

What if the God gave you a second chance because you traded your life in exchange for covid to disappear. Warning:My grammar is not good

Baya_baya · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs


(2 hours later)

Zet an Ari finally arrived in South Calorina, when they arrive there, Zet immediately asked Ari if she wanted to eat bu he just said that she want some coffee so they went straight to one of the nearest Starbucks.

"One Vanilla Bean Frappuccino for me, what about you? Ari"

"Same here"

"Then two Vanilla Bean Frappuccino" Zet said.

"Two Vanilla Bean Frappuccino, What size sir?"

"Of course I want Grande" Ari said.

"Then I will also get grande" Zet said and smile at Ari.

"Name, sir?"

"Ari" Zet sai and the employee immediately write it on the cup.

"Can I have a picture with you" The employee said to Zet.

"Sure" Zet said and when the employee heard this she immediately take out her phon and said to Ari "Hey, Can you take a picture to us?"



"ah okay" Ari said as she take a picture of Zet and the employee.

"Here" Ari said as she return the phone to the employee.

"One more" The employee said and she immediately hugged Zet.


After getting their grande size coffee, they immediately entered the car and there they drink their coffee while talking some stuff.

Suddenly Zet's phones started ringing cause someone is calling him. Zet quickly look at who is the caller and he saw Sebas name.

"What it is, Sebas"(Zet)

"Young master, you said that if there is an Spotify named app looking for investors, I should call you"(Sebas)

"Hey, Zet is that Sebas"(Ari)

"Oh if isn't young lady Ariana"(Sebas)

"Heu, Sebas how are you?"(Ari)

"I am good, Young lady"(Sebas)

"So your saying that..."(Zet)

"Yes, young master, there is a Spotify named app looking for a large investors"(Sebas)

"Then you know what to do,Sebas" Zet said and immediately ended the call without waiting for Sebas answer.

"Now what's the plan" Ari asked Zet.

"Ohh aren't you gonna ask about that Spotify?"

"Nahh it's none of my business"

"Ohh but you want to know?"

"Oh course hehe if you wanted to share with me your knowledge about that Spotify"

After hearing this, Zet immediately explain what Spotify is.

"Wow, so you can earn money by posting your song there?"

(Note: I am not sure baoit that haha I don't jave Spotify:)) )

"Yeah oh also, I am gonna post pur video in Ig" Zet said and when Ari heard this she immediately agreed with Zet.

"Hey, Ari why not become a singer?"

Ari answered the question right away.

"Ohh you know I wanted to become a singer but I think for now, I should focus on my acting career also you know that this is my dream, right?"

When Zet heard this, he pinched Ari's cheeks and said "As long as you are happy on what you are doing right now, that's good for you then"

After pinching Ari's cheeks, he immediately let go of it.

"Let's go" Zet said as he started the car.


Sorry for the bad grammar