

Okay so here are what kingdoms the main charecters are descended from:

Shinsou: feline (black panther)

Denki: canine (wolf)

Bakugo: feline (lion)

Kirishima: canine(cyote)

Mina: insect (butterflys)

Sero: rodent (squirrel)

Mineta: rodent (rat)

Tokayami: outcast (bird)

Tsu asui: outcast (reptile)

Jirou: insect (wasp)

Momo: feline (lynx)

Todoroki: feline (cougar)

Deku: canine (fox)

Hagaruke: outcast (chameleon)

Ururaka: insect (dragonfy)

(Idk if I missed anyone oops)

Okay so they still have their quirks but they have extra abilities depending on what Kingdom they've descended from.

For example:

Bakugo still has his explosions but now he also has super quick reflexes, good hearing (for once he's not deaf lol) and he can't transform into a feline.

Everyone looks the same except now they have a little difference.

The felines and canines have ears and tails. Same with the rodents (depends what kind of rodent they are).

The insects have whatever the type of insect they take after. For example, if you are a butterfly, you will have butterfly wings and antennas.

Everyone can transform into their species.

Here are some things about the species:

Canines are usually hyper active all the time and are usually always optimistic. Every once in a while, the canines need to group up and howl.

On ecassion they can be separated at that night and howl by themselves but it usually makes them feel lonely so they tend not to.

Outcasts are looked down upon. Everyone usually has a school for their own kind but not them.

Everyone bullys outcasts and they are 70% more likely to be sexually or physically assaulted.

(Idk if I missed anything but that's the basics!)

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