
Unfamiliar Place - chapter 1

The operator got an unknown call right away and dispatches one of the detectives to the given area. The investigators go on in the search in the crime scene, both of them can tell the smell of rotten meat from feet away. When coming in contact with the corpse they started their investigation and examine the scene, collecting evidence including the DNA example of the victim.

Toshiro then notices a single bullet shell he then picks it up and puts it in the biohazard bag.

"It seems that a firearm was used" as he thought that and looks back on back at the victim has no bullet injuries. But looking back at the victim it looks of it that the person died from an instant blunt injury from his head.

(If the victim was killed with a blunt weapon, then why there is a bullet shell laying down in this scene.)

A woman with long hair and a newsboy cap on her head appears in the scene approaching Toshiro with a serious look and her face, "So Toshiro how's the investigation going?" she asked patting his left shoulder,

"Nothing really, it's just that..." Toshiro then shows her the bullet shell zip in the bag while explaining, "Don't you think it's weird?" Toshiro asks the detective. Looking at it with the curious look on her eyes,

"Hmm, it looks like firearm involved."

"For now let's head back to the office and report this alright" the two of them nodded and return back in the office in an hour later…

Stopping by in the front of the law enforcement agency building, Toshiro and the detective enter the building to they're surprised the head chief was waiting for them in the front of the counter.

"Good work both of you, It's a surprised that you getting hang of it, Toshiro without puking, Hahaha" The head chief who have known Toshiro over a year chuckled a bit. Toshiro looks neutral while looking at chief,

"Pardon my assistant Chief. The case that we investigate today went smoothly although… "

The detective and the head chief heads inside in the division office to continue their talk, detective explains the rest of their findings throughout the investigation,

"I see thanks for the report that you gave, Fumiko how about this you and your assistant can take the half of the day off today."

The detective Fumiko have smirk on her face while leaving Chief in the office,

"Hey Toshiro wanna go hang out?" She asks Toshiro from outside office waiting, who was waiting for Fumiko at the bench.

"How's the report you give him?" Toshiro ask Fumiko while drinking his canned tea he got from the vending machine.

"Yea the chief said it was enough and let us have day off for today." Proceed to sit by with him at the bench. "You know it's been a year since we partner up." Fumiko look up at the ceiling reminiscing the first time they met.

"Yeah, I remember meeting you at a bar who randomly asks some dude who was me to pay your bill." Toshiro stares at Fumiko who had forgotten to pay him back.

"Since we are talking about bar, Hey want to go hang out in a bar?" she asks with enthusiastic, "…You know you haven't pay me back then and isn't this the fifth time of this month!?" Toshiro sighs and told Fumiko to take break from drinking.

"Come on this is the final time, could you please come with me." Fumiko ask Toshiro with the pleading in her eyes trying to convince him.

"I'll treat you with…" Toshiro then reluctantly agreed with Fumiko to come join with her, "Meet me at the train station around 6pm, you got that." Toshiro nods and stood up from the bench threw the empty canned of tea in one of the trash can nearby and head straight back to the office to finish things up…

6pm. Before going out Toshiro then change his uniform into casual one and then step outside of his apartment. He rode a bus and headed to the station.

(Hah can't believe that I agree that easily to with her and drink, I am her assistant I should also look out at for her health, sigh already failed that, after this I'm going to be strict with her…) the bus stop at its destination, Toshiro then step out from the bus and started to look for Fumiko.

When he found her, Fumiko then soon to see Toshiro coming out of the bus, she started having at him from the distant. Toshiro sees this and walks towards her.

"Your early as ever" Toshiro says that when he comes to Fumiko who was standing there leaning behind the wall of the station. "What's wrong with so being early? Anyways we should get going" The both of then rode the train when it comes…

After getting of the train both of them went to their destination. "Hey Senpai don't you think this bar is suspicious from the looks of it?" Toshiro asks with the concern look on his face, hesitating to entering the bar.

"Don't worry about it, I havened been here many times." Toshiro still skeptical replied with sure if you say so and the both of them enter the bar.

"Wow how come the interior is hella, fancy than the outside!" The surprised look on Toshiro face when they enter the bar. The bar itself looks cleaned and trendy. The relaxing atmosphere can be felt throughout the whole dining table. Few people in their mid-20s and 30s some are wearing business suits and the others are wearing casual clothes.

A barmaid comes to us at the counter. "Hey Fumiko it's been like the 3rd time of this week you came here." She says with joy on her faced the barmaid and the detective are getting along as like they were close friends, "Oh yeah you have not met Shizuko yet, Toshiro meet Shizuko, then Shizuko this is my assistant Toshiro."

Fumiko introduced the two. Toshiro look at Shizuko who was standing at the counter wearing skirt, formal and well dressed. Shizuko stare back at Toshiro smiling at him,

"Nice to meet you Shizu-san." Toshiro introduced himself again.

"Could you drop the honorific, you can just call me Shizu." Shizuko says with gentle smile on her faced. "Ok then, Shizu" After the brief introduction both Fumiko and her assistant sat- ted at the counter. "How long have you known her, Senpai?" Toshiro ask Fumiko who was excited waiting for her ordered drinks.

"Hmm you mean Shizuko? We have met before she had worked here; to be exact we used to be classmates back in high school." She explains here relation with Shizuko to Toshiro.

"Is that so" Shizuko then approach them with their ordered foods and alcohol drinks. The look from Fumiko eye's sparks when she saw her favorite alcohol placed in the table.

"YES finally I had been waiting this for whole day." She picked up the glassed of alcohol and chug it down, "Senpai slow down it's not like anybody is going to take your drink!?" Toshiro concerned for Fumiko who were chugging the alcohol from the glass.

The two of them enjoy their time listening into the jazz that has been playing throughout the whole evening until night, when the bar becomes less busy.

Toshiro then look at the clock that was placed at the wall. Its 11pm the train station is about to closed soon. Toshiro stand up and tries to wake Fumiko up but to no avail. He then sighs and leave the bill at the table and said goodbyes to the barmaid Fumiko.

When Toshiro carried Fumiko like wounded soldier in a battlefield. When his about to leave, "Hey Toshiro I want to ask you something? What do you think of the truth?" Toshiro looks back at Fumiko who was asking a question, "What's with the sudden question?" he ask with the poker face. "I meant if someone were to betray you, how you would react?" with that question in mind Toshiro began to closed his eyes.

"Know the situation first before making choice…" Toshiro replied to Shizuko's question. "I see you really are the detective's assistant after all, ah you should get going." Shizuko says with the grin her face.

Both the detective and her assistant left the bar. They went their almost go to the station a bunch of well suited men approaches them, "Do guys need something?" when Toshiro ask, has been hold behind separating himself from Fumiko.

"Hey wait-" Toshiro then was cut off when someone knocks him behind. Suddenly making him unconscious…

Toshiro then woke up in an unfamiliar white room. He stands up from the bed and analyzed the situation. He then looks at his wrist watch and remembers that what happened yesterday.

Toshiro remembers that both he and his Senpai went on bar to relax, on the way in their home they then stop by a few suited men and…

Toshiro can't remember the rest that happened yesterday after encountering those men. He then remember Fumiko, he got worried that what just happened to her. Toshiro started to breathe slowly to calm himself.

Few minutes he made self completely calm and relax. He then look around his surroundings to see that the whole room is white and in one of the desk table there is a cake and a black paper with white writings on it.

Toshiro knows it's a letter. The letter stated, Hello there mister Toshiro I know for fact you're the assiatnt of the famous detective named Fumiko, I would like to play game, the first game that you're going to place is…

Toshiro then counties to read the rest of the letter in the last lines says. If the rat was trap and alone how long does the rat goes on. The puzzled look on Toshiro face when he read this, what could have this mean he ask.

When he begun to ask, suddenly the small vents started releasing some sort of poisonous gas, Toshiro Then covers his nose and mouth and begun to charge at full speed at the white door. Nothing happens, no crack, no signs of damage. The door was made of metal. Toshiro the looks around for any clues he then remembers what Fumiko said when they first met "opportunity can be found anywhere in mysterious places".

Toshiro then looks back at the cake that he didn't eat it knowing that it probably was poison. He then destroys the cake to find anything what's inside…

Toshiro opens the door and knee down on the floor in the other room. He breaths freely and sighs in relief. Knowing that he manage to escape from the white room, Toshiro then stand up from his knee,

"Hah can't believe that my lock picking skills will be this useful in times like this."

Toshiro then look around to find himself in another room it what it looks to be inside of a cabin. No entrance door or a window. The room has a couch a small table it's your typical living room Toshiro thought. The big television screen then pops up, A voice mail then plays a deep voice. The voice message stated,

"Congratulation on beating my first game detective's assistant, you may ask why are you here? Well that's good question you see, you and your detective are one of the best duos on solving crimes here in Tokyo now that your guys are in my way for a year, I might as well killed both of you but change my mind instead of cutting you both of my ways, I might as well have fun watching both of you lost.." Toshiro was frustrated when he's about to punch the screen.

"Oh yeah one more thing is you want to get reunited with your friend, I might remind you that time is money well you know where curiosity kills the cat. "The TV screen shows Fumiko trap in a white room. Toshiro knows this and turns back to see many doors. One of them is open without hesitation, he then enters the room.