
Never Gonna Give You Up.

"Do new-borns normally sleep this long? Should we get the nurse to check on him?" The voice of a worried father filled the room, giving a warm feeling to the room.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he will be fine, he's our son after all. Anyway, they say sleep is the best medicine." The caring voice of a mother who was cradling her child responded back, softly giggling at her worried husband's behaviour.

"Are you sure? It wouldn't hurt to ask." Still worried, the father rubbed his beard as he looked at his child.

"Relax, its normal for a child to sleep at birth." The woman smiled while looking at her child.

'I was worried earlier as well, but I guess we're just being too worried, after all the nurses told me he was fine themselves.' She thought to herself slightly embarrassed.

I guess if you're so certain." The man responded helplessly.

"If you're so certain then I guess its fine."

"Hey Machiko, I feel like such a hypocrite. When other people had children and let them be taken to the alter, I didn't question it. The always said it was for the village and I believed it. But now when I look at him, I couldn't imagine giving him up." The pained voice of the mother began to break as tears formed around her eyes. The atmosphere in the room suddenly turned very gloomy.

"Yeah, I know how you're feeling… but we wouldn't be able to do anything ourselves." The helpless voice of the father had turned cold.

'I'm sorry you two.' The father remembered two village members who tried to escape the village with their new-born. He hunted down the parents and retrieved the child thinking they were traitors.

"Why don't they just give up. There won't be another generation at this rate. And our boy…" A tear began to form at her eyes as her voice became shaky.

"In their minds, that, thing, is the only chance they have to bring our village into power. To get out of the shadows." The father's voice sounded venomous as he thought of the foolish leaders of their small village.

"We could try escape, is there a way we can avoid giving him up?" Despite saying this the mother didn't have much hope in this idea.

"With you in your state right now and our new-born baby we wouldn't get very far. I won't be able to protect us from the entire village at once either. But there is a chance he will be compatible with it… even if its slim, we have to hope."

In the hospitals nursery Aaron was sleeping like a professional, despite being on his back which is not his usual sleeping position. He was in a small cot. His body stretched slightly. After a short yawn his eyes opened.

'That was well needed, I slept like a baby.' Aaron thought to himself after he realised he fell asleep.

As Aaron was waking himself up fully, he could see despite his lacking sight that some parts of his bed had wooden bars pointing upwards from the frame. He assumed the bars went around the whole bed. In a state of confusion Aaron attempted to sit up and investigate what happened to his bed.

As he tried to sit up, he realised he had some trouble moving around, his body felt weak. He could raise his hand slightly and using his peripheral vision to look at his small body. What he saw left his in shock.

He was so small.

Despite having trouble believing it he seemed to have the body of a toddler. His torso, arm even his leg. Every part of his body was small now. He also had no clothes on except for a white diaper and his skin was looking more pudgy than usual. In his confusion Aaron suddenly remembered what he heard in his mind before he went to sleep.

'No fucking way that was real!' Aaron had originally passed the voice he heard earlier off as his fatigued mind playing tricks on him. The more he thought about the situation the more it made sense to him. Considering how badly injured he was previously and how he didn't feel any pain now he had probably died.

Aaron stopped everything he was doing at that moment and just closed his eyes to think.

'Calm down, being rash isn't going to help anything.' Although he kept repeating this it had minimal effect. The images of his loved ones began appearing again in his mind. He felt like he was going to cry.

After a few emotional minutes passed Aaron was able to calm down and rationally think about what was going on.

"Maybe I was reincarnated. Or something similar. The problem is if that's true I don't know if I am on earth. If I am on earth, I might be able to find my family, although considering I'm a child I doubt it would work. I don't like the fact that voice said I might need support, makes me think this might not be the safest place to live." Aaron realised needed more information before he could confidently decide on anything.

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