
Anti: by La’Cron Williams

Two brothers are lost in the woods, trying to find their way back home when they stumble across four mysterious, glowing gems. The brothers take them home and share them with their two closest friends. Eventually, the boys gain superpowers! They have so much fun discovering their new powers and using them on each other, however, fun turns into trouble when a man searching for his gems discovers the boys had taken them. The man now wants his gems back in his possession and is willing to do anything in his power to get them back! The boys and their powers are now in danger, and they now have to come together as one and use their powers, strength and skills to protect themselves, keep their powers, and possibly defeat a future enemy. Can you predict the outcome of this future battle?

lacronwilliams · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter VII: The Threats Among Us

After a while, he made it into the woods, out of breath. The other boys had noticed him seconds later.

"Dude, what took you so long?" Dexter asked, complaining to Zak.

"I had to get past my mom, but I ran here as fast as I could!" he responded, catching his breath.

"Well, you're here now," Charlie says. "Just show him the video." Charlie finishes. Dexter shows Zak the video.

"This video is directed toward the boys who took what is mine." The man says in a dominant tone. "If you don't want your friend to get hurt, listen carefully to my words." The man continues. Zak's eyes then started to widen in fear. "I recommend you all hand over what is mine, and when I say what is mine, I mean my gems," In another part of the video, the man threatens Christian's safety and powers. Seconds later, the video ends with the man saying: "Time is ticking; hurry up before it's too late." The boys look at each other in fear, hoping they can save Christian before it's too late.