
Silenced cries

I woke up in a dark room chaned with my ankle on the the side of an old bed.

-HELP!HELP!,I screamed in dispare

As I screamed the words I saw a dark figure lurk out of the shadows.The figure had black hair ,purple eyes and a mask covering his mouth and nose. I backed away from the figure that now looked like a man, but I couldn't go very far because of my ankle.

- please don't hurt me, I said as the man walked towards me.I put my hands against my eyes to try to escape whatever was happening.

The man came close to me and held my wings and looked fascinated.

-I never knew I would see angel wings again eve tho it's been like ten days.

P-p-please don't hurt me,I said while crying.he took my hands and uncovered my face

-ANGELICA is that you , he said in a surprised voice.I took a small peak at the purple eyed man.

-wait Michael is that you I haven't seen you since angels camp.

-It's grate to see you again but can you help me out

- oh yeah you're right you look like a rat in a mousetrap,said Michael. As he was unlocking the lock with the rusty nail he found on the ground.The devilish Lucifer walked in and Michael quickly hid in the shadows.

-hello my soon to be wife

He took my face and kissed me on my lips, his lips were so cold and his lips were so brutally forced on me.He then let me go and told me to touch the wall on the other side, since I was chained up I couldn't.

-are you disobeying me I think you deserve a punishment, he said in a mocking voice

-please don't, i didn't do anything sinful I just...

- you're gonna regret not giving your ring