
Anime Mashup: King of Music

Before dying, he created a song so great that even Death liked it. "Give me your song rights and be reborn!" This fanfic is about a reborn musician, in an anime world full of dangers, weird anime effects and an Omniverse web browser?. -f3f3 *********** Anime in this world: NANA Runway de Waratte Beck Kids of the Slope Detroit Metal City Paradise Kiss Blue Period PPPPPP K-ON! Megalo Box Hajime no Ippo Baki God of High-school Kengan Ashura And a lot more!.

f3f3_2 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Kasuri fabrics.

It was after twenty minutes of walking that they saw a forest.

This piques Kanae's interest, as he had been mentally mapping a running route for his morning training.

Seeing that the forest looked promising enough, he said, "Hey let's look at the forest"

Both girls nodded their heads. While Walking he remembered something that he wanted to ask Hachi since they leave the house.

"Hey, Hachi-san. You seem to not know the neighbourhood well?"

Hachi shook his head, "I only know where the combini and the market is… this neighbourhood is too expensive for my student pocket!" Hachi put on a sad face.

He raises an eyebrow at that. "Now that you said that, how are you paying for this place? I don't know how much a room was on the house but I'm sure is expensive right?"

He hadn't spoken with his parents about the rent. As he said to give everything to Azusa and be done with it. Not that he wanted the money in the first place.

She looked at him in surprise and with an embarrassed face responded, "Nana is paying for me. We lived in a smaller apartment but after Nana's band made money, she decide to move and bring me with her."

So she was being maintained? Like a sugar mommy without all the fun...

He didn't know what to think about that, not that he cared. He had maintained Roxy's life until she finished college. So he could understand the happiness of pampering the people you loved.

"Waaa~ you must be really close?" Azusa asked.

"Yes! We are best friends!" Hachi said while making a bright smile.

Kanae remembered that in the manga, Nana and Hachi had a strong platonic relationship.

Something that made Nana very overprotective of her.

He was going to make a joke about that, but he remembered what had happened only a couple of days before. 'Remember, you don't know them well enough!' He needed to stop this otaku way. It was hard, in his mind he know a lot about their life. He feel like they were friends even.

He shook his head. These things needed time.

The group was outside of the forest. The reason that they didn't enter was that tall green fences surrounded it.

It looked like the forest was private property.

A little intrigued by the enormous forest in a city like Tokyo, he step on the small wall under the fences and tried to look for a house inside the forest.

"Onii-chan, do you see something?" Asked Azusa.

"Nope. maybe there is a house farther away?"

"Who do you think that lives here? I mean, is a huge forest right?" Hachi asked with wonder in her voice.

"Maybe a superstar? The Prime Minister?!"

Hearing his sister Kanae chuckle, "I doubt that the Prime Minister live in a place like this. People would be furious at him otherwise."

He finished saying this but didn't believe it. This is an Anime world. For what he knew, the Prime Minister might be a twelve-year-old super-intelligent loli, an android or some muscle crazy yakuza.

The limits for weirdness in this world were pretty lacking. His being a fashion designer that didn't know how to dress was a good testament to this.

Seeing that there wasn't anything else to look for, they walked again.

After five minutes Kanae said, "Maybe we should walk toward the Shibuya Station?"

Both Azusa and Hachi nodded their heads.

"I'm cold and I want something hot to drink," While complaining, Azusa used her scarf to hide her face a little. It was after 15 minutes that they finally saw stores around.

Most of them were clothes, stylists, and bazaars that were full of designer and expensive looking things.

Kanae was like a hawk trying to see if there was any sign of an interior designer.

When looking around he found a small looking shop that said, [Kasuri shop].

His feet moved on their own. Leaving Azusa and Hachi behind.

In a blink of an eye, he was in front of the store.

The store looked modern. With a clean wooden shelf full of Kasuri fabric rolls.

He entered the shop in a trance, completely ignoring the old man that greet him.

Every type of pattern that he saw made his brain be on overdrive full of ideas. He was constantly imagining how to use them.

There was no concept behind the garments inside his mind. They were just too many for it. He grabbed his notebook. And noted the type of fabrics that were scattered around the shop. While also doing small quick sketches of different ideas.

Every roll had a tag hanging from it. Reading it a little curious, he saw that it was full of details.

On the tag, there were the fabric characteristics, the treatment of the cotton, the type of dye, if natural or syntactic, etc.

Seeing all the unique patterns that the dyed threads made after someone waved them together. Make his eyes sparkle.… it was amazing. The craftmanship behind clothes could be a really beautiful thing.

While the beautiful cotton fabrics hypnotized him.

Azusa and Hachi were looking at Kanae with open mouths.

Right now Kanae was smiling brightly, showing a lot of emotions on his face.

Azusa got a little emotional, as his brother wasn't someone to smile like that.

He showed emotions, but it was more of a joking annoying smirk or a small smile. It was great to see him smile so happily.

While the thirsty Hachi was thinking, 'I want to be that Kasuri…'

Meanwhile, the old man inside the store was looking at Kanae with gentle eyes and a small smile. It was nice to see young people being so emotional about an old craft.

"Do you like it?"

Kanae came back to earth and look at the Grandpa with a shine on his eyes, "Yes! They are so beautiful!" He was emotional after seeing these fabrics.

For an artist with so much experience in Music as he had, having the opportunity to be amazed by new things was amazing.

It was like reading your favourite book for the first time. He was enjoying it too much.

Hearing the young man, he laughed. "Hahaha. Is good to see so much passion for the young generation. Excuse me for asking, but do you like kimonos?"

Hearing this, Kanae nodded his head, "I want to be a Fashion Designer. I like any beautiful garment really…"

The eyes of the grandpa shine a little, "Ho? And are you good?"

Hearing this, Kanae's pride shake a little and nodded his head, "I make all of this" He showed his clothes to the grandpa.

The grandpa asked for permission and inspected his clothes.


I'm back! Here is a new chapter. wait for a little that I'm editing a second one too.