
The Sixth Castle

"Here we be citizen. Just lay low for a while and should there be any King's guard around, steer clear alright? They will be looking for anyone who might have survived what happened in Frelsmuth. And one more thing, I know what happened there and I can vouch for your innocence, but if they capture you, it will not be pretty," said Nihls. I nodded and Nihls ran off towards the distance.

Beaver Farm, known for its quality produce and lumber and lightly defended. Under the jurisdiction of the Sixth Castle, they should have stationed dozen of guards at the very least, here in this small village. What you can see around are the local smithworks, the general goods store, the Snoring Troll inn, and the Beaver Farm lumber mill. I walked around and there were a lot of people looking at me.

I asked the blacksmith what is what in this village, "excuse me. I was wondering why the people kept looking at me. Is something the matter?"

The blacksmith stood up and said, "you see, you are new to this parts. We, the people of Beaver Farm, are wary of strangers like you turning up all of a sudden. We are lightly guarded as it is and we must fend for ourselves. Also, we saw you jump down that horse and spoke with that King's guard. Who knows what kind of trouble you will bring here." I had to admit, he had a point.

"You may want to do something about your clothes. Are you not cold with so little on you? Hah, aren't you a braggart for that body," said the blacksmith.

I forgot with the recent events occupying my mind, I was stripped off my belongings. My shirt almost reduced to nothing and my pants tattered to shreds. No wonder everyone was looking at me.

"Hardnir, is that you? Hardnir the Strongbone?" said a familiar voice. "It is you. By the Gods, what happened? You can pass up as a beggar in your state," said the familiar character with a smug grin.

"Yes, yes. It is me, who is it asking? And thanks for the compliment," I managed to reply.

"It's me, Endric. You know, the bard at that little feast in Frelsmuth a way back, remember?" responded Endric.

"Well you see, Endric, I am not, in any means, in the mood to be jesting around. Too much has happened this day and I already lost my belongings. So, I have nothing to my name. Do not add up to it or I swear, I might do something to you," I said in a harsh tone while reminiscing the events in my head.

"Come now, come now, please be civil. I meant no disrespect. I can see you have a tale you can regale an old friend huh? Let's go to the inn and talk it over with some mead, shall we?" said Endric.

I followed Endric to the Snoring Troll inn, and while walking, I suddenly realized who he was. He was that bard who threw up in my shirt for having too much mead during that feast. As long as there was a soul who was willing to listen to my tale, I will go along. I wanted this to be off my bloody mind.

As we found our way to a table at the inn, the barmaid came to us, asking what our orders will be. Endric took the liberty of ordering four mugs of mead and asked, "so Hardnir my old friend. Tell me, why are you here in this village? What happened to you?"

I started telling him all that transpired through the day.

"Well first off, if you know me that well, and I know you do, I am by no chance, a criminal. I got arrested in Throne's Deep under false accusations. They thought that I was part of the resistance. And furthermore, the resistance was there along with Joachim Red-eye. And we got on a bloody cart and made our way to Frelsmuth. Of all the places, mind you, that is where they took us. They even had the gallows at wait there."

Endric's smug grin turned dark and the atmosphere became heavy. He was listening carefully as I speak and to my thought, he was not liking where it was going.

"Hold on, hold on, Joachim Red-eye? What was he doing there? And why are you there in Throne's Deep?" he said.

I leaned in closer to Endric and said, "I was ransacking a bandit camp near there and killed a lot of them stated in a contract I got through a courier coming from the Seventh Castle. I can keep what I seize and they will pay me for the kill. I was on my way home and passed by Throne's Deep. I just overheard on our way to Frelsmuth that the resistance was on their way back to their castle when the ambush started."

Endric chugged a mug and stood up, "we are in the wrong place to have this conversation my friend, we need to get out of here. Out in the open is good, but not here. Too many ears listening. Barmaid! Payment is over here."

We left the inn and walked towards the riverbanks. Endric sat down on a wood stump and I sat near him. "So tell me old friend, what was it like to be close to death? Did you smell it? Did you see 'it'?" said Endric.

"What do you mean 'it'?" I said in a confused tone.

"There is this rumor that whoever gets near Joachim Red-eye as a threat, 'it' appears wearing a black robe, wrinkled skin, and those threats? They are ripped apart by black magic!" Endric shuddered by the last word of his sentence.

It describes what I saw when I was about to leave Frelsmuth. Black robes, wrinkled skin. However, there was this sinister smile lingering in my memory. What could all these mean?

"Well anyway old friend, I suggest you do not go home to your wife and kid for now, if you have indeed seen 'it'. I suggest going to the Sixth Castle. I heard someone you know is there and you need to get out of this mess you are in. I will be praying for your safety and oh, take this and hold on to it. You will need it once you get to the castle. Safe travels." said Endric while handed me a little green pouch and he started to walk towards the eastern part of Beaver Farm until out of my sight.

I was blessed to have met Endric this day. I was in no shape to afford a room and clothes after what happened and it was getting late. I could camp out for all I care, but not in this shabby clothes, I would freeze to my own death.

I looked at the pouch Endric gave me and I counted the coins inside. I have forty-four gold coins all in all, and I said to myself, "Hmm, not bad. I may have to treat him better from now on."

I went to the general goods store and the shopkeep yelled, "Welcome! Welcome! Tell me what you need and I will see if I have it here!"

"Well, I am looking for some clothes to change into that will fit me. Anything is fine as long as its easy to move in," I mentioned.

"Clothes, nonsense! Of course I have it. Pick what you want in that dresser over there and lets talk about the price once you are done," answered the shopkeep.

I rummaged through the clothes inside the dresser and found this black cotton-weaved shirt and brown pants. I changed into it and discarded the old ones. I also added a pair of black boots in the purchase for my travel.

I asked the shopkeep, "also toss in some preserved food in my purchase and six bottles of mead. It will be a three days travel, so I know you know what I mean."

"Of course, of course. A torch, a bag, three vials of remedy, three vials of antidote, three vials of antiseptic, a roll of bandage, a flint, a sleeping roll, and a good set of kitchenware. Does that sound about right?" said the shopkeep.

"I will tell you once you tell me how much it will cost," I replied.

"Well, since I can see you are in quite a pickle, I might give you a discount. Folks around here talk. I know you came from Frelsmuth. And before you say anything, I do honor privacy. It is your business, not mine. Total is eighteen gold," said the shopkeep.

I looked him in the eye and whispered, "you are doing me a great deal and I am one to return such favors when the time comes. I will make it up to you good sir. Here is your eighteen gold. May prosperity bless you."

I left the general goods store and head towards the Snoring Troll inn. I went inside and the place was packed full of customers. I approached the innkeeper and asked, "how much does a room cost around these parts?"

The innkeeper looked at me and went back to what he is doing, "do not worry about the cost, no one sleeps in this inn anyway. Pick a bed and fall in it. I will knock on your door if your time to leave is up."

What's with this serious streak of luck? Am I imagining things? Is this some sort of an omen? I wonder how this will turn out. I dropped my bag on the table and went straight to bed. What in the world happened today? Hope tomorrow is a good day.

I woke up early the following day, and it was still dark outside. I managed to bring myself up without trouble and I felt a little light and well rested. I checked my belongings and everything was accounted for, and ready to set on with the journey ahead. I left the room and still gave the innkeeper two gold coins for the stay. I sat foot outside the inn, the ray of dawn touched my face and felt that it was a fine day to travel. I stopped by the blacksmith and purchased a leather breastplate for ten gold coins, a steel sword for six gold coins, and a dagger for two gold coins. All that was left now on my pouch were six gold coins and a ton of problems waiting at the end of it.

I left the blacksmith's shop and started walking along the dirt path outside the Beaver Farm and stumbled upon a stone bridge in order to cross the other side of the road. Birds were humming in the distance, elks scratching their antlers to a nearby tree, and the sound of the water flowing through the river. Passed by a signpost pointing me in the right direction going to the Sixth Castle, just have to follow the path.

Just when I was about to go down the hill, two rabid wolves attacked me. I dropped my bag and drew my sword. One of the wolves started to circle me, aiming for an opportunity to pounce at me. While the other one steadily gnarled at me in a steady position.

For any adventurer, wolves are for starters. With a bit of experience, you can just let them attack you and counter. But make no mistake, because when you do, it will be your neck in their jaws. I am in a hurry and I can not afford wasting time on lowly beasts like these, as wolves' pelt fetch just a gold and it was too much of a hassle to skin them.

I brandished my blade in the neck of the gnarling wolf, breaking it into two. Then the wolf at my back started to run towards me in an attempt to bite me in the nape. I dodged to my left and pierced its neck. What a waste of precious time. But still, a good morning exercise. I sheathed my sword, picked up my bag, and started to head on the road.

Life on the road can get a bit tiresome without company but I am in no position at the moment as I could not afford to have any decent mercenary with me as a companion. I looked over the horizon and the Sixth Castle was still on the other side of a mountain.

I was about to reach the plains down this hill when I stumbled upon a King's guards' patrol. They have someone tied up and in rags. I guessed that the tied up man was a resistance member, best to mind my own business.

This land, the Edge of the World, was torn between the resistance; Joachim Red-eye's banner. And the King's guards; King Hjalmar's royal banner. They have been at it for at least three years from what I can recall.

Joachim Red-eye's cause was, "the Edge of the World is better off without an oppressor of a King. We govern our own lands and unite when the need arise. No one is superior than the other. Death to the oppressor."

While King Hjalmar the Lion issued his decree stating, "the people agreed to have me as King, and all of the Lords of this land have the right to rule their domain. But I shall govern them all as the law says it. I will not tolerate such insolence, death to this resistance."

This country was losing its men at the age of fourteen and leaving women and kids for their own. Outside this country, there was a much greater war. And in my opinion, we have no time for this stupid uprising and raise our banners against intruders.

I made my way to the foot of the mountain that I need to pass in order to get to the Sixth Castle. The sun was already high up in the sky. The air was dry and it was humid. I took a rest at the foot of the mountain and found a nice shade under a tree near the entrance to the mountain path. I dropped my bag and popped open a bottle of mead to quench my thirst.

As I emptied the bottle, I spotted a spring near the path and walked towards it. I forgot to buy a water pouch at the general goods store, so, this bottle would do for the time being. I sank the bottle, filled it up and drank it. It was quite refreshing to be honest, in this kind of weather. I refilled the bottle and carved a piece of wood with my dagger to fit as a cork for this bottle. I amaze myself sometimes, it fitted. With that done, I felt myself a bit drowsy and I decided to lay down for a while in the shade of a tree to take a nap.

I heard loud noises nearby and the ground was somehow shaking. I woke up and touched my sword. I observed my surroundings and I flew into the air on short notice, ending up into a standing position. That shake was not a natural phenomena, that was entirely caused by something. I grabbed my bag and looked beyond the trees. There was a group of people and bloody hell, a mountain troll.

"You have been a very naughty boy, ain't you mountain troll? You murder people travelling here for fun huh? Guess what? We. Are. About. To. Murder. You!" said the short hooded figure in the distance.

"Oh come on sister, that's no fun. Can we be a bit nicer to this troll?" said the hulking figure behind the hooded one.

"Shush, beasts like this are no match for these," said the other hooded one beside the hulking figure.

The mountain troll started to thrash about and the group was split. The troll ended up in the center of the three. The hooded one started throwing knives to the troll and I wondered why he or she did that.

"Well, that was a wasted effort. I take back my word, all yours brother," said the hooded one. The hulking man released his broadsword and started to pummel the troll.

"This is not very nice. But coin is coin. I hate this job," said the hulking man.

The troll went from defense to offense in a snap. He grabbed the hulking man by the foot and threw him towards a tree. I heard a loud sound from the impact from where I was standing and that was not a good sign.

"You filthy asshole! Prepare to die!" said the short hooded girl.

She drew in her bow and released a quick volley of arrows to the troll. Am I not surprised. I swear, these guys are a bunch of foolhardy amateurs.

"Aim for the armpit! Aim for the eye! Aim for the space below its chin! If you have eyes, you use it to observe any weaknesses you bunch of morons!" I shouted. "If you choose the eye, it will stop moving and go in for the kill! Use your brains, there's three of you!" I added.

Well, I was just boasting, as I have all the time to find any weaknesses. Its my first encounter with a mountain troll. They do not need to know that, of course.

Heeding my advice, the short hooded girl attempted to aim for the eye, but its not that easy. The troll kept on thrashing towards the others and banged into the trees. The hulking man stood up and dusted himself up, as if he did not take any damage from flying into a tree.

"Alright old man, let's see how good you are. Get over here!" said the short hooded girl.

I was invited to the sorry party and I have my pride as an adventurer. I dropped my bag and drew my sword.

"Alright, listen up. You, big guy, draw its attention. You, knives, aim for its head and keep throwing. You, short one, wait for it to stop and put an arrow in its eye. I will look for another opportunity to swing my blade against this sucker," I instructed the sorry lot.

"What?! Who are you to order us?!" said the short hooded girl.

"No time for arguing here short stuff. Or you have a better idea?" I replied.

"Grrr, fine. Let's murder this son of a bitch," said the short hooded girl.

The mountain troll went straight to the hulking man and to my surprise, this man was a total brute. He wrestled the mountain troll, in an attempt to keep it stationary. The hooded one threw knives at every weak spot I mentioned earlier and the knives stuck to it. The short hooded girl climbed a tree and into another and managed to get a clear arrow into one of the mountain troll's eyes.

Then it all went sideways.

The mountain troll went on a rampage. We were jumping up and down. With no good balance, there was no chance of getting a clean shot to this mountain troll. This is where I come in. I am not that good of a warrior, but I get the job done. There is no job I can not handle. That is my creed. There was a rhythm starting to take shape in this upward and downward motion caused by the beast's rampage. I took advantage of it. Every jump, I get closer to it.

"Oh damn! By the Gods! We are doomed brothers!" said the short hooded girl.

"Don't be hasty sister, look at the old man," said the hooded one.

The beast was within reach but I need a strong jump to make this happen.

"You! Don't just stand there, throw something or shoot it!" I yelled.

"We can't! It's shaking all over the place!" said the hooded one.

"I swear, I will have to charge you all for this!" I shouted.

And with that remark, the mountain troll sensed me behind its back and made a strong pound at the ground that sent me flying towards it.

"Here goes nothing!" I screamed as I plunged my blade to its nape and blood splashed to the ground.

"For the love of all things holy, that is the last time I will be talking to strangers. I am wiped," I exclaimed.

"Hey old man, what is your name?" said the short hooded girl.

"Hardnir the Strongbone, who is it asking?" I replied.

The short hooded girl removed her hood and introduced the party. She had this platinum hair, which was rare in this country. Intriguing.

"My name is Alayah. This big guy is Gels. And that hooded guy is Holsten. We are tasked to kill this mountain troll, and I am afraid we shamed ourselves in front of you," said Alayah.

"Once again sister, you are not being nice. We did not shame ourselves. We were just not matched for the beast," said Gels.

"Enough, both of you. Thank you Hardnir for saving us," said Holsten.

"You three, if you do not know what you are up against, would it not hurt for you to observe first before dealing with it? It might save you something. Your life," I said in a sarcastic manner. "As I previously mentioned, I will be charging the three of you of what I did today. You invited me to slay this beast, and I need the coin. So now, do you have the payment or the payment is upon completion of the task?" I added.

"It's upon completion and we will need to report back to the client," answered Alayah.

"So, tell me, where might that be?" I asked.

"It's in the Sixth Castle, on the other side of the mountain. Since you were the one who killed the beast, it is fair you get the payment," said Alayah, then she released a sigh of disappointment.

"Very good. I am on my way there as well before I met the three of you. Shall we stick together until we get that payment then?" I mentioned.

"Oh, you are welcome to go back with us Hardnir. Don't worry about sister, she'll get over it," said Gels.

I took the troll's ears as proof of completion since these guys might not know that it needs to be confirmed. It is already nighttime and it is dangerous to traverse mountain paths at this time of the day. I decided to break camp for the meantime and prepared a campfire.

I called the others and said, "come in closer to the campfire. Let's roast what we have for dinner. Each their own, no excuses."

I brought out a smoked snapperfish and roasted it in the fire. Alayah brought out a piece of cured lamb meat, while Gels brought out a leg of a cow. Holsten on the other hand, did not bring any meat out, but instead, he made a dish out of pure herbs and fruits.

"Holsten here is vegetarian. He told us before that his stomach gets upset when he eats meat," said Gels.

"I still get an upset stomach until now, mind you. I need to stay away from meat for me not to have any difficulties with my body," said Holsten.

"How old are you Hardnir, if you don't mind me asking," asked Alayah.

"Well I do mind. But for the sake of conversation, I am thirty-three," I replied.

The others were listening to the conversation and they were stopped at what they were doing.

"What?! I detest lying so quit it!" I said.

"Well, you look like a seasoned warrior, that's what. With the beard and stuff. Sorry we mistook you as an old man," said Gels. Then the three burst into laughter.

"Apologies Hardnir, no offense intended. I was just curious because you are too limber for an old man," said Alayah.

"Well thank you for the insult. And for the compliment," I answered back in sarcasm. Then laughter erupted again.

"Why were you headed to the Sixth Castle Hardnir?" asked Holsten.

"I was told that someone I know might be in Sixth Castle. And that person might be someone who can help me get out of the mess I am in," I replied.

"What sort of mess?" asked Alayah.

"What's with the questions? I do not know what mess it is anyway, so I do not know how to answer that question," I answered back.

"You are one confusing dude Hardnir. But I guess you have your own reasons for journeying," said Gels.

"My turn to ask questions. What are your relationships to one another? I heard you guys call each other brothers and sister one too many times," I asked.

"Let me answer that. We are not siblings but we are brothers and sister in arms. We are part of the Freemen Quarters, the warriors guild of the Edge of the World," answered Alayah.

"Ah, that one. You are part of the guild? No circle members to accompany you during the hunt?" I asked.

"We kind of went independent on this one, took on a private contract. Might make a name for ourselves that way," Gels replied.

"You guys do have a deathwish. Let me tag along when you get back. There will be a lot of explaining to do," I suggested.

These guys sure were a rowdy bunch. They do not know how dangerous it would be to take on contracts without supervision, especially if it was a Freemen Quarters contract. If it was from a Lord's counsel, one could somehow manage to seize the day. But for these kind of contracts, it consists of unsolved problems of every domain that even their own army could not answer to. That is why they hire the skilled guildsmen of the Freemen Quarters. The best of the best.

"Come on now, long day ahead tomorrow. Have a good night sleep and we will set forth in the break of dawn," I ordered the other guys.

"Let me tell you again Hardnir, thank you," said Alayah.

"Don't mention it, go, get some sleep. You will need it," I answered back.

We woke up the following day, at the crack of dawn. I packed my things and got ready to depart. A four-man party was not that bad. It could be entertaining to have some conversations during the travel. And in case there would be a beast blocking the path, it's easier if there were enough people. And luckily for me, I have a meat shield, Gels. I have a marksman and a distraction. Convenient and easy to maneuver in case of danger. We toddled along the path and stayed in it for a while.

"Hey Hardnir, what do you do for a living? You are too good to be just a normal traveller," Gels asked.

"An adventurer of sorts. I explore crypts and ruins, with a little mercenary work at the side. Coin is coin and I have a few mouths to feed," I replied.

"Oh! No wonder you can handle yourself. Have you seen those undeaths? Have you encountered any?" asked Gels.

"Well, often than most. Sometimes, just lowly undeaths who doesn't know its elbows from its arse. And most of the time, nasty undeaths who fight like they are at war," I answered back.

"How do you deal with it? I mean, the undeaths?" asked Alayah.

"Holy water ought to do the trick. But you do not splash them with it, you coat your blade with it. That way, it will burn through every slice you make on those corpses. They are not immortal, just that, they do not age. Call it a second life due to unknown circumstances. Treat them as a live human being, you will put them to rest," I answered Alayah.

"You sure know your craft Hardnir," said Holsten.

"As I should be, only fools go hard at situations they are not, in by any means, familiar," I replied. The three bowed their heads and tackled the road in silence.

The rest of the journey had been a question and answer back and forth, from me and to the other three. They were, by my assessment goes, oblivious to the real dangers of the wide, wild world. I wanted to meet whoever supervises them to make sure that these guys do not get themselves in danger. I could not help it. I was already involved in their lives. I saved their lives.

On the third day of the travel, we got off the mountain and the Sixth Castle was there, waiting right in front of me.

"Come on then Hardnir, this way to the Sixth Castle!" said Alayah while grabbing my arm.

We have reached the gates of the Sixth Castle, and somewhere inside this gate is someone that I know that might give me a clue in the mess I am in, or get me out of it.

"Welcome to the Sixth Castle, Hardnir the Strongbone!" said the three rowdy bunch.

Next chapter