
Will it end up biting me?

"Wow…! My child, how much have you grown, you look very handsome, but… Why do your clothes shine? " Bulma said in a mixture of excitement and surprise upon seeing the changes in Trunks after leaving the Spirit and Time room… Although her tone turned to confusion when she noticed the detail of the father and son duo's bright clothing.

"I think that 's my fault ..." I said a little thoughtful.

I think that my protective charms that I put on their clothes are a bit overloaded ...

When I created these charms I knew that they would last two or three weeks at most, so knowing the waste of Ki that takes place during fights or training, I decided that he could also take advantage of all that energy that is discharged into the air when they generate their auras during the pumping of Ki, to recharge the energy of the enchantments.

But it seems that I underestimate the amount of energy wasted by these two and the absorption capacity of the charms that I myself hastily created ...

Although I suppose it is due to the low density that Ki has, so after compacted, it is possible to store more Ki than I expected…

Explaining a bit above the cause of the brilliance to a curious Bulma, he had her snatch Trunks's iconic 'Capsule Corp' jacket, I suppose to study it.

Vegeta seemed to be unsure of itself rid of his clothes too bright ... or leave them set that proved be an armor decent ... since during the year he spent training with Trunks in the room of spirit and time, discovered that their overly bright clothes were incredibly tough and tenacious…

In the end, Vegeta couldn't bear the fact of being so 'brilliant' and asked (ordered) me to fix it. Which was easy, since I simply had to get rid of the excess energy stored in the charm. Which allowed him to keep his enchanted armor, without it being shiny ... Temporarily.

"Well that's it, although if you waste a lot of energy while fighting, you will become 'brilliant' again." I told Vegeta while teasing him a bit, Vegeta grunted in response, until a mocking smile formed on his face.

"I don't think I have enough time to 'shine', since now I am much stronger than those coffee makers with legs ..." Vegeta said with a proud smile as he continued to rant about how strong he was and inflating his ego even more ...

"Errr … Vegeta… It's not that I haven't noticed your increase in strength, which is quite noble by the way, congratulations. But it's not the first time that an increase in power goes to your head and in the end you end up hitting black and blue… "I told him while giving him a 'worried' look, although everyone noticed the thick sarcasm in my voice.

The smile on Vegeta's face froze, and for a moment, he seemed to be making a rapid journey through his memories… With each passing moment his expression seemed to grow uglier by the second.

In the end he decided to shut up, so that if by chance he failed... Again, it will not damage his ego as much as the previous times.

While I was teasing Vegeta a bit, the rest of the z warriors talked a bit with Trunks.

Krillin and Yamcha showed off the techniques I taught them while the two of them were training inside the room.

Although Trunks was a bit confused, since although the techniques looked good, they had only learned how to use the basic technique ... That is, without adding Ki to the technique.

So in Trunks' eyes, the techniques they showed him, albeit very refined… His eyes lacked power.

But being the polite boy that he was, Trunks complimented and praised them for being able to learn new techniques so quickly.

In the end Vegeta got fed up with me making fun of him and together with Trunks, they went in the direction of where the androids were (Information generously contributed by me).

A few seconds after Vegeta grumpily left along with Trunks, I turned my attention to Piccolo, who scowled at me…



Oh… Shit!

Establishing a telepathic communication with Piccolo, I quickly questioned him.

'How much do you know?' I asked Piccolo.

'How much do I know?

I know this is all a sham of your invention.

I know you've made us fight a threat that you've already neutralized.

I know you are the original! ' Piccolo yelled at me angrily (Telepathically).

Sure enough ...

By assimilating Kami-sama, Piccolo inherited much of his memories ... Unfortunately, it seems that some crucial data has been lost in the transfer ... Like the fact that by doing all this charade, I have avoided an even greater danger ...

Or maybe he does, but Piccolo still resents me for letting him take a needlessly humiliating beating…

So I decided to confirm it.

'Alright, you're right, but… you know why I've done all this right?' I asked Piccolo, which made Piccolo send me a mental growl…

Sure enough, this guy is resentful of the beating…

'Well, since you already know the plan, you better go into the room of spirit and time, because when Cell kicked Vegeta and Trunks' ass, it will be their turn to beat you up…

It's all for the greater good, so bear it like a man…

Although now that I think about it… Are you a man? I mean, your race does not have a defined gender. True?' I asked after my thoughts strayed from the main topic of the conversation.

Piccolo growled at me with even more anger than before and looked like he was about to charge in my direction before forcibly calming down. In the end, he went to the room of spirit and time, as he himself felt that he was losing control over himself.

Seeing that Piccolo was not going to satisfy my innocent curiosity, I sighed and headed towards Dende.

"Dende, now that Kami-sama and Piccolo are one again, it is time for you to take over the Dragon Balls of this planet. Can you reactivate the Dragon Balls now? " I asked Dende that he still looked a bit sad after watching Kami-sama disappear, but he quickly composed himself and nodded, confirming the fact that he was capable of the task.

And like a faithful servant and classified butler, Popo quickly arrived with the statuette of Shenron. God knows when Popo made this figurine, I guess knowing that Kami-sama would 'go' soon, Popo decided to create a dragon figurine in advance.

Hum ... I guess it was Popo who also created the statuette for the previous Dragon Balls

Dende quickly spread his arms and started chanting a spell ...

Too many 'P' for my liking, but that spell looks a bit like the one I received from the Grand Elder Guru, which is used to create a set of Dragon Balls ... I guess creating and repairing Dragon Balls is not so different ... Since technically Dende is not creating new Dragon Balls, but 'filling' a new 'dragon' in the old Dragon Balls ...

But as the creator of both figurines (Popo) is the same, it actually seems that the Dragon Balls have just been reactivated.

Or at least that's my current understanding of the process ...

Now that I remember, I tried several times to create my own set of Dragon Balls, obviously I failed ... But I felt that it was not impossible, it's just that there were some incompatibilities ... Maybe after all this, reopen this project.

After a light show, a large beam of light ascended to the skies… more so, since the lookout is already quite high in the sky. But getting back on topic, the beam of light ended up splitting into seven smaller beams of light and scattered across the planet.

"Very well, now that the Dragon Balls are now reactivated, I will hide Dende in a place where no one can find him. So if we all die in the end, my original self can come back and resurrect us all. " I said, easing some concerns of those present.

And the place where I'm going to send Dende is obviously my grimoire world. But technically I am not my original self at the moment, but my clone, so technically I cannot send it to my grimoire world.

But they don't need to know.

Well, now we just have to wait and see how Vegeta and Trunks get their ass kicked.

Using my limited omniscience, I see Vegeta and Trunks flying in the direction of the androids, I estimate that they will take around five hours to arrive. They could get there a lot faster, but after my incessant taunting of Vegeta, he decided to save energy and make sure he was at his best before the fight.

Too bad ... It will be of little use, although he will be able to defeat C-17, Cell will hit him black and blue ...


It seems that Goku has finally woken up.

Next chapter