
And you kiss me with that mouth?



"* ROAR! *"


Suddenly I felt that my clone was momentarily synchronized to transmit parts of its memories to me.

"Oh ... It seems that my intervention in the Buu saga was not necessary ..." I mutter to myself as I pulled my arm stained with blood and gore from the head of a turtle the size of a mountain.

The truth is that in my eagerness to collect points to buy the damn fragment of the bloody wheel with the powers of destruction, many elders of our clan have taken the opportunity to make me private requests for high-ranking missions.

Since instead of paying someone from another clan or sect to run your errands, if you can keep the business in the family, much better.

Actually, when I was approached for the first time by one of the clan elders with a request, I thought that they would look at me strangely when I asked him to do an official mission that I could accept ...

But it turned out that it was not the case, it turns out that it is quite It is normal for people to create specific quests in order to complete them, which in turn nurtures their grimoires and makes it easy to earn rewards from the ancient code.

I guess it's the same for me, just that I have a lot more control over what I receive and when I receive it.

Anyway, back to the topic. I am currently on a mission commissioned by one of the elders of the Gluttony Faction. This specific elder whose name I can't recall, is a pinnacle level three craftsman, and he asked me to collect the carcasses of these massive turtles to create armor or something like that.

These bastard turtles are difficult to kill, since they have a kind of innate ability that makes them have no weaknesses ...

How to explain it?

You could attack the hardest part of their shell or the most vulnerable part of their eye, and the result would be the same…

Basically, each of their body shares the same defense, so it is difficult to kill them without damaging their corpses excessively. For if you destroyed the carcasses of the turtles, they would not serve as crafting materials. On the other hand, it is obviously because of this ability that these turtles are ideal for making armor and shields.

"* Roar! *"

Looking into the distance, I see Medea in her eastern dragon form, she is coiled around one of the mountain-sized turtles. The most shocking thing is to see how her dragon head inside one of the holes of the turtle shell, and with a bite and a jerk she ripped the head off the turtle.


Seeing the jaws full of blood and flesh, makes me shudder to think that she kisses me with that mouth ...

Oh, yes ... In the end I succumbed to the affections of several of my contracted beasts ... Among all of them They kept sending me hints and with my succubus wife supporting them on the other hand, in the end I ended up succumbing ...

Looking in other directions, I can see Arachne, Hestia and Cell, killing other giant tortoises.

Hum… There aren't many left, I've killed about seven of these turtles myself, and the others aren't far behind.

When I got to the twentieth floor of the Babylon tower to kill these turtles, I was surprised to find a large pile of giant tortoises traveling together… From my perspective, the pile of turtles looked like a moving mountain range.

After a few hours, we all finished killing all the giant tortoises in the area, and after saving the corpses of said tortoises, we all went to my grimoire world to wash and rest.

After a long and relaxing bath, I went to the living room to get something to eat, and there I found my girls chatting happily while eating fruits that Elanna grew herself.

Noticing my approach, C-18 (Who insisted on continuing to use that name, rather than calling her Lazuli ... Something about putting her old 'me' aside or something like that.) Quickly asked me a question that I really didn't expect...

"Dear. Is it true that your sense of direction is so terrible that you are capable of going in the wrong direction even when you are given directions? " She asked me, distinct amusement on her face.

After freezing for a few seconds, I turned my gaze to a now flustered Medea, who was squirming a bit in my 'impassive' gaze ...

When it looked like Medea was going to let herself transform into a little white snake and escape, I finally sighed and let you look at it.

"Yes… Certainly my sense of direction was not the best when I was young… Although strangely, I only got lost when I visited a place for the first time, since after my second visit to any place, I always managed to orient myself normally.

Also, after acquiring various exploration and scanning capabilities, I never got lost anymore, as right now I can literally scan the entire solar system…

Oh, speaking of the solar system, I have received news from that 'side'. " I told the girls, who showed different levels of interest and excitement.

Surprisingly, C-18 was in the 'uninterested' group along with Medea, Hestia, and Arachne. Anyone would say that she, being a native of the Dragon Ball universe, would be interested in what happens in her home universe ...

But as I said before, C-18 is not interested in her old life and is totally focused on her new one 'family'. And since her brother also lives in my grimoire world, she doesn't have much interest in what happens to the inhabitants of planet earth.

The person who showed the most interest was Lilith as she liked hanging out with Bulma and the other girls on 'shopping sprees', which is why she likes it every time we visit the Dragon Ball universe. Although it's true that we don't visit much, I usually stop by once every year or two for Bulma's birthday.

Since according to Bulma, my clone is not good enough, for her birthday ...

Speaking of Bulma, I have almost prepared the gift for her ... It is something that she has always asked me for, but I have never been able to give it to her without her making a small sacrifice ... a superpower.

The truth is that my grimoire world absorbed more than the laws related to Haki, if not it also absorbed the laws related to devil fruits ... It's just that I didn't realize it until a few months ago.

It turns out that after we went through the One Piece universe, a small sprout appeared in my grimoire world.

This little bud did not attract anyone's attention initially, since my grimoire world is so big that a little bud, in the middle of nowhere, is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Over time, that bud grew little by little over the years into a small tree a meter long. At that time, Arachne assigned himself the mission of mapping my grimoire world (Task she is still working on, since my grimoire world continues to expand.), And one of his little spiders discovered the little tree.

After the little spider reported her discovery, Arachne discussed it with Elanna, since she was the one who took care of the garden. So whenever plants with traces of energy were found in my grimoire world, Elanna would look to see if it was worth cultivating or not.

Since with the large amount of natural energy in my grimoire world, it is not surprising that the plants and animals within my grimoire world mutate.

In short, Elanna became interested in the little tree and replanted it in her garden.

It was not until years later that I myself felt that something formed one with me ... And when I located the source of this connection I found a gigantic Tree in Elanna's garden ...

And yes, although the tree was gigantic, I had never noticed it of the tree… Because it just wasn't the only giant tree in the garden… But let's get back to the topic.

After seeing the tree I instantly knew about the origins of the tree ... More than anything because in both its bark and its leaves, the tree had a swirling pattern, like that found in most devil fruits.

And the reason why a connection was suddenly established between me and the 'devil tree' was basically because the tree was starting to bloom…

But obviously not all kinds of devil fruits were going to bloom, with all kinds of powers. It is not something so convenient ...

If not that the devil tree was ... 'Copying' the laws that my grimoire world and I learned and it is turning them into devil fruit ...

So basically the devil fruits that the devil tree produces are useless for me, since either I have already learned it or it is the powers of my contracted beasts. Although the latter is not totally useless, it does not help me much either ...

But going back to the topic, I want to give a devil fruit to Bulma, Also, as the owner of the devil tree, I am able to decide if the characteristics of the devil fruits, that I have made the devil fruit that I am growing for Bulma, not have any kind of curse or anything.

But this damn devil fruit takes a long time to grow… Even with me urging the fruit to 'grow' faster, it is not fully ripe yet. Although compared to the other 'devil flowers' that have not even started to bear fruit, their growth is quite fast.

"Dear! Stop monologing in your head and tell us what happened at once! " Lilith urged me upon noticing my clear momentary absence.

'Oops ...' I complained in my mind ...

I'm not going to go into details, but things have happened and I didn't have the time or desire to write until recently. That being said, I don't know what the updates will be like from now on, but hey ... So I could write something for tomorrow or in a few weeks ...

In short, I'm back, but don't get your hopes up.

Deriocreators' thoughts
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