
Chapter 9 Hollow spirit

The vengeful spirit devours other souls. Its body was growing stronger and stronger. From a height of around one and seventy meters, it was now over two and a half meters tall. Its muscles quickly grew stronger as well.

And there was something that Masamune noticed. It had a hole in its chest.

'So it was not just an ordinary vengeful spirit but a hollow one. How lucky of me!' Masamune smiled brightly.

He looked at the moon and saw that it was full and luminous, illuminating the night sky.

'Oh, and it seemed that the moon helped them. I think I might be lucky to meet more hollow spirits in this cemetery,' thought Masamune. He prayed that his luck wouldn't run out anytime soon.

Hollow type spirits were those that were created from negative emotions and were typically much more powerful than regular spirits. And when it was stronger, then came the greater reward.

Masamune calculated everything based on his experience. His gun, loaded with silver bullets, could kill even stronger hollow spirits with just one shot. It meant that he could still wait for the hollow spirit to become even stronger.

Masamune waited calmly. He took the leftover juice from his first drink to quench his thirst before throwing the box away.

Time slowly passed until Masamune thought it was the right moment. He decided to put an end to the hollow spirit. The current hollow spirit was over three meters tall.

He walked outward from where he was hiding to show himself to the hollow spirit. The hollow spirit that first smelled the human scent felt extremely hungry. The living had spiritual energy that was many times stronger than the spirits of the dead.

Of course, when it got the smell of Masamune, it ignored other deceased souls.

It turned and looked at him with its crimson eyes. It was very hungry and didn't care about anything else. It rushed towards him with incredible speed. The body size of three meters did not slow it down at all.

Masamune smiled. It ran towards him in a straight line like this. He could handle it easily.

Bang! Just one shot into the hollow spirit's forehead, Masamune, despite having a younger and weaker body It didn't mean that his shooting skills would disappear.

He could easily headshot people in a moving car at speeds of up to 200 kilometers per hour. Against the hollow spirit that had such a big body. He could headshot it easily.

The moment he shot the hollow spirit's head, the hollow spirit shattered into ashes and vanished into thin air. Masamune immediately checked his own coins.

Z-bronze: 10

Masamune smiled happily. ten bronze coins for one hollow spirit. If he took them all out with all the ammunition he had, he would have around 340 coins, which was more than enough to buy the power he needed.

Masamune kept grinding like this. Until 3 a.m., he had more than two hundred Z-bronze coins, but the power he needed was only two hundred Z-bronze coins.

"Should I go back or stay to grind more coins?" Masamune thought about it for a moment. He wanted to save the silver bullets for emergencies.

Because he couldn't go back and trade with Asia again. She let them go because of his bravery, and that was only a one time thing.

He thought hard and decided he shouldn't be too greedy.

'Greed always let to one's downfall.' And while he was about to decide to return to his home, he heard something.

"Don't, don't come near me, no!" Masamune saw a teenage girl who looked about the same age as him. Running away from the hollow spirit, Masamune's brows furrowed together. Why would a teenage girl come to the cemetery at a time like this?

Masamune watched the teenage girl run away from the hollow spirit with all her strength.

She seemed to have been running away from the hollow spirit for a while. Masamune thought that she would soon be consumed by a hollow spirit. He didn't have any thought to help her in a time like this.

Even if he traveled back in time a hundred years, his thoughts would not have changed. He had the perspective of someone who lived in a world full of cruelty. He's not a hero to help anyone without thinking ahead.

If saving that teenage girl would cause problems for him, Not only would he not help her, but he would also blow her head off with his gun.

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