he was unable to do so with these people surrounding him, he can only look around trying to find some gaps where he can break through with adequate force if necessary.

Despite the situation, he doesn't want to hurt these people.

Just as he was searching for a way out, a notification from the Anti-System appears.

[Situational Quest is initiated!]

There are many life forms that emit hostility and have the intention to kill the anti-host. Kill each one of the life forms that want to kill the anti-host! If one has the intention to kill, then one must also be ready to be killed!

Time Limit: 10 Minutes.

Quest Reward: 2,000 Exp, 1,000 Points, and 200 Anti-Experience.

Quest Failure: Rewards will be given to a person from the opposing side.

Samael's body stiffens when he reads through the situational quest that came out of the blue, his mind is still trying to catch up to what he just read. 'K-Kill all of them...?' he thought while sucking in a cold breath.

Gazing at the people around him that are advancing warily, he was put into a dilemma.

Even though he's able to kill demons in the hellish plane earlier as brutally as possible, it was completely different compared to killing humans. Killing demons hold no mental burden for him, but killing innocent humans is a completely different thing.

It was at this current moment he was trapped in a trance that he can't escape.

'What should I do...?'