
The End Is Near!

(3rd Person Pov)

It's been ten day's since Anos began training two of the four Maous, Michael, Vali, Kuroka, Sirzechs peerage, and Rias Gremory alongside her peerage.

All of Rias's peerage members excluding herself and her queen have already reached the pinnacle of high class Devils just shy a step away from hitting the rank of ultimate class with both Rias and Akeno having entered the beginner's level of ultimate class.

Those with the biggest improvement would definetly be only Sirzechs, who from being a Super Devil that could rival most of the powerful God's, evolved to reach the level of power where he is only beneath the Dragon God's in terms of power with only the Hindu God Shiva rivalling his might.

Serafall, Grayfia, and Micheal hit the level of power of a Super with all three gaining themselves a (True Form) of their abilities. Serafall and Grafia both gained the (True Form) of ice, and Micheal getting his (True Form) of Light. Their (True Form's) also changed their physical appearance with both Serafall and Grayfia's hair turning a pristine white made of pure ice.

Their skins also turned increadibly pale, but they still held their original shape. The two of them also grew slightly taller, and their bodies became even more curvaceous then they already were previously. Their boobs, hips, and butt's grew bigger, and their thighs and legs became better too and a crown made of pure magical ice appeared atop their heads possibly to reference themselves as a King, and Grayfia being a queen. 

As for Michael, he grew taller as well as his face becoming more masculine with Holy light radiating off his being. His body adorned a brilliant armour with shoulder guards and a pair of gauntlets. His Holy powers now rivals that of his late father the biblical God, later on making Michael the new Biblical God in place of their late father.

As for Vali and Kuroka, both have entered the early stages of Satan class. With the rest of Sirzechs peerage members entering the pinnacle of Satan Class. Anos then appeared before them all as he spoke.

Anos: "It's officially been ten day's since you all began your training. You've all grown exponentially stronger compared to before. Now then, off you all go. Feel free to do whatever you want to."

Everyone nodded their heads as Sirzechs spoke.

Sirzechs: "Do you not wish to come watch the rating game?"

Anos: "Do not worry, I'll be there."

Sirzechs: "Very well then. Michael, if you'd like to, you may come watch the rating game as well. Since we've already signed the peace treaty, it should be fine for you to come watch."

Michael: "I thank you for the offer Sirzechs, but I must return to heaven for now. Maybe next time I will attend one of the Rating Games."

Sirzechs nodded his head before turning to face Rias and her peerage. 

Sirzechs: "Are all of you ready?"

All of them nodded their heads determination burning in their eye's. 

Rias & Peerage: "Yes Lord Lucifer!" 

Sirzechs: "Then let us head to the expected battlefield where the rating game will be held."

Soon, a massive magic circle enveloped Rias, her peerage, Sirzechs peerage, and Serafall causing them all to dissappear from the space. And right after, Michael dissappeard as well returning to heaven as Anos faced the two remaining people still in the space Vali Lucifer, and Kuroka Toujou. 

Anos: "Now then, Vali and Kuroka. What will you two do? Return to the chaos brigade?" 

The two flinched at Anos's words as Kuroka questioned him feeling bewildered. 

Kuroka: "You knew we were part of the chaos brigade~Nya?!" 

Anos: "Yes."

Vali: "Then. Do you know what happened that caused every single member to suddenly begin acting strangely?" 

Anos: "It was because Avos Dilhevia forced them all under a magical contract that made them his minion's."

Vali: "Avos Dilhevia has taken over the entire chaos brigade?! Then how did we jot get affected?"

Anos: "I excluded your group from the forced contract."

Kuroka frowned as she questioned. 

Kuroka: "This means you are fully aware of any and all movements that Avos Dilhevia makes?"

Anos: "That's correct. However, what I did by excluding your group from the contract was a one time thing if only because I needed the two of you to make things more easier for me. By having Kuroka not be controlled, she made it easier to convince Koneko to use Senjutsu. And Vali is like a son to Azazel. Things would be more annoying if he came to learn that you were manipulated by Avos. That's why your group was excluded. And what I'm looking for is entertainment. It'd be too boring if I simply mind controlled everyone."

Vali got curious, so he questioned.

Vali: "Anos Voldigoad. As I am right now, if I fought against Avos Dilhevia who would win?"

Anos: "Avos Dilhevia. As you are right now, even your Juggernaut Drive would at most be a minor nuisance to him. You'd need to be far above the Dragon God's in term's of power to cause him any real problems."

Vali: "Even the Juggernaut Drive isn't enough to beat him?"

As Vali contemplated Anos's words, Albion decided he'd like to ask Anos a few questions of his own. 

Albion: "Anos Voldigoad. Do you perhaps know what happened to Ddraig? Is he still in possession of Avos Dilhevia?" 

Anos: "That little lizard is a secret. Why the sudden curiosity? Are you suddenly missing your rival? I never knew you cared for him so much."

Anos mocked the Heavenly Dragon causing Albion to growl in irritation, but he didn't dare to speak back against Anos. Anos seemed dissaspointed before sighing and questioning the two terrorists. 

Anos: "Any more questions?"

Both Vali and Kuroka shook their head's as they reluctantly thanked Anos for training them, before dissappearing and returning to their teammates. Anos then waved his hand dismissively completely erasing the alternative space he had made for everyone to train in as he returned to his throne and sat upon it.

Anos: "Now then. I hope you'll speed up your plans Avos, my patience is beginning to wain. I brought you into this world only for my entertainment, so act like the jester I made you to be, and bring me entertainment."

-(Scene Break!)-

(Ravel Phoenix POV) 

Ravel: 'Something is horribly wrong'

Those were the thought's of Ravel phoenix as she watched Rias Gremory alongside her peerage walk into the Rating Game Arena. To her, a measly ten days of training shouldn't have been enough to grow significantly stronger than her older brother Riser Phoenix.

But yet now that they stood before her, just being around them made her skin crawl as she heard her older brother speak arrogantly towards his future fiancée should he win the rating game.

Riser: "Rias my lovely dear. Why so quiet? Are you contemplating just surrendering to me and becoming my fiancé right here and now? If you do, Riser promises to not hurt any of your peerage members."

Riser's word's were full of arrogance. As though the Victor of this upcoming rating game has already been decided. However. His body suddenly shivered as the gazes of Rias and her peerage landed upon him causing him to take a step back. However, when he realised what had just happened, his face darkened as he thought.

Riser: 'This arrogant bitch made the powerful and mighty Riser take a step back?! How dare she! Riser will destroy her in this rating game, and once Riser gets to finally taste that body of hers, Riser will train that bitch into Riser's personal pet!'

Rias ignored Riser as she spoke to her peerage members. 

Rias: "Are all of you ready for today's rating game?"

All her peerage responded confidently except Gasper who was shivering being stared at by so many people. Rias noticed this as she placed a comforting hand on Gasper's shoulder and spoke. 

Rias: "It's alright to be uncomfortable with the stares Gasper. But I'm counting on you to help me win this rating game. It took alot of convincing to let my brother allow me to bring you into this match. And I'm sure that Anos-Sama's training has helped you to grow strong enough to face anyone who stands before us."

Rias words moved the little Dhampir as he took a deep breath and nodded his head in appreciation. However, Riser was becoming furious at Rias's blatant ignorance of himself. And just as things were about to escalate, Grayfia appeared before the two with an air of regality and power.

In fact, to everyone present, they could feel the raw power radiating off of her. Her presence was the equivalent of how they imagined Ragnarok would feel like. An unstoppable blizzard with temperatures so cold that it threatens to freeze the very God's themselves.

Grayfia: "Lord Riser, Lady Gremory. Are the two of you prepared for the rating game?"

Riser arrogantly declared. 

Riser: "Riser was always ready. The question is rather Rias and her peerage are ready to face defeat against Riser and his peerage."

Rias: "Were ready for the rating games as well."

Grayfia: "Then allow me to inform you two about a change to the challenge. Due to the Maous having alot more issues to deal with at the moment, this rating game is a free for all not following the standard rating game rules. You both only have ten minutes to end the rating game, and the king who still has the most peerage members in the arena will be considered the winner. Or should you defeat the king directly the winner is immediately the team who remains. Of course pawn promotions remain the same. Only when in enemy territory can they promote. Any objections?"

Riser: "That's fair with Riser. Riser is already honoured knowing that the Maous are here to watch this rating game even if unofficial. Riser will do his best to entertain the Maous during this ten minute match."

Grayfia: "And yourself lady Gremory?" 

Rias: "That's fine with me as well. I have no objections to the rules set for this unofficial Rating Game."

Grayfia: "Very well then. Before we begin the rating game's, I'd like the two of you to come to an agreement on the location of the fight."

Riser: "Riser will give Rias and her peerage a chance to have a bit of a home field advantage. Riser and his peerage will beat them at the school Riser's fiancé attends." 

Grayfia turned to face Rias as she questioned. 

Grayfia: "Is that alright with you Lady Gremory?" 

Rias: "If Riser is kind enough to give us the advantage in location, then who am I to reject such a kind offer." 

Grayfia: "Then I wish both sides the best of luck for this Rating Game."

And with a snap of her finger's, Rias and Riser were teleported to a different space that looks like an exact replica of Kuoh Academy. Rias and her peerage appeared within the occult research club room, and Riser as well as his peerage members appeared within the schools Gymnasium. Grayfia appeared in a commenter booth with Sona Sitri next to her. 

Sona shivered feeling as though she was standing next to an endless blizzard as she thought to herself. 

Sona: 'It's just been ten day's since I last met everyone, yet they all feel so much more different. More powerful than before. But before she could continue pondering as to what the hell happend in the past ten day's she last saw them, Sona was brought out of her thoughts by Grayfia's words. 

Grayfia: "The Rating Game has officially begun!" 

-(Scene Break!)-

(3rd Person Pov) 

Deep within the gymnasium, we're Riser and his peerage members. He spoke to them. 

Riser: "Xuelan, Mira, Ile and Nel. You four will act as security for the Gymnasium's entrance. Do not allow any of Rias's peerage member's anywhere near Riser."

Riser's rook Xuelan, as well as three of his eight pawns Mira, Ile, and Nel all nodded their head's obeying their kings word's, and heading towards the entrance of the gymnasium to guard it. 

Riser: "Next will be Shuriya, Bürent, and Marion. Riser is entrusting you three with attacking Rias at her headquarters. Try to promote all three of yourselves the moment your able to."

His other three pawns Shuriya, Burent, and Marion nodded their heads and left the base as Riser continued. 

Riser: "Yubelluna. Go set up several traps near the entrance to try and catch Rias's peerage members off guard if possible. But don't leave the building. Ravel, Karlamine, Isabela, Siris, Ni and LI. The rest of you remain here until Rias makes her next move. Then Riser will choose how we move on from there."

Riser's remaining peerage members nodded their heads in understanding obeying his orders. And waiting on their enemy Rias Gremory, or by her moniker. Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess. 

(Meanwhile at the occult research clubroom) 

Sitting on one of the leather couches and drinking tea was Rias Gremory. The king of her peerage. Her queen Akeno Himejima stood behind her as herself and her fellow peerage members awaited their kings order's. Rias placed her cup of tea down as she spoke. 

Rias: "Koneko. What's the status of our enemies?" 

Koneko closed her eye's, and entered her Nekoshou form. And after a few seconds, she opened her eye's once more and spoke. 

Koneko: "Three of Riser's pawns are approaching our clubroom. The rest of his peerage members are still passive at the moment."

Rias: "I see."

As Rias contemplated on how she was planning on humiliating Riser, she heard one of her peerage member's speak. It was her first bishop the Dhamphir Gasper Vladi. His feminine looks could steal the hearts of a great many men and women, but as of this moment, his eye's burned with determination as he spoke.

Gasper: "Buchou. I'd like permission to intercept the three pawns by myself!"

The Dhamphir's words shocked everyone in the room. But then Rias smiled as she spoke. 

Rias: "Are you sure you want to do this Gasper. Though I'm proud you've built the courage to go up against Riser's peerage, I don't want you getting hurt."

Gasper: "I'm sure Buchou! You saved me in the past, and even gave me a new family. I've always wanted to be able to help you as a way to thank you for all that you've done for me. So please let me show you what Anos-Sensei has taught me in these ten day's!"

Rias closed her eye's in contemplation before she opened them and spoke strongly and authoritively. 

Rias: "I understand Gasper. If that's what you desire, I'll permit it. But are you absolutely certain you can walk out this clubroom door without freezing in fear?"

Gasper: "I'll try my best!"

Rias sighed in exasperation as she spoke. 

Rias: "Then Gasper Vladi. Go show those pawns the might of my Bishop!"

Gaspers eyes brightened as he let out a proud smile and replied. 

Gasper: "Understood Buchou!"

Gasper then left the clubroom door as Rias sighed proudly and spoke. 

Rias: "It seems like he's finally growing. But I will admit, I miss his meek and submissive personality."

Akeno chuckled at her kings words as she spoke. 

Akeno: "I'm sure that personality of his is still there Buchou. He's just being a bit more confident than before. Which I'll admit, this feeling of proudness. If this is how a mother feels watching their child grow, I can't say I don't like it~"

Rias: "Now then my loyal Bishop Gasper Vladi. Show me what you've learned from Anos Voldigoad these past ten day's."

-(Scene Break!)-

(3rd Person Pov)

Gasper was scared. His words earlier was just him hyping himself up to not look bad infront of his king. His hand remained on the doorknob as he felt a suffocating pressure fall upon him. However, when he remembered the word's Anos told him. The technique he taught him. He took a deep breath and opened the door. 

Gasper: 'For Buchou, I'll fight for her freedom! I'll fight for my new family! Even if it's just for this one moment. Let me show them how proud I am to be buchou's Bishop!'

And with those word's, Gasper took his first step to the outside of the clubroom.


Gasper gulped in nervousness as he continued walking several meters ahead of the club room before he stopped as he came face to face with three of Riser's pawns.

The first of the three was Shuriya. One of Riser's pawns that Rias told him about. She was a young woman with long pale blue hair and amber eyes. She has tanned skin and is seen wearing a bikini made up of a metallic underwire brassier and a silk loincloth that exposes her sides. She also wears a silver colored tiara and neck rings with a ruby and blue gem respectively. Other accessories that she wears include ruby orb earrings, neck rings with a blue gem, a snake themed bracelet on her upper arm and a transparent pink veil across both her arms.

The second was Bülent if he recalled correctly. She is a young girl with shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes, dressed in a sleeveless French maid uniform that exposes her cleavage, with a white laced design on the edges, as well as a maid headpiece, half-apron, and forearm length fingerless gloves.

And last but not least was Marion. She is a young girl with shoulder length light brown hair and dark brown eyes, dressed in a buttoned, sleeveless, French maid uniform with a white laced design, along with a standard maid head piece, cuffs, and a white half-apron to go with the set. She also wears light grey tights.

All three pawns squeeled at the feminine appearance of Gasper causing him to freeze at their deranged looks of wanting to capture him. However, Gasper suddenly shivered as he felt someone watching him. And as he raised his head, he witnessed Anos stare at him with curiosity. This reminded Gasper of the hellish training he endured under the tutor of Anos as he took a deep breath and released his magical energy into the air surrounding the three pawns in a domain of his own magical energy causing the three pawns to look at him in surprise as Gasper remembered Anos's word's on how to best achieve this technique.


Gasper was panting and wheezing as he laid exhausted before Anos as he spoke. 

Gasper: "You said that this Black Flash will help me overcome my fear. But I haven't been able to master this technique at all."

Anos: "There's always the learning trial before one can learn to do something they'd normally be unable to do. The Black Flash technique requires intense focus. You erase all unnecessary things around you. From the sounds of the wind brushing past you, to the feeling of the magical energy that flows through your body. Ignore everything but those that stand before you. And then at the peak of your focus. The technique will guide you."

(Flashback End) 

Gasper's magical energy blended into the surroundings so well, the two sources of magical energy became one as circuit like patterns began traveling across the young Dhamphir's body as the three girls watched in curiosity as to what is about to happen. With his petite and feminine build, they didn't believe that he was capable of doing much harm to them. Oh how they'd come to regret those thoughts soon.

Riser's rook Xuelan gasped in disbelief causing Riser as well as his other peerage members too look at her in confusion as she glanced at the Dhampir and spoke in awe.

Xuelan: "What increadible focus! The look on her face! She's managed to enter a state of absolute focus. Most human martial artist calls this state the (flow state)."

Riser scoffed as he spoke. 

Riser: "And what's so interesting about entering this "Flow State"?"

Xuelan: "It's a state of mind so hard to enter, yet so easy to lose. Normally when a professional fighter enters such a state of being, they become someone far more dangerous than how they were before entering this flow state."

Riser: "It doesn't matter anyways. Riser's peerage is unbeatable anyways. Flow state or not, if its just a temporary thing Riser's confident in beating that girl."

Xuelan didn't say anything but just watched in awe.

Gasper: 'Erase everything but those who stand before you. Sound, magical energy flow, my hesitations. And when my energy is applied to it within one-millionth of a second.'

Gaspers focus was so intense that it caused Riser's three pawns to suddenly gulp in nervousness as they felt goosebumps travel across their skin's at the sight of the Dhamphir's intense focus. His state of extreme focus even caught the attentions of the Maous who began looking at the rating game with more interest. 

Drool traveled down his face and he barely noticed due to how heightened his sense of focus was, and the moment a single drop of drool struck the ground, Gasper Striked. At the moment of impact a distortion in space occured when his magical energy was applied within 0.000001 seconds of a physical hit.

And then, his magical energy flashed black, and the destructive power of his strike increased by a total of 2.5 times. Combine that with his reinforcement magic, as well as his mana Zone, and immediately Bülent was sent flying from the Occult Clubroom, all the way to the gymnasium where she broke through the walls and feel before Riser's feet her as he saw the imprint of a punch on her abdomen before she was teleported out of the alternate space. 

However, Gasper wasn't done. He had entered a state where manipulating his magical energy became something as simple and natural as breathing. It resulted in him gaining a feeling of omnipotence, as if everything revolves around him.

This leads to a greatly increased performance in combat, allowing the him to operate at 120% of his maximum potential. With a second strike to her stomach, a flash of black was witnessed by all as Riser's second pawn Shuriya was also sent flying away from the clubroom all the way to Riser's feet as he stood up in disbelief at what he's witnessing.

And finally Marion shielded herself by crossing her arm's as for a brief second, she still witnessed that intense focused gaze of Gasper before she heard him utter. 

Gasper: "Black Flash."

And his last strike hit her completely mangling her arms as a flash of black was seen, before sending her crashing directly into her king Riser as she was also retired from the match.

The entire arena fell silent as Gasper gazed upon his flow of magical energy in awe. However, the silence was broken by the sound of someone clapping their hands drawing all attention onto a man who sat upon a throne directly infront of the Maous startling them as they never realised he was even there. The individual in question was none other than Anos Voldigoad.

Anos: "To think you'd actually pull it off. Excellent. You've now gotten a proper taste of the gourmet experience of the release of 120% of your potential as well as an extremely fine tuning to magical energy Manipulation where it feels as natural as breathing."

Sirzechs: "Lord Anos? When did you arrive?"

Anos: "I've been here since the beginning of the match."

Anos's word's caused silence amongst the Maous. Even at their level of power, they still couldn't sense him. Just how far was the gap in power between themselves and the individual known as Anos Voldigoad?

Anos: "Alright. That's enough chatting. Continue the match."

Gasper took a deep breath, his confidence shot through the roof. He felt confident enough to use his sacred gears power without freezing everyone! And just as he was about to activate his sacred gear, he blinked as he realised that his sacred gear wasn't working as he saw a shadow looming over him. He looked up and saw Anos standing infront of him as he spoke. His tone calm, but it filled Gasper with inexplainable dread. 

Anos: "Now, now little one. With the usage of your sacred gear, you'd be taking away my temporary source of entertainment. You'll be allowed to use the sacred gear later on. However for now, you won't allow the boy to use your powers am I understood one eyed weakling?"

No reply came, but Anos smiled as he spoke. 

Anos: "I'm glad your so cooperative."

And with those word's, he vanished as Gasper blinked and gazed upon the throne where Anos sat on. He quietly re entered the occult research club room where he was praised by his friend's, before bursting into tears shocking everyone as he spoke. 

Gasper: "Kowai! Anos-Sama was so scary! Wahh!" 

Everyone blinked in surprise at the Dhamphir's word's, confused why he was suddenly talking about Anos Voldigoad who never moved a muscle from his throne. But they still did comfort the poor boy. Once Gasper was calmed down enough from his sudden crying, Koneko spoke. 

Koneko: "The fried chicken and his allies has arrived."

Rias raised her palm forward as a dome of destructive energy protected them all from a massive ball of fire completely erasing the attack as Rias spoke. 

Rias: "It seems like he's increadibly angry, and impatient for revenge from what Gasper did earlier."

Akeno: "What do you think we should do now Rias?" 

Rias: "There's something I've wanted to try. But to accomplish what I have in mind, me and you are going to have to match the wavelength of our magical energy. Do you think you can do that Akeno?" 

Akeno: "I wouldn't be your queen if I couldn't do something like that."

Rias: "That's good to hear."

She the glanced at the rest of her peerage members as she spoke apologetically. 

Rias: "Sorry guys. But with what I'm about to pull, I'm afraid that you wont get the chance to shine just yet. Is that alright?" 

Koneko: "I'm fine with it. Give that Yakitori a beating he'll never recover from."

Kiba: "That's quite alright my king."

Gasper just whimpered causing Koneko to rub his back soothingly as Rias and Akeno flew out of the Occult Research Clubroom, and came face to face with Riser, as well as his remaining peerage member's as he spoke. 

Riser: "Riser will admit that you got lucky with the first three. But now, Riser thinks he's given you enough face as the Gremory head. From now on, Riser will show you all no mercy!" 

Rias: "Riser Phoenix. How about a bet?" 

Riser paused as he questioned. 

Riser: "What are the stakes?" 

Rias: "Survive this one attack. If you can survive what I'm about to launch upon you and your peerage, and you all survive, I'll willingly surrender and get married to you. However, should you fail to survive the attack and is forced to retire, then you will publicly end our engagement and stop harrasing me."

Riser blinked surprised at Rias's term's before he laughed psychotically and spoke. 

Riser: "That's nice. Your thinking that your strong enough to overpower my immortality?! Very well then. I agree to your bet."

Rias: "I ask that the Maous be the witness of our agreement. Should Riser failt to keep his promise, I hope you won't be lenient on him jyst because he's part of the Phoenix household."

Sirzechs: "Very well then. Rias, you only have one attack to end the match. Let's hope your not being in over your head with this bet."

Rias: "I'm well aware of what I'm about to do, and the consequences should I fail."

Sirzechs just sat quietly as Rias spoke. 

Rias: "Before I begin, Riser. I'd like to ask that until my spell is completed, neither yourself, nor any of your peerage members can make a move upon us."

Riser frowned as he spoke. 

Riser: "Riser isn't an idiot. There's no way I'd prevent my peerage members from attacking if they so please."

Akeno: "Then what if I added myself to this bet?" 

Rias: "Akeno?!" 

Riser: "Explain."

Akeno: "Should none of your peerage member's attack us, and you all survive whatever it is Rias is about to do, I'll also offer myself up as one of your concubines."

Riser's face became lustful as he imagined such a scenario where he gets not just Rias, but her Queen as well? 

Riser: "I hope you two are ready. Tonight you'll both be Riser's personal bed warmers!" 

Akeno: "So I take it we have come to mutual agreement?" 

Riser: "Indeed. Riser is benevolent enough to allow you both your last desperate attack. None of Riser's peerage members will so much as lift a finger to attack you no matter what."

Akeno: "Ufufufu. Lovely. Rias, let's get this over with. What do you need me to do?" 

Rias: "Wait for me to cast my spell, and you'll overlap it with your strongest family technique."

Akeno: "As you wish my king."

And in an instant, Rias released the full might of her magical energy causing the audience to gasp as one exclaimed. 

Random Devil: "This power! An Ultimate Class Devil?! The young lady Gremory is Ultimate Class at seventeen years of age?! By Lucifer himself what talent!" 

As the murmurs grew, Riser began feeling regret at his arrogant word's as high above him, a massive magical circle enveloped the sky above the fake Kuoh Academy as a massive gathering of destructive power condensed into the center in the shape of a massive sphere as Rias spoke. 

Rias: "Akeno."

Akeno: "As you requested my king."

Akeno also released her magical energy that reached the level of an Ultimate Class Devil causing the crowd to go wild and regret to appear on Riser's face as he wondered how to tank the hit. And if that wasn't bad enough, a large amount of Holy Thunder condensed around the massive sphere blending together in harmony creating the first holy/Demonic attack as both Rias and Akeno shouted. 

Rias/Akeno: ""Union Magic: Holy & Demonic Destructive Thunder!" 

And from the heavens above, came down a bolt of two very powerful magic as Riser screamed. 

Riser: "Riser surrenders! Riser Surrenders! Someone save Riser!" 

Before the Thunder struck Riser and his peerage, Sirzechs appeared above Riser's group as he raised his palm wearing a serene expression as he completely erased the Union Magic with ease as he declared. 

Sirzechs: "Riser Phoenix has surrendered, and thus the winner of this rating game is none other than Rias Gremory. I hope you honour your end of the bet Riser."

Riser slumped dejectedly as he replied. 

Riser: "Riser understands Satan Lucifer. Thank you for saving Riser and Riser's peerage."

Sirzechs gave a calm smile and replied. 

Sirzechs: "Your welcome."

Yet as everyone either celebrated, Feel into a deep sadness, or watched in disbelief and awe, none noticed the dissappearance of Anos as he got off from the throbe he sat on within Delsgade as he spoke. 

Anos: "It seems like my time in this world will be ending soon enough. That beast has finally been founded by the young man. Now what will you do Avos Dilhevia? What will be your final act as my Jester for this world?"

Anos's eyes glinted as they reflected the scene of the wielder of the True Longinus Cao-Cao kneeling before Avos Dilhevia as he reported. 

Cao-Cao: "My lord. We have finally managed to create a portal that will take us to (The End Of The World) where the Beast Of The End Trihexia is sealed."

Anos watched as Avos got off his throne and spoke authoritively towards the mind controlled Cao-Cao. 

Avos: "Then bring me to (The End Of The world), and allow me to reawaken Trihexia!" 

-(Scene End)-

(Next Chapter: "The Reawakening Of Trihexia.")

Next chapter