1 Prologue

I have a love and hate relationship with this thing called 'The Full Moon Night'.

Yes. I love the full moon and how things are so calm and beautiful with all those twinkling stars on the sky and those little creatures sneaking around under the moonlight and what not. ...

Yet, when I go to sleep,the nightmare begins.

Every full moon night,I am swiftly taken away from my physical body and to some sort of mysterious misty place where all I know is that there is someone out there crying, laughing, screaming and complaining. I can do nothing but to listen to this infuriating complaints and outbursts ,before I woke up the next day --feeling utterly muderous or miserable.

These stupid phenomenons started since the time I can remember and has yet to stop.

At first,I just wanted to stop being taken into some other places without my consent...but then,I wished I could help the poor thing or being.... Maybe I could help the miserable soul with their problems:plus,I'm curious of them you see. .. and then the purpose of all this Nonsense changed after seventeen years of annoying nightmares.

I wish that one day,I'll be able to meet this crybaby and I swear!!! -that I shall pull their ears hard and spank their ass and scold their fu$#!#@%^&& (Author:the rest is censored because it is not fit for the innocent children's eyes =_=)

MC:Stupid Author!May you be Single for the rest of your life!

Author: I should dig some deep pits in the backyard.... Need some to hide the body...

Author's mom: What Pits!? In MY BACKYARD!!!? DO YOU STILL WANT TO LIVE OR NOT!? You bloody son of the $%@$#&$#&#$

Author: T–T Life is hard...I don't wanna live. )
