[ Notice for you This With Mixed Anime World concept,Remember I wrote this novel with Google Translate, so maybe there are a lot of wrong words ] Mc Get Request, Unlike Others,Our Mc Asks To Be A Servant For Others Reincarnated,But still MC will get basic power as his own.
Rob "So please submit your request,My child"
Me " Sorry presumptuous Rob-Sama, Can you make me a Servant Summoned By Reincarnated Persons?"
Rob " Are you sure my son?"
Me " Yes Rob-Sama,I believe "
Rob " Alright son,Now please make your Body"
( Wossshh ) Transparent Screen Effect Appears.
* MC as in the cover photo *
Me " I have Done Rob-Sama"
Rob " Okay now Please choose your 3 wishes, O my son"
Me " 1.I It The restrictions on body and spirit are removed. 2.Talent In Everything. 3.And last I want System, but a little modification Make my system have an active mission depending on the Situation ,And Eliminate The Punishment."
Me " Ohh and Rob-Sama,Can you please move me to the training room That Provides Everything,As well as I Can Summon Anyone's Trainer instructor from the Multiverse anime,While I wait to be called,By my Lord in the future later"
Rob " There's an addition my son"
Me " Yes, about my background.If anyone asks for help just say me as your creation Rob-Sama"
Rob " All right, my son, I think it's done.I will now send you to the training room and until the time you are summoned by the system belonging to your future master-to-be."
Me " Thank you Rob-sama"
POV edward.
Edward " Yoo Jake ,Morning "
Jake " Good morning Ed."
Ed " Want a party to celebrate our graduation, Jake,After graduating high school"
Jake " Yes, let's go to the bar"
Ed " Yoo Let's go "
POV On the road
Jake and Edward Ride the motorbike to the bar.
Jake Stepping on the gas of his motorbike at high speed.
Ed " Jake Watch out for someone crossing the road ahead stop jake....jakeeeee"
Jake Brakes Suddenly,Jake immediately swerved his steering wheel to the right.
( Srrr duar )
The sound of the motorbike crashing was heard loudly .
Jake " Ahh ed...hey ed are you okay"
Jake " Ed replied....Edward didn't..."
Jake tried to move even though he was injured,Jake's left arm and leg, injured but not badly,Meanwhile, Edward was seriously injured.
Jake " Please... Sir, madam,Please my friend first please"
POV edward.
Ed " Where is this"
An extremely bright light appeared in the void darkness.
ROB " hello Edward My child,Forgive me my son but you have died And you have 2 choices, Want to go to Heaven or Reborn by Request"