

The rain poured down from the heavens.

It let the blood from the battlefield seep into the soil, cleansing the field with its pureness as the carcasses of beings who were full of life now lie to rot and will soon be eaten by the so called foul creatures which devoured flesh.

He looked at his hands it was scrarred and new opened wounds welcomed pain. it was as useless as he is now with all the souls which were

deliberately separated from its body by him, he himself feel that he is dead inside. the dead bodies of his friends and foes alike which was disfigured and covered in mud now as the rain engulfed them and covered the terrible sight.

He got up and wiped his tears. The king who conquered the mighty army of the South should not be seen weeping for his fellow soldiers and for the foes who were dear to him once. He knew this should not have happend.

The most dreadful thing here was that that the enemy was the people from his birthland, the. place where he spent 13 years of his life and now he was the one to lead the army of the North,the land which was ready to accept the refugee he was years ago. His deeds made him the king of the North, now he had conquered the South.

"you ok? " asked a familiar voice.

he recognised it even though it was muffled by the rain. he turned to the direction from which the voice came instinctively. Azai stood there drenched but mostly unharmed. He knew Azai would be okay this war couldn't kill something like him, so he had no worries for his friend.

Azai was with him from the day he sought refuge and was also an abandoned warrior. Kinsmen could not accept potential threat to their nation, so they just tried to exterminate them. The ones who escape seek refuge in other lands and is welcomed whole heartedly as it will increase the lands military power manifold.

Azai was unimaginably powerful but was not a leader and would not talk to others except with a few of his friends. This and his lack of emotionsmade him a trusted spy and an excellent assassin ,the best there is.

"Good thing you didn't die, scum",Rex commented back to Azai.

Rex, that's was everyone called him. When he was abandoned he had lost the right to use his name, that was the rule in South and names are something that should be won or given by someone else.

He won the title as the Rex or king of the North hence the name stuck to him.

Azai knew what he was going through now. Being a angel to the Northerners he was destroying himself within by destroying his birthland. Azai admired the leader Rex was. The scale of death was very less though still significant for their soldiers but the foes were killed mercilessly and their number of death was very high.

The emotion and tear he hid seeing his childhood friends and killing them by his own hands making him a demon in the eyes of the South.

"Don't push it. you can cry no one will see here" Azai told him.Before he could finish the sentence Rex hugged him tight and cried loudly.The 6 foot tall muscalar frame of his shakeing and weeping. He was not the mighty demon destroyer now. He was just the kid he was years ago, alone abandoned and looking for love.

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