16 The Big Lie

Hex was back home from the ER, he took his vitamin pills immediately after he walked in the door, because he could already feel the effects of vitamin deficiency kicking in after he hadn't taken them in a while. He decided to live because of Owen, he couldn't believe that he completely forgot about his best friend that time.

"You gonna be okay?" Owen asked him.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, alright? You don't need to keep worrying about me." He didn't want Owen to continue worrying about him, but there was nothing he could do about it at that point.

"That's not gonna happen, not after what you did." Owen shook his head.

"I hate this, I can't live but I can't die, what kind of bullshit is this? I just want to be happy, and life can't even fucking give me that much. It's always snatched away from me when I need it most, it's driving me insane, I think I'm going insane." He put a hand to his head.

"The effects of the acid are still wearing off, you won't be completely fine until then." Owen patted him on the shoulder.

"Maybe I went insane a long time ago, who knows? Maybe you're just looking at the empty shell of a man." He lowered his head, still broken up on the inside about Din.

"Don't say that, please, you're not empty," Owen said.

"It feels like I am," he said.

"There's mail for you, by the way." Owen pointed to a letter on the desk that read his name.

He walked over to the letter and picked it up. Wondering who would have sent him a letter after what happened to him. He opened the letter, it was a bunch of news clippings that read 'Diana is alive, if you want her back, meet me at the building where we killed the demon hunters. Love – Elaine.'

His emptiness turned into rage, she was alive? Why would Elaine do such a horrible thing? He overdosed because he thought Din was dead, He was more angry than relieved, he wanted to kill her for what she did even more than before.

Read the rest of the story here: https://www.moonquill.com/book/113

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