
How to beat a sword

After yang and Logan's little session she has been sticking behind for "extra" lessons with him after every training session. The others were frightened by her stamina but three people were amazed for another reason. How is she still functioning after all that. Alice and Pyrrha had found out about what Logan and her do on the Matt. They were both jealous and that led Pyrrha to feel come confliction within herself about who she likes and why.

Alice however was having none of that, she learned about Logan's reward and how open minded she is so she stormed into the showers one morning and held up the video on her phone. He couldn't hack it because it wasn't on the remnant network. She basically blackmailed him into a sexual relationship. Four hours later neither of them had complaints. The next day yang found out and tried to argue but she forgot the pecking order so was punished. After that she was fine with the idea.

Tensions also rose among team rwby as Weiss started her racist talk about fauns this leading blake to avoid her. During the training blake stayed off to the side and asked more for personal instruction while she trained silently. Logan doesn't train them in group combat because he doesn't have any idea. Back in his world when him and his school mates got into fights with gangs they just bulldozed there way through.

During a combat class blake and Weiss had a match with Weiss winning because blake couldn't control herself. After that Logan drilled three group in a new set of combat styles. He taught them kick boxing and muai Thai that he learned from Vasco and gaolang wongsawat. He also through in some moves of apachai hopachi that he was able to recreate but not much.

Later he walked towards ruby who is much stronger than her canon self. He placed his hands on her shoulders which made her jolt as he accidentally used the THD skill on her. "Ruby what I'm about to teach you is a special move that only speedsters can learn. Watch closely" he then took a jog and jumped into the air and went to perform a kick. Weiss who saw what he was doing "how is that for speedsters?" She couldn't help but say.

"DYNAMIC ENTRY!!!" Logan shouted as his foot made contact with the wall and demolished it. He then landed and pulled a thumbs up with a visible twinkle. Ruby had stars in her eyes while the others jaws dropped. 'Who the hell made a technique like that' they all collectively thought.

"Now come with me so I can teach you the power and techniques of youth" "yes sensei!" Ruby replied automatically not even realising it which made her startled. He then proceed to teach her strong fist style taijutsu as he'd seen it when he was in naruto verse, teuchi also got the manual off guy who openly hands them out as most people aren't crazy enough to use this style.

In remnant the healing technology is much better plus they have a Jaune who can heal them so even if ruby breaks her bones they'd heal by tomorrow. While everyone else continued training they heard an explosion from the forest while someone screamed "NIGHT GUY!!!!" Followed by ruby squealing for him to teach her that.

No Logan can not perform the inner gates but he can mimic them. Shaping the aura into a dragon is easy and learning to change your aura into a colour takes a little time. But ruby has naturally red aura because of her semblance so for her it would look amazing. It's not as dangerous as the original, just a mimicry but in remnant it would look badass for a red dragon with petals charging into a horde of Grimm.

A few days later sun wukong arrived and was introduced to the gang which meant that the gang shipment but was soon. The drama between Weiss and Blake flared as she revealed her true identity to which Logan and Alice watched with popcorn in hand from a rooftop. Mogana and Giyu have spent their time actually learning new things as well as training while having rest times like a normal person.

Alice is either goofing off, training with Logan, "training" with Logan, cooking in the kitchen with remnant ingredients or teasing yang and Pyrrha. After the events of volume one concluded everyone returned to normal but Logan had an idea.

He remembered what would happen to blake and yang so he wanted to prevent it. After much pondering he came up with a style that could save their lives.

Yang, Blake, Pyrrha, Giyu and Weiss stood in front of Logan who had several wooden swords and blades behind him. "Okay maggots today I'm going to teach you the ultimate method to beating a sword user. I can tell some of you have experience with one." Yang remembered qrow and his stories about her mother, Blake remembered Adam, Pyrrha remembered last opponents and Weiss remembered her family.

"So today I'm teaching you the kyotōryū bare handed style which was developed to defeat a vast variety of blades. Your entire body will be developed to break blades and swords through the training of several moves." He then proceeded to explain the style. Essentially this style was used by the mc of a series called katanagatari which he loved in his previous life.

The story was about a girl who was requested to capture several unique legendary blades so she sought out a man who had a fighting style to destroy them. She found the man and his sister living alone on an island so she recruited him. The man and woman left the island and proceed to hunt the blades while gradually following in love.

Though as they reached the final blade the woman was killed with it sending the man into a rage. He quickly stormed the government officials place and proceeded to destroy the blades and their users while defeating the man who killed his love. After that he left alongside the woman of the man who killed his love to travel their country. At the end of the story the new couple returned to the island were the man reunited with his sister and married the other woman as they fell in love over their journey.

After he recited the story of katanagatari while changing some minor things he had the group in tears. He then explained the style and its 8 stances starting from the zero stance down to the seven stance: iris. He then walked them through the moves which were named after flowers like the poppy, dandelion, orchid and magnolia. He also taught them how to bare handed blade block by catching a blade between the palms.

This training took them three weeks which was around the time cinder and her lackeys arrived.

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