

Earth... a world, which has not even reached its first chapter in the great book of time. This young world has many dominant races that live on this planet, each using magic to use against each other to claim what they believe is theirs. The most naïve of the race would be the humans; they believed they were the original life forms on the planet and believe the earth is theirs and their alone. Elves, Dwarfs, Gnomes and the other races are all inferior to humans and should bow down to humanity.

There have been many wars due to the great greed of man but finally for the moment peace between Humans and other races has come to pass. This is the beginning of the so-called golden age, where humanity has learnt its lesson and is trying to start anew.

Unknown to this little world, a greater war had been going on all the while Earth had its little conflicts.

There are two worlds that co-exist with the earth; these worlds are Gaia and Terra.

Gaia, a beautiful planet that is a paradise to those who live on it. This planet is the great guardian of earth it protects the inhabitants from the unseen and unknown enemies that wish to destroy it. The life forms that live on this planet have many names but they call themselves, Angelos.

Angelos, look almost human apart from a few key features. Angelos have different eyes colours, they don't have the usual brown, blue and green that humans have. Instead, their common eye colour is black, white and amethyst. Angelos have a distinctive birthmark on their forehead which indicated their status in society, which means that their fate is decided on the day they were born. Angelous have feathery wings, but not all angels are gifted with these wings. They are only given to those chosen by the great Gods; the most likely to receive these amazing pure white wings would be ones of royal blood, the elites and the army. Also, Angelos blood is a different colour to that of a human; where human is dark red and Angelos is black. There is another type of Angelos, A Fallen. These Angelos have black tainted wings because they broke the rules and betrayed Gaia. So their wings are turned black and they are sent to the other world as punishment for their betrayal.

The other world, Terra. The home of the Unholy, the unclean, the Demonata or Demons as they are commonly known. They envy and despise Earth and every living thing upon it, they lust for the blood of the Earthlings and wished for the planet to be destroyed. Demons are everything and anything that you would imagine them to be but a lot worse, they are more terrifying than your worse nightmare. There is no word to describe how evil and horrifying they are, only that you would wish you never knew they existed. Only Elite demons can take on human form to disguise themselves, so they would be able to blend with humans and not be noticed. For other demons, the only way they can blend is to possess a body but the body has to be recently deceased.

Demons conduct many plans for earth's destruction but many are ruined by Angelos, who constantly protect the earth. Centuries after centuries the Demonata keep sending stronger Demons to earth and Gaia sends their best to defeat them but now that is about to change for the Demonatas time has come and no one can stand against them.

Earth's and Gaia's fate has been decided, will they fall or will they be saved?

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