
Anna Hoang

Author: Daoistk3Gucm
Realistic Fiction
Ongoing · 1K Views
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What is Anna Hoang

Read ‘Anna Hoang’ Online for Free, written by the author Daoistk3Gucm, This book is a Realistic Fiction Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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Will I survive without her? My demons hunt me, am I going to live or not? Should I go back? So many unanswered questions. How could I possibly go back, where would I even start from, but she was my world she was my solar system am I just going to throw all that away? All those bitter sweet memories? Burnt to ash by betrayal. One thing is for sure I'll never be the same after this. After a tragic break up that shatters my cardiac muscle into a thousand microscopic pieces, I decide it's time to stop running away from my past and just accept things as they are, if I'm ever going to live I need to do this, happiness is a drug, I became a drug addict for nearly two years but now that my drug ( Christine) left I'm left to deal with the withdrawals. She drained me, all girls are the same I casually remind myself I'll never trust a single one of them. But maybe just maybe the one at the end is different. The past four years have been really difficult for me, but she moved on like it was nothing, oh how cruel these girls are, she ate my insides and left not a shred of happiness all I see is depression, anxiety, suffering and futility day in day out. After dating for nearly a year and a half it felt like she was the one for William, William thought it would last forever like in the movies but life is a tall glass of dirt and ash, it's here to bite me in the ass. Love is a twisted curse, she will find us all, she will make us all happy but then she will take everything we love and cherish away from us. We will cry and gravel but it won't be returned to us. Sometimes the beauty of something can be seen in it's ugliness. But so far even without her I'm ok aren't I? well let's find out together shall we? Welcome to "Willy and Chrissy"

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海棠不惜胭脂色,独立蒙蒙细雨中。 这里有将门之后与权势滔天的公爷的甜虐 阿止,你帮帮我,你手中不是有一队精兵吗 你去救救我爹爹,救救我两位哥哥 他却将她圈禁在自己的身边 玥儿,不是我不救,而是我救不了,希望你能不要怨我,我们之间,再受不得半分差错了 有皇上与妃子之间的真挚却又注定破灭的爱 皇上,您为何对明珠如此好 皇帝偏头见明珠微散的发髻,抬手为她整理着 没有原因 嗯? 皇帝用袖子擦了擦明珠额头的汗 也许是明珠出现的及时吧 让朕没有醉酒倒在地上失仪 皇上,您根本就是在打趣明珠 皇帝将明珠揽入怀中,你看,这万千灯火,是朕的江山 真是壮观 有高高在上的县主与江湖游客之间的朦胧情窦 看什么? 奕阙不争气地看了一眼允瑢 那井公子喜欢你啊!傻子 允瑢听了,吓得身形不稳,奕阙牢牢地扶住她,笑道 那美少年喜欢你,你也不用这样激动吧 有王爷与世家小姐注定的缘: 王爷,祖母有没有与你说过,我很怕黑啊 咸都王摇摇头 你祖母可是在本王面前夸你有胆识呢 璟然咽了咽口水,王爷,你会保护我的吧 咸都王知道她害怕了,一把将她拢进怀里,紧紧地扣住她纤细的腰身 还有世家小姐穿越的央棠珂、死而复生的寻弋歌与关云府公子的阴差阳错 …… 高冷霸道儒雅腹黑忠犬人设齐全 只等你来发掘!

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