6 Part 5

X-rays of mandible and neck please. And a few shots with the Illumicam." The doctor turned and walked away without another word. Alexia gasped though. This doctor thought her daughter had been abused? Mother glared at daughter now, wondering if she was hiding something or lying. Anna however was staring at her hands, refusing to make eye contact with anyone. Another 20 minutes passed silently in the seclusion before a younger man who appeared to be in about his mid thirties entered.

"My name is Eric and I am here to take a few pictures of your face and jaw. We will be going down to the xray room to do so, so if you could kindly follow me to the doorway of the ER we have a wheelchair waiting to take you down." Anna got up, having already given up a long time ago on speaking and followed the man, her eyes finding his unruly reddish blonde hair. It was almost shoulder length and rather wavy, but despite it almost looking out of control, it was not sticking up anywhere. Anna sat in the indicated wheelchair and Eric wheeled her down to the xray room, explaining as he walked what was going to happen when they got there. "First we are going to use what looks like a regular camera to take a couple of pictures and then we will be taking a few xrays. Have you ever had an xray?" Anna shook her head no. "Ok so what we do is put a large weighted pad on your chest to protect you from the radiation and ask you to stay very still in what may seem like an odd position while we stand in another room and push a button. It wont hurt at all, I promise." Anna nodded.

Once the xrays were completed and Anna was back in the ER room, her mother sighed "Anna. You do realize the camera they used on you is going to show them how the injury happened, right?" Annas eyes widened, meeting her mothers. Her mother had a very disapproving look on her face, almost accusing. Anna started to shake as panic started to take over. Alexia, seeing her daughters response stood, leaning over and hugging the girl. She barely kept the tears that were threatening to flood back as she held the girl to her, silently reminding herself that she couldn't cry right now. Almost whispering, she asked "He hit you, didn't he?" She felt the girl nod in response and couldn't stop the tear that graced her cheek. She pulled away, meeting Annas eyes. "We will install a lock on your bedroom for you, and I will discuss this with your father when we get home."

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