3 Chapter 2

She shook his hand. As soon as she touched it, blue fire lit up in a circle around them.

"Woah, never seen this before." (y/n) muttered. The statue started to glow and crack. The light emitted from the cracks in the statue.

The statue rose from the ground. The light was showing more and (y/n) covered her eyes.

"It is great to be back!" Said a voice. (y/n) uncovered her eyes and saw Bill Cipher, still holding her hand. "Now who do I owe the pleasure of bringing me- (y/n)!?"

"Hello, Bill." (y/n) smiled then warped back to her triangle form and floated in the air.

Bill took his hand away from her.

"This can't be possible..." He muttered. "I can't be bound to you..."

"Oh, yes you are. Now you receive orders from me until I die. Who knows how long that'll be?"

Then Bill noticed the Pines family standing there a few feet away.

"You! Do you have any idea what you've done!?" Bill exclaimed.

"Now, Bill. I'm the one who orders you to do stuff." (y/n) said.

"Who cares about that? They're the ones who ruined my life!"

"This is what I had to deal with..." She muttered. "Bill, I order you to leave them alone."


"Bill! Do you want to go explain to your mother what happened here and how you can't handle rules!? Or do you want to listen to me?"

"No, not mother! She will put me in the room, I don't want to go there again..." He panicked.

"So, are you willing to listen to me or not?"



"Dream demons have parents?" Dipper asked.

"Only Bill does. Bill's mother created me by doing a ritual, but gave birth to Bill and his brother."

