
Volume I - Part 2: Wise Man's Grandchild


[Got it! You are being transferred to the anime Kenja no Mago!]

When I opened my eyes again, the things I saw were astounding. My heart rhythm changed so rapidly that I almost had a seizure.

"Ah ...! It's really an anime world! Anime girls are real!"

It really was. There is no reality I expected to be, instead there was an anime world! I felt like I was in another dimension. I touched my face, ignoring the things around. I needed to understand something!

"Really! It's no different from the real world!"

My face texture was exactly the same as on Earth! I glanced around and noticed that I was in the training area next to Shin's grandfather's cottage. I quickly grabbed a pinch of grass from the ground and started chewing.

As I ate weed many times while playing games with my friends in the real world, I was familiar with its taste. I instantly realized the differences.

"There is no change in the sense of taste!"

I had to test other senses as well. If everything was the same, it would be the same in Akeno in the DxD universe.

"I feel pain. But my feelings are sharper, it must be because of Shin's training.."

"My blood is red and tastes the same."

"The texture of the trees and my body is not different from the real world. The only thing that changes is their appearance."

I tried everything I could try in no time. There was no distortion or change in any sensation. Likewise, each item felt the same as in the world until the end.

Although everything looked like an animation and it would be a bit of a nuisance to get used to, I was not complaining about it.

Because things that were 2D for me and I could never feel would now be 3D.

This meant...

"Anime girls !! Fuck the brain! He will act only with his heart, the god of conquest has arrived!"

"Shin? Are you okay?"

I turned my head and looked at the old man walking with a wild boar on his back. This was Kenja no Mago's Wise Hero and the grandfather who trained Shin in magic.

Kenja no Mago was an anime blended with clichés. The main character was normally an ordinary white-collar Japanese. However, he had come to this planet as a result of an accident.

When she was born her family was murdered by a monster, she was found by Merlin, who followed the traces of the monster while crying in the rain and investigated the scene.

He raised him as his own granddaughter and taught him in many ways with his ex-wife Melida and Royal Knight Captain Michel.

In short, the main character was an overpowered one even in adolescence. Actually, I wasn't complaining about that.

As Anime Warrior, I was going to destroy these stereotypes and do what a true genius should do. It was a good thing for me to be a genius.

Old man Merlin was still staring at me confused. I head up and looked into his eyes. I didn't know how old this body is. But when I compared my height to Merlin, he must have been around 12-13 years old.

"Nothing, grandpa ... My feelings were sharp for a short time. So I ran some tests."

"Got it, Shin. You have to be more careful with your magic practice. You can hurt yourself if you encounter side effects."

"Hm. I got it ..."

Magic! Yes, the dream of many fantasy lovers! Merlin was among the world leaders in magic. Because he was a Sage!

Old Merlin shook his head and entered the hut. It was not difficult to understand that he was going to prepare the meal, so I took the sword Shin always used and started wandering through the forest so that it would not bother me. I had to get used to everything. And I couldn't do that with Merlin, either. I didn't want to be marked as crazy.

After moving forward for a while, I walked away from the hut a lot. I was comfortable knowing that Merlin would not lay demons near the hut. However, after checking around, I was relieved. I was in a world that was too comfortable to die.

"Shin Wolford. I'm about 12-13 years old, as far as I remember, I have three more years to leave the forest. But I have a big problem."

"I don't remember any of Shin's memories. In short, magic, sword, and enchantment all information disappeared with Shin."

I could not recall anything from Shin's memories. All I knew was the events that took place in his anime... But, there was a lot of time skip in the first episode. So what I knew was of no use. I had to learn magic and sword. Otherwise, I would be too weak for a main character.

At that moment a light bulb burned in my mind!

"I'm going to pretend to be forgetful! I lost my memories in an accident and all I remember is who I am!"

I had no other choice. There was no response or warning from the system. I tried calling it many times, but it was just the birds chirping that answered.







I finally gave up. It was a system that didn't respond no matter what I did. Because its didn't answer, I was more confident about my plan.

"Got it... I'll have to take care of myself for a while."

I got up from where I was sitting and took a meter-sized stick with me and started looking for a large area. It was my magic wand.

After walking about three hundred meters, I found a wide lake. The lake was as smooth as a mirror. It seemed to reflect the sun's rays.

Without wasting time, I took a deep breath and held the man forward. I started speaking the words by imagining the magic in one of my favorite anime.

"Darkness blacker than black, darker than dark... I beseech thee combine with my deep crimson!"

"The time of awakening cometh. Justice, fallen upon the infallible boundary, appear now as an intangible distortion!"

As I screamed with all my might, I felt something like water move inside me. Thinking it might be Mana, I got on the gas and became even more alive. I knew every letter of the magic in the anime.

Shin also said his imagination was enough for the spells in Kenja No Mago. I trusted your words and continued.

"Dance, dance, dance!"

I noticed that the air around me was getting warmer and I realized it was working. But Mana, activated in me, was like someone who didn't know where to go. Just as she was about to leave, it was going in a different direction. I tried to direct it using the philosophy of Qi techniques in the Xuanhuan novels I read and I succeeded.

"I desire for my torrent of power a destructive force: a destructive force without equal!"

Under my feet a spell circle up to twenty meters appeared, and it grew bigger. Likewise, it appeared on the lake. It seemed to be constantly spinning, collecting Mana.

"Return all creation to cinders and come from the abyss!" As I spoke the last words of my spell, I could feel my Mana flowing out of my body.

It was like someone was stealing my blood. To counter this unbearable feeling, I clenched my teeth and said the last word.


In that second, the scene that I constantly see in the animations came true! As a result of the withdrawal of all the mana in my body, I felt exhausted and fell on my knees. However, I could not turn my eyes in any other direction.

The enchantment circle spun, and a large amount of mana had accumulated in it. It then descended into the lake as if it was the divine power that came down from the sky.


Blast spell descending into the water; He sent the water from the lake to the sky and for a short time the rising drops of water came down like rain. I could not believe that such a great power could come from a small body.

"Life is good for the main characters ... though, I feel like Chuubinyou!"

My eyes began to darken for an unknown reason while I was lying face down. Since it was a situation that could work for me, I did not resist and left myself in the dark. If Merlin saw me like this, he would have been worried and made an excuse for me.

I had to learn the world of magic and swords. Although I learned Kendo and Taiji by admiring sword animations, I had almost no combat experience.

As I wrestled with thoughts, my eyes closed and I passed out there.


When I opened my eyes again, I saw Merlin and Melida. My whole body was as light as a feather, probably used Merlin's healing spell.



Merlin and Melida looked at me nervously as I opened my eyes. I could see the anxiety in her eyes, because it was quite pronounced. I think it was because they saw Shin as their own grandchild. Ah .. I'm sorry for what I'm going to do next.

"Who are you ...?"

I immediately mobilized my skills of a lying bastard who survived in the oppressive family and began to lie using Shin's innocence. I knew a lot about body language, so I even took into account that they are masters of body language. It wasn't hard to act as I didn't know anything about them anyway.

Merlin and Melida looked at me confusedly for a few seconds, then frowned and Merlin touched my body.

"There no scar on his body, I'm sure of that!"

"Shin-chan? Don't you remember your grandmother?"

No, I nodded and started looking around in confusion. Then I suddenly squinted my eyes as if remembering something and started rubbing my temples.

"Grandma Melida, grandpa Merlin ... what happened to me?"

"Thank God, you remember your grandmother! You had a backlash from overusing your mana and you passed out."

Merlin was staring at me in confusion. I could be sure you were wondering how I was wasting all the meaning.

"I don't remember anything ... It's as if everything is covered in a dark veil, this ..."

"Memory loss ... means that the things you remember are suddenly erased. I have brief memory loss after shocks, so I know."

Although Merlin looked much calmer, the anxiety on Melida's face was not erased. It was clear that he was still worried. So to comfort him, I put my hand over his hand and gently hold it.

"You don't have to worry, Grandma! I remember you, even though I don't remember other things."

The enchanting power of words seemed to have worked on Melida. He hugged me tightly, relieved. It was a strange feeling for me that never received family love, even though I knew it was all a line.

However, I did not get this feeling. Because I was not Shin ...


They had no doubts that I could lie. Because in their eyes I am a 12-year-old naive child who has always stood by them. He is a naive child who has never interacted with the outside world, and who is genius in magic and sword.

"Are you sure you don't remember spells?"

"Yes. I don't remember anything other than my name and the people close to me. And ... What is magic?"



"Merlin! Out! Now!"

Melida stopped hugging me and angrily shouted at Merlin. The anger in his voice was enough to frighten me. I forgot that this old woman was once a terrifying magic item expert! Also, Merlin was a blood-washed hero who, although kind and loving, actually killed thousands of demons!

Neither of them were stupid!

I should have been careful and not do anything to suspect!

Although Merlin was a wise hero, he was like a henpecked husband in front of Melida. He followed Melida, who came out without saying anything, and closed the door.

I could guess what they were talking about, I did not feel the slightest pity for Merlin, who had experienced Melida's anger. At that moment, I had the anime girls I would meet in the future.

'Sicily von Claude ... Shin's fiancee, I can't let the Wolf bastard take her. She's a female character belonging to the main character, so I should definitely get it! Otherwise..'

Actually, in the slightest way, I didn't mind Sicily's suffering. I wanted to pump it a few times before I left. Come on .. I don't have enough free time to have a loving romance with him .. However, no one should have touched him before me.

''If he were up to normal Shin, he would barely sleep with him before entering the grave. Ah .. It will be time to use my wild skills! '

I did not notice that a disgusting smile appeared on my face. I was never a nice person, nor did I think I would be. The reason I became an Anime Warrior was to enjoy it. I am not a hero, I only act according to my tastes. What a bastard slogan. But .. it's not bad either.

"Shin ... After observing his situation for a few days, we will make a decision ..."

When Melisa and Merlin entered the door, my smile wiped away, not because I wanted it, but because I always raided the room, my mind was constantly protecting itself.

I calmly nodded and smiled like an angel. My smile and the innocence on my face literally glowed. If I looked at myself in the mirror, I would definitely throw a good punch!

"Ah ... Shin. Try to remember things you forgot!"

As Merlin said this, noticing the terrible light in Melida's eyes, I felt pity for him. Melida wore her elbow securely to her chest, causing her to go into a coughing coma.

"You don't have to force yourself, everything will come true in time. What you forget is only spells and swords, all we have to do is teach them again."

Melida's motherhood feelings were on the sidelines. I could understand that. Because his own grandson had lost his memory, he had forgotten everything but little information he knew about himself and the people around him. He knew it was up to them to heal him, and he was trying to act accordingly.

"Hm. I promise not to push myself. I also can't wait to learn spells and swords, I feel like I can't live without them!"

My eyes shined as I shook my head excitedly. I promised that I would not force myself to remember. They could be sure I wouldn't bother with it for sure!

Melida gently stroked my head and started smiling. Although he tried to join us in Merlin, he was scolded by Melida and fired from the room. He was blaming Merlin. Who was right, who would send a 12-year-old boy to the forest? Come on, old wife! Your grandson is always behind you!

"Even if you have lost your memory, your interest in magic and the sword remains in place. You little brat!"

Melida talked to me about the past for a while and asked me to leave the room and rest after filling me up about how she loved me more than Merlin.

With the exhaustion of the day, I fell asleep in a short time and fell into my happy anime dreams...