

loses everything

L_Kagami · Action
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2 Chs


so i am an orphan and i am not sad with it because i knew my parents were drug dealers may be thats why i am not scaerd pf the dark, i am not a normal person cause i can spirets and gosts at first i was realy scared but then i started to talk with tue, and to be real i do not have any friends in the real world but i d0 have one friend but he in a ghost i realy dont know why he did not make it to the heavens because he is realy gooood to me and i sort 9f like him but i cant love him

one day i heard a noise is said come to me come to me i thought it was just a spiret fooling around with me

so i went to the place it told me to come . there was a girl who was crying tears of blood it was the first time i felt scared she was cqlling my name and she said i am sory i killed your and wene sje said those words she notic3d me she stoped and starting walking to wards me she fainted and fell in my hands i took her home she was sort of lile me . whene