2 Annabelle past

She was only 8 years old

She was too young

Too young for the fire

That burned her life to the ground

"Mama!" she called "I'm scared"

Annabelle mom entered the room, smiling softly. "What's wrong, Annie?"

"It's the lightning," Annabelle whispered "It's so loud I can't sleep"

"Oh darling, " Annabelle mother whispered back "You have to learn to be brave"

"How can I be brave Mom?" She asked

"Think of happy things " Her mother responded sweetly. "Summer sunshine is my favorite. Or think of the stars up above watching downs on us. Or the angels in heaven dancing in the sky. Besides, what can the thunder and lightning do to us inside the strong house. "

"I love you mom" Annabelle said smiling. No longer afraid of the lightning.

"I love you too Annie. And don't you ever forget it. I love you more than the moon and the stars, and the summer sunshine, and the angels dancing in heaven. I don't even know what I would do without you." She took off her pendant on her neck and placed it in Annabelle hand. "As long as you have this, no harm could ever come to you. And as long as you have this I will never stop loving you. "

"Goodnight mom" Annabelle said smiling up at her mothers pale, smooth face.

"Goodnight my love" Her mother said and left to go to her room.


Before she even heard anything it was the strong, thick smell of the smoke that reached her senses first. The house was ablaze. Her family had practiced in case of a fire what to do. Annabelle took a large towel, drenched it, put it around her and went out to the meeting place, bringing her locket with her, knowing no harm could come to her. as she scurried down the star is and called out the front door parts of her were severely burnt and singed. The towel had become completely dry that had been soaked only a few short minutes ago.

She knocked on the neighbors door, screaming hoarsely. The fire department already on the way. Her dad been on a late night run to the 24 hour drugstore since his wife had been under the weather lately and had been getting even worse over the past hours.

She was sickly and couldn't get out of the house in time, only able to get her son out. He attempted to drag or carry her out but there was simply no time. And he was only 9, not nearly strong enough.

The fire department came too late. They werent able to save her mother. The house was in ruins from the lightning strike. Her estimated time of death was almost 12:00.

"NOO! " Annabelle sobbed. She couldn't be gone! Never! She cried for days on end, never stopping. Those days, she never let go of the locket, the only thing she had left from her mother.

And from that day on, she never took it off.

Her brother blamed himself everyday for her life being taken. He thought the stronger he got the more likely it was to never happen again so he trained every day, being encouraged by her life while she was still with them.

Annabelle vowed to life her life to the fullest, never wasting a moment.


Jeremy, looking through the portal he created, was teared up, watching their hard life. Annabelle mom was her family's lifeline. They were so devastated, but still managed to follow her influence and still make her dreams come true. Such a hard life. And she still continued to work hard. Now, Jeremy realized her potential.

He realized, Annabelle would be given the gift of the sea, since she had been so traumatized by the flames that burnt her childhood. She could now use her powers to stop fires and not create them.

Next chapter