

Basically Najimi Ajimu fanfic. But then I thought, since my MC is kinda-not-kinda-but-really God, why not make it more a lil' philosophical? so yeah. It's still a fanfic so maybe I'll send her to Marvel idk. On second thought, I'll send her to Marvel since every fanfic with world-hopping does. OP MC, Medaka Box, Marvel, TheUnescapableFeelingOfEntropyIsFeltThroughYourSkin I hope you enjoy it, I guess. I'm uploading it here in webnovel since I think fanfics are kinda cringe but I'm embarrassed to upload it anywhere else so. The cover is not mine, so if you want me to take it down tell me or something. credit (pixiv): ぽん

UndyingFire · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 1 - I Am A God

I am God

More specifically, I have become God. Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient. An all-powerful, all-knowing entity, I am everywhere and I am all.

"Najimi, Can you bring me the vegetables?"

"Yes, mother"

While you may think these are the delusions of a child, you would be right– partially at least. It seems I have reincarnated as a not-so-famous character Najimi Ajimu. You may not know who she is, and I would take pity for you, in short Najimi is God.

Coming from the series "Medaka Box" she is a character that is older than the universe, existed before it, and survived the Big Bang. Possessing 12,858,051,967,633,865 (twelve quadrillion eight hundred fifty-eight trillion fifty-one billion nine hundred sixty-seven million six hundred thirty-three thousand eight hundred sixty-five) "skills". Skills are special abilities that can be divided into "Abnormalities" and "Minus". I won't be getting into the specifics today though.

"Here you go"

"Thank you, darling"

Looking at my 'mother' cooking, I once again realize that medieval life is interesting, to say the least. Saying we live in a medieval society would be wrong though, this world is more 'swords and magic' than 'middle ages', less Christianism and more fireballs and knights– I guess.

That's not to say gods don't exist, there is a church of light (because why wouldn't there be one) and apparently, a demon king almost controlled the whole planet some 346 years ago.

You might be wondering why I'm telling you this, dear reader. Well– you see, I am going to have my first day of school today. You might say this is anxiety at play, but I don't have anxiety, only mortals do.

"Your hand is shaky, you won't be able to cut the potatoes like this, since this is your first day at school you must be nervous. How about you go and wait at the table"

Sighing, I respond "I'll do that"

It seems my mother caught on to me, I guess anxiety affects even the all-powerful. I'll reflect on this in the future. Not that the 'future' is different from the 'past' or 'present' for me.

Now let me continue, as I've said above I am now Najimi Ajimu, more accurately I have reincarnated as a human woman who looks like Najimi Ajimu. And while I do not have 12 quadrillion skills I only have 910 of them. I am only a garbage copy of perfection.

But even then with only 910 of them, I should be able to outclass anything in this world, even that so-called 'Goddess Of Light' is like a microorganism against this incomplete copy.

Even with only 1 of them, I can completely trash her–

"Darling, after you finish eating you will be going to school, aren't you excited?" Saying so while leaving a bowl of soup in front of me, my mother smiles and starts to take a seat on the other side of the table.

"I hope he does his job properly" With a small frown, I quickly take the spoon with my small hand and start to eat.

"Well, your father has saved half our salary to pay for him since we got you so I hope he is! Mmh, it would be bad if he was some scammer. But good thing we checked him before so it's all good haha!!" Doing a hearty laugh, my mother takes a piece of bread from the table dips it inside her soup, and eats.

It always amazes me how despite her non-existent education she is always meticulous in stuff that involves her daughter. To even go so far as to waste 3 gold coins for her education.

A single gold coin is the pay of a farmer over a year, one gold coin is equal to 50 silvers, and 1 silver coin is equal to 100 bronze coins.

As I said before today is my first day of school, so it's more accurate to say mentorship

With the connections my father has, he got an old friend that went to the capital to teach lil' young me as a favor plus the addition of a big discount.

God bless father.

"Are you done? Let's go"

No Mother, I was only staring at my empty bowl because I was interested in the war some viruses were having for the right to dominate the backyard of our house.

Of course, that's a joke, and I didn't say that out loud by the way.

You might ask, who is the person who's going to be my mentor to cost so much as a yearly wage? Well, it seems my father got a magician.

Magicians in this world are interesting, to say the least, they can be compared to 3 things on earth. Scientists, Philosophers, and witches.

I don't think I have to explain why, it's a normal stereotype after all.

It seems I got too distracted since we already passed the Adventurers Association and we are entering the noble district.

Oops, well it happens.

"Najimu, I have to ask you to try and pay attention to your teacher, ok? When you go absentminded it makes me worry, so please do that for me, Please?" Tightening her grip on my hand, I take a peek at her face and notice she has a worried look on her face.

I thought I hid my thoughts behind my face, I still have a lot to improve to reach my God.

"Don't worry, I'll try my best for you" I reassured her with a tightening of my grip on her hand and a sunny smile, I noticed we'd finally reached my mentor's house.

I think it's more of a mansion than a house though.

amazing father, to be able to bring such a wealthy individual to a backwater place like this, you are an amazing person.

In the gates of the mansion stands a butler, kind of old but not so old as to relieve him of his duties. Sebastian-like you could say, embodying the stereotype of a butler perfectly.

"Welcome Lady Ajimu, Sir Pompher is waiting" With a bow, and wave of his hand I see the gates open.

But Sebastian, calling Lady a peasant like me will get you in trouble you know? It's good that no one noticed so please refrain from such blatant ignorance of social cues.

"Thank you, Rao, I'll leave Najimi in your care"

Mother, even if you say you and father checked their trustworthiness, leaving your child in the care of strangers would be dumb you know? Stranger Danger dear mother.

"Don't be scared darling, I'll come to pick you up in the afternoon so be a good kid and learn a lot ok?"

"I'm not scared"

"Sure, don't worry and go. You are a grown person now, yeah?"

Of course, I am 3 trillion years old. Being away from my not mother is nothing to me.

"I'll try"

"Let's go Lady Ajimu" After exchanging bows with my mother, Rao brings me inside the gates.

After a small walk in the front yard, we entered through the front door.

"Sup kid" In front of me stands a man, probably six feet tall, with black hair and glasses. With the obligatory state mage uniform.

If you don't know, which you don't unless this is your second time reading, the state– well more like the kingdom we live in forces all mages to wear an all-blue mages robe. You know, DnD style you could say.

Sadly it seems like he doesn't have the one with the hoodie, I like those more.

[Ocean De'Javu]1

"Hello, I am happy that someone of such high status is teaching me" Doing a bow, I notice his face is scrunched up as if he just ate something bitter and he is trying to swallow it up.

"Tsk, there's no need to bow to me. We have the same roots after all" I wonder what kind of Deja Vu he got?

"If you say so" Straightening my back, I watch as he waves his hand at the butler and begins to speak.

"Rao, go get me some tea to you know where"

"Yes sir"

"Hey kid, how old are you?" Asking me with a raised eyebrow and a finger on his chin, I calmly answer.

"10 years old"

"Mmh, is that so?" With a brief hum, he turns away and starts walking.

Looking at him walk away, I tilt my head in question of what he wants me to do.

"Well, are you coming?" Throwing that question as he looks back, I hurry my feet to reach his side, and when I reach him we begin walking the hallway.

"Let's introduce ourselves first, why don't we start with that" As we take a turn, he begins to speak again.

"My name is Yopgad Phompher, I work as a mage in the royal court and I am 24. How about you?" It seems He expects me to respond by the way he is looking at me, I guess I should be cordial and answer his wishes.

"Najimi Ajimu, I don't work. I'm 10 years old"

"That name's eastern right? I guess it comes from your mother"

No dear Yopgad, my name comes from the moon.

"Yes" Nodding, I finally notice we are walking into the backyard of the house.

"Well, tell me Najimi. What do you identify yourself with more? The western kingdom or the eastern empire?"

Why is this question necessary? Is he asking where my allegiance lies? What an idiot. lol.

Ah– I guess I shouldn't say stuff like 'lol' since it doesn't fit this period. It would be quite embarrassing to say that in front of someone.

That's like asking a troglodyte to tell you what 'basic thermodynamics' is or 'the difference between a heliocentric and geocentric model'

Well, even if you explained the difference between the two and what each of them means he would believe in the geocentric model like the idiot he is.

Like saying the earth is any shape other than a cube.


"I don't quite understand the question sir" It seems like that wasn't the right answer by the look on his face, he probably thinks I'm an idiot now.

What a shame.

"It doesn't matter anyway, we're finally here"

"Why are we here sir?" Looking at him as he spreads his arms and with a huge grin on his face, I hear him start to speak.

"Well, I find peace in nature. Ah, also you don't have to call me by any title. Just Yopgad" Sorry Phompher, my modern ascended mind feels that if it says a name as stupid as Yopgad I will laugh and won't be able to stop. Not that Phompher is any better.

"Phompher sir, what will my education entail?" Ignoring his suggestion, I asked him a question regarding my education.

"Well, you'll see. Come and take a seat" Looking to my right in the direction he pointed, I find that there is a wooden table with two chairs on each side, with an umbrella giving shadow.


After we both take a seat, Rao comes with a tray with some tea.

"Thank you, Rao, you can leave now"

"I'll be leaving sir, take care"

After Rao leaves, I look back at Phompher and watch as he tilts his body closer to me and, with a smile, asks me a question.

"What is your truth?"

Getting philosophical, aren't we?

"Huh?" Acting like a kid my age is something I've trained ever since I've been in this world, even if you can't tell.

"Tell me Najimi, what is your truth?"

"My truth?"

"Yes, your truth"

"Is this part of my education?" I don't think philosophical classes are in the curriculum, Phompher.

"It's the foundation of it"

"Are you lying?" Don't lie to me, I can tell. look at my angry face and tell me the truth.

"Haha, why would I lie? I'm your teacher, dear student" I hate the way your face looks.

"Even then, I'm just a 10 year old. I don't think im old enough to know what truth really is"

"Just try and answer" Let's hope you don't lose your grin later, you fool. Ask and you shall receive.

"Isn't that a fundamentally wrong question?"

"Oh, Is that so?" 

"Don't you know the saying Phompher? 'There are three truths, My truth, Your Truth, and the real truth'"

"Well, Phompher you see, I think that question is wrong. For I am above the truth, I am the truth, and I decide what the truth is"

By the way, I don't think normal 10-year-olds talk about philosophy. Oh well.

Even the best chess players commit blunders once in a while, don't they?

yo, first time uploading something to webnovel, this "fast phrases" under me are kinda cool I guess. I guess no one uses them since I never saw them, and even if I did no one reads the author thoughts LOL. In webnovel I mean, this UI is trash, Why can't I use a footnote? Scribblehub and RoyalRoad supremacy for evah.

I hope My account doesn't get deleted for that since its kind of kind of not an ad to those websites so huh yeah.

also idk if its like in those websites and this needs to get approval to upload and if its like that I want to say:

Glory to the CCP and Xi Jingpin (please don't kill me)

God that's so cringe sorry bye

UndyingFirecreators' thoughts