

Yorkshin was finally within view. I walked for days, only resting at night. The buildings reminded me of a black and white picture I had seen of New York. Lots of tall buildings, and people buzzing about.

Nothing compared to the modern day earth, but still made an impression. My nose filled with all kinds of new and unfamiliar smells. street food, dirt, horse manure and the perfume of a pretty lady passing by.

Now I just needed to find the dojo.

"Excuse me, do you know where i can find Noko Dojo?" i kept a friendly smile on my face.

The news stand that i had picked out wasn't receiving much traffic, so i figured he had the time to tell me the way.

He stopped for a moment and looked me up and down.

"Of course i do, but why should i tell you?"

I struggled to keep the smile on my face.

"How much is it for a newspaper?"

"100 jenny"

"will you tell me if i bye one?"


I really wanted to smash his ugly mug after looking at the smug grin on his face, but I kept my cool. no need to cause trouble where there is none.

He took out a map from behind the counter and showed me where it was.

Noko Dojo read the big sign over the front entrance. The style of the building was clearly Japanese, with its sloping roof, and everything built with wood. there was a wall around the compound that separated it with the more modern structures in the area. I took a deep breath and went inside.

"hello, can i help you?" I turned my head to the right. There stood a young man dressed in a white karate outfit. He had long hair tied in a top knot at the nip of his neck.

I knew I was strong. none of the other villagers could compare to me, but this man in front of me gave me a feeling of extreme danger. it was a wild beast in human form, hidden beneath a calm persona.

"Yes, I am here to sign up for a membership" I answered.

I could see his attitude towards me shift. there was the smallest hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"ooh, we haven't had a new student in a long time"

that was odd. I thought this was a renowned dojo, how is it possible that it didn't get new student all the time?

"Come with me then"

He had already turned around and started walking.

I quickly followed him inside. it looked like what you would expect of a dojo. plain wooden walls, some was just paper. it was neat, clean and practical.

"what's your name?" it was best to make friends, this was completely unknown territory for me.

"Isaac Netero is my name, don't use it up" he answered, clearly with laughter in his voice.

I stopped walking and just stared at him.

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