
Angel With A Shotgun.

All my life, I thought I was normal, but a part of me knew I wasn't. Somethings about me, my life story, my entire existance just didn't make sense. ________________________________ Kira has lived her entire life thinking she was human. Supernatural beings only existed in movies. Everything changed when she got accepted into Stanford University, where she met him.... Christian Remoné.. Christian was unlike any other 19 year old guy she had ever met. Little did she know, he most definitely wasn't normal. "There's no way a guy that hot could be human" she said to her tour guide while staring at the fine man candy walking into school. "Nobody here is human darling", Rachel replied. Kira was certainly shook by that comment " what do you____". Rachel walked before Kira could even finish her sentence. Later that day, she was greeted by her headmaster, who introduced her to some very shocking things. Much to her surprise; Stanford wasn't just an ordinary school but a school for supernatural teenagers. Not only did she found out that she's a freaking vampire, but she also found out that all her life, she was living a big lie. It was hard to believe at first but a part of her knew she belonged there. Being the bad girl had always been her thing and being a vampire, well doesn't exactly make you an angel. As usual, everything in life comes with a price...

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Chapter 11: 'Hello Sis'

Kira POV

I'm hungry!

Not hungry like I want food... Or should I say 'blood' since it's what I've been craving alot lately. I'm hungry for pain... I want bloodshed.

Don't get me wrong, I am hungry for food too, I'm always hungry for food, this is like my 100th being hungry in 2 days but I've learnt something new in this past hour... Blood tastes a lot better when you play with the donor.

I guess it's fair to say 'Christian is rubbing off on me'.

"There's an army waiting on us in there," Rachel whispers sniffing the air. All this waiting is making me anxious. Like why tf can't we just walk in and fuck the place up? I'm boreeddd and hungryyy.

"Army? Ha is that what you call you it?!" Christian laughs. "I call it, a group of soon-to-be dead corps who fucked with the wrong people" his facial expression gets more serious towards the end. Couldn't have asked for a better partner

Why is he so eager to find this girl anyway?

Yeah I know she's his sisters' bestfriend and all but why do I feel like there's more.

Don't get me wrong I wanna find her too. I mean she did make me a pretty bracelet, not to mention that she was actually the one that brought Christian here. I'm kinda sort of really grateful for that.

But still.. I'm more interested in killing the witch bitch that messed with my self-esteem.

"You do know there's a witch in their right?" Rachel said to Christian. Don't tell me she's afraid of witches... hmmmm, should I be afraid of witches? I'm not afraid of them, there's just two in specific that I already don't like.

Who knows, maybe sooner or later I'll end up not liking them at all. I'm not stupid enough to fuck with one though.

"It's one against 4," Alli said walking up to the warehouse door. Completely ignoring everyone else behind me, I walk off with her. Alli wants her bestfriend back and I want her best friend's kidnapper so we both have a pretty good reason to activate our crazy.

"Boo hoo let's go" he mumbles.

Him saying 'boo hoo' makes me want to laugh, smile and punch him at the same time.

I don't know why I want to punch him so bad, I just do. I feel like a lot of people he've killed would do anything to come back life just so they can punch him on the nose or kick him in the crotch....

and I wanna be the one to get that satisfaction.

I doubt he'll ever let me have the satisfaction though.

Or maybe he'll give me the chance of the satisfaction then break a couple of my bones. Which I obviously don't want.

"Are you okay?" Alli ask looking at me. Guess she notice my silence.. Or maybe it's the anger in my eyes, Or just the way I'm staring at the door.

I'll definitely be fine as soon as I get what I fucking want.

I turn around with my gaze fix on Christian. "The witch is mine."

And with that I turn back around and bust the door down. I'm pretty sure they know not to mess with me. I don't play around when I'm angry

And when I say I want the witch... I mean I freaking want the witch.


"Why do you want her so badly?" Christian nag me breaking the not very awkward silence between us.

As expected... Rachel and Alli decided to split up... Leaving me with Mr Devil

I'm starting to think they're doing it on purpose, like they deliberately want me to be alone with Christian and his crazy ass.

Rachel and I were friends before I died and we barely had time to catch up since I came back to life, Alli and I aren't that close but we kinda sort of bonded down in the basement. My point is, I'd be okay pairing with either of them.

I'm not complaining, I honestly believe that I would've never enjoy being with anybody else but him and I mean that in a friendship kind of way.

The others took the back entrance of the warehouse but Christian and I decided to go in through the front. Why? Because, we are badasses

"The same reason you want her," I reply sniffing the air. Well not really, he wants his sister's witch alive, while I'll decide if the other one lives or dies.

The place is fucking empty. Like empty. Empty. I've search everywhere expect for around left end, that's Alli and Rachel's job.

If the spell led us here then it means they have to be here... or maybe someone set us up.

I sigh turning my attention to Christian, "Nah this is personal" He mumbles walking closer to me.

Ofcourse it's personal, for reasons I don't even know. There's no way that I can be this mad at somebody just because they called me a bitch. No.

Usually when someone called me a bitch and I care enough to answer, I'd say something like 'it takes one to know one' or something else like that but this is different.

I feel like I had a connection to this person in another life and not just any type of connection, a bad one.

The bad connection isn't what bothers me the most... it's the fucking bad odour in this place.

I hate stinky places

"Look Christian__"

"The place is fucking empty!" Alli shouts. If I didn't know better, I'd actually be freaked out over the fact that she just appears out of nowhere. But I do know better. 'Well thanks Alli for interrupting whatever I was going to say because now I don't remember what I was going to say.'

"They're here," I growl. "I know," Christian reply sniffing. I'm 110% sure that they're right in this room. Witch bitch

"You guys are ___"

"Shh" I breathe out. If she's in here with us right now, then it means she can hear us. Sneaky bitch.

"Wait can you feel her?" Christian whispers and I nod. Everybody starts looking at me all weird and shit. 'Like um why the fuck y'all looking at me like that?'

I can't feel her feel her but I can feel her presence.

"Wait! Does that mean?" Rachel whisper in an astonish tone. Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on!! I shot a deadly glare towards Christian. I'm pretty sure he knows what that means. He breathe out, "Witches can sense when another witch is present.."

Okay so how is that a bad thing? I don't understand this witch thing and I don't want to. I don't care, I just want to find her, deal with her then go get something to fucking eat because I'm still fucking angry.

"But... it's kind of obvious that whoever she is, cloak the place" Alli whispers. 'Is that an act of cowardice or is this a trap?' I wonder.

I know for a fact that there's something they're not telling me.

"I still don't get what y'all are trying to say here," I whisper rolling my eyes. There's so much I don't know about this whole witch thing and I don't wanna know because I don't wanna get involve with it.

Even though Madam grandmother gave me her magic on her own free will, I still don't trust it. C'mon, how tf am I supposed to trust someone that put her granddaughter in the position to die? I can't do it, I can't trust her nor this freaking magic because it's all fucking connected.

Heartbeats and breathing are the only things I can hear in this, I have a feeling that everyone knows something I don't and no one wants to say anything. I turn to Christian and raise an eyebrow, he runs his hand through his hair and sighs. He better starts talking before 'Angry Kira' pops out.

"Oh boy. I'm just gonna say it.. If you can sense a cloak witch presence, then it means you two are most likely from the same coven,"Christian breathe out. I try to hide the confusion on my face, I'm pretty sure there's a simpler way to explain this or maybe I'm just stupid. Yeah, I'm just stupid.

Okay so lemme use my common sense. If I can find any at the moment. "Okay then. But how are we apart of the same coven? I'm a newbie witch. I don't even know which coven I'm from."

I feel like a part of me knows who this witch is... But my mind is blocking it somehow. I don't know why I have to be cursed with a thick mind,

He shrugs and walks off towards the door. Why is he always hiding something? Is he trying to set my anger off on purpose? I'm done playing.

"Aiite so listen up muthafucker!!! I ain't got no time for games. Now we both know I can sense your presence and your stinky garlic breath. So could you like hurry up and show yourself so we can quickly get this over with, I'm hungry!!" I shout.

Christian's face build up a smirk the second I finish my little... whatever that was. That muthafucker knew damn well I was going to do something like that.

"Hello sis!"

You gotta be fucking kidding me.


"Did you miss me little sister?" She winks walking over to me. My eyes widen at the sight of the last person I wanted to see. Gosh I prefer her more when She was cloaked.

"Vanessa?" I question, my face turning in disgust at the sound of her name. Out of all the bad connections I've had, out of all the the people I can't stand... whoever set this shit up decides that Vanessa, my 'not so biological anymore' sister, is the best person to trigger all the anger I have conceal inside of my ol' self. I gotta admit... whoever's idea this is, knows me better than I thought.

Miss you? Bitch I hate you

I ball my left fingers into a fist, my minds telling me no... but my body's telling me yes.

A certain someone appears beside me and grab my wrist before I could punch the bitch down. I glare and pull my hand away, not gonna happen. He squeeze my wrist until I growl and surrender my fist. Oh no, he didn't just protect her.

Considering the fact that, that hurted a little, I now have one more thing to hold against him for a very very long time.

Breathe Kira breathe. "Where's Lisa?!" I shout not avoiding eye contact. You have no idea how much I despise this woman and neither does Christian because if he did... HE WOULDN'T HAVE FUCKING ASTOPPED ME FROM BEATING THE SHIT OUTTA HER!

"C'mon little sis. We both know you didn't came here for her," she chuckles. I swear if she calls me sis one more time-

"Sorry to interrupt whatever this is.." Alli butt in giving vanessa the look, "Where's Lisa?". I totally forgot that she was in this room, I also forgot that we came here for Lisa. Well, they came here for Lisa. I obviously didn't.

If looks could kill, Vanessa would've been dead by now. Only God knows the rage I have built up inside for her. The worst thing is.. she's not even my real sister.

"Oh she's here..." she smirks, "maybe not in this room. But she's here". This bitch tho.

Vanessa is more than 10 years older me. She was suppose to be my mom's first child. Her dad was different from mine, he had lighter a complexion, so does she. Anyway.. when I was very young, she took everything my mom had and left for New York with a man more twice her age. She completely abandoned her own mother, the one and only woman that gave birth her. She left my mom heartbroken and shit. Even tho she's not my real mom anymore, I still respect her for all she has done for me. She might not be my biological mother... but she'll always be my mother.

For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to get revenge for everything she've. But no one never heard from her, not a phone call, nothing. Guess today is my lucky day

My my. I have a feeling I'm about to meet angry Alli any second now.

Her eyes starts turning dark, not as dark as Christian's, but close enough. "I'm gonna ask you one last time.." Alli growls grabbing her by the neck, "Where.... is.... Lisa?".

Instead of replying like a sensible person would, Vanessa throw Alli across the room using her magic. Not cool Sissy.

"Obviously you're the stupid one in the family," Christian growls with his claws on her windpipe. Groovy

As much as I didn't want to, I couldn't help but smile at the scene. Why he gotta be soo hot?!

"My sister asked you a question... didn't she?" He says very very slowly. Ugh! This boy is gonna drive me crazy.

Her dumbass better comply because the look on his face is more serious than a tornado.

"S-she's in the ba-basement" she stutters out. Ha

"Gracias for your cooperation," he fake smiles and drops her.

How did he do that? Eh, guess he just have that effect on people. I'd say she's a coward, but Christian is one intimidating muthafucker.

"Let's go," Rachel said to Alli. Leaving, the hybrid.. the tribrid.. and her alone in the room. "She's all yours, Choco," Christian smirks.

"Aren't you gonna ask me, where I've been for the past 10 ten years?" She ask me. "Does it look like I care?".

She smoking crazy fairy dust if she thinks I give a fuck about her past whereabouts. As far as I can see, I forgot about her existance years ago, all I want is revenge.

"Ooo I do.." Christian said raising his arm. "Well technically I don't really care about you. I just like when an actor gives intro before the movie. I have a feeling this is going to be a very interesting one".

"Really?" I mumble. "What?" He shrugs leaning against the wall. "You're unbelievable," I scoff rolling my eyes. He's starting to annoy me now

"Unbelievably hot," Vanessa smirk crossing her arms. Nuh uh back off bitch

"You're not my type hunny."




You know there's something seriously wrong with you when not even the fuckboy wants to fuck you.

"You don't remember me do you?" she asks walking over to him. Okay so now I'm suspicious... why do I have a feeling that something went on between these two?

My suspicions are never wrong.

He stopped me from killing her back there, why? Why did he protect her? Did he made a deal with her Grandmother too?

Maybe I'm just overthinking... maybe I'm not.

"Ofcourse I remember you Vanny.." he grins. Wait... something definitely went on between them.

That nickname must've hit her bad because her face looks like its about to explode. Yeah, I like that. I like it a lot. I relax myself patiently waiting for Christian to hit a nerve again.

"You know... I still remember the look on your face when I slaughter your boyfriend," He chuckles.

"Am I missing___" before I could even finish my very important question, there Christian goes sailing across the room.

Let the party begins

In split seconds I grab her and pin her against the wall. "__something?"

Imma kill her alright

But there are a couple of questions I need answered first. "How did you become a witch?" I ask her in the kindest way possible. She continue staring at me like the freaking crazy-ass bitch she is. I proceed to tighten the grip around her neck, making sure my claws scrape the side of her neck. She's not the only crazy ass bitch in here

I slowly remove my claws from around her throat so she can be able to speak. "Ask your boyfriend," she mumble.

"Wha_" there I went sailing across the room. Who knew I could fly..

I hate magic.

"Ya knw... the plan was just to take your body from Stanford. Trade yo little pals to the hunters... But ofcourse you two had to mess with my plans" she said furiously. "Wait a fucking minute!!! You are the one that brought me here?!"

If she brought me here... then there's no telling what else she've done. Afterall, she is crazy.

"Well yes little sis.." she smirked walking over to me. "The aim was to take something valuable from you... but now i'm afraid i'm gonna have to kill you". Whatever

Man... Give it to me. I don't give a fuck about dying anymore.

She starts saying somethings in gibberish. "All of you!!" She screams. I love her so much....


Before him and I could intervene.. Madam witchy did something to stop our breathing. Basically suffocating us. "This is all your fault!" She screams at Christian lifting him up in the air and dropping him back real hard.. swear I hear some bones crack.

I take that as an advantage and speed over to her attacking her neck from behind.

I get myself about a mouthful of blood before she basically broke my left leg... and my right arm. It'll heal... but it still hurts.

This is our way of showing sisterly love.

"You're gonna regret that," she whisper then out of nowhere a piece of stalk appears in her hand. Maybe

Can somebody please remind me again, why she's doing this.

"What did you do?" I growls at Christian. She said it herself, this is his fault.

Both Vanessa and I are looking at him. Well she's looking like she wants to burn him alive and eat his ashes for dinner. Me on the other hand. Just wanna know how tf my once human sister is now a witch.

And also. I just like how adorable he looks when he trys to act all innocent and shit.. even tho his face is now covered with healing scars.

"Why are two looking at me like that?... All I did was rip her boyfriend open at every angle with my claws," he shrugs standing up. My boy

Bammm goes the stalk through his chest. Okay so maybe he deserves that.

I can't imagine how terrible it was for her to watch the man she abandoned her family for get slaughtered by a non-human person.

Yeah, I most definitely cannot imagine. Nor do I care, fuck her, she deserved that shit.

I quickly speed over to Christian. Without thinking I immediately pull the stalk out of his chest and sail it back at her. "Ow!" Christian shout at me. "Shut the fuck up drama queen," I chuckle trying to laugh any harder.

"I'm gonna__" before she could even finish Christian attacked her grabbing the stalk out of her leg and push it in the right side of her chest. "Ya know... you looked a lot nicer when you were dead."

Were dead? He killed her. No fucking wonder why she's so mad at him.

He killed her man... and her.

Never have I ever been this proud of someone... Yass, my partner in crime slay asf.

"Hey!" I shout stopping from him killing her... again.  If she's gonna die tonight. It's has to be by my hands.. or fangs... or claws..

"Relajarse! (Relax)!..... I'm not gonna kill her," he smirks. Phew. "Yet".

"So you gonna tell me who sent you here or not?" I ask crossing my arms. Who knows... maybe if she tells me something useful, I'll go easy on her.

"Fuck you!"

Sissy got a naughty mouth. Obviously her man didn't taught her any manners.

"Wrong answer" Christian smirks and push the stalk deeper into her chest. Is it a bad thing that I really like this side of him?

"You'll never get the answer if you kill me idiot," she breathe out. "I killed you once hunny, I don't see any problem with killing you again," he whispers a little bit too close to her ears. Again...Why he gotta be so damn hot!!

There's one thing I don't understand tho. "You're a witch right? So um why are you not using your little witch magic like what you did last time?" I ask walking closer to her.

"Because Madam Vanny here is not a witch."

This world is too confusing for me.

If she's not a witch then what is she? A wizard? I don't even know the difference.

She has magic powers. I didn't just fly myself across the room, I'm 100% sure she has magic powers.

All this thinking is making my greedy ass hungry

"I-I'm minutes away from dying if you don't get this thing out of me," she coughs this time with blood coming out of her mouth.

I can already see the hunger in Christian eyes. Before I could even react... His fangs are already in her neck. C'mon!! She's barely alive.

I quickly speed over to him.. but instead of stopping him.. I did the complete opposite. I join him, Devouring into the other side of her neck.

"You're a bad girl Kira," he whisper wiping the blood stains off his bottom lips. Tell me something I don't know.

I aint have time to stare at how sexy he is right now. Sis here tastes a little bit too good.

"Stop!" A voice shouts. Now who tf has the audacity to interrupt my feasting??!!

"You can't kill her!" Lisa shouts. Does this girl know how annoying she is!?. "They have supernatural hearing Lise.. No need to shout," Alli whisper. Thank you!

"Way to be a buzz kill," Christian mumbles dropping Vanessas' lifeless body.

"I wasn't done with her," I growl. "Yo tampoco (me neither)... But in the great words of Damon Salvatore, 'When I kill somebody, they're suppose to stay dead'."

How dare you bring my husbands' name into this.

"Are you sure she was dead?" Alli asks.

"Well considering the fact that six years ago I drained her of every ounce of blood in her body annnndddd.." he smirks "I might've snapped her neck too. I don't see how she could survive that, I basically killed her twice,".

"Well she's dead for real now" Rachel shrugged looking at her. Duhhhhh...She hasn't been breathing for a while now.

"Not for long," Alli sighed biting her wrist. She speed over to her placing her wrist over Vanessa's mouth. We all know what's gonna happen next.

"Oh my God!" Lisa literally screams. "Again Lise.. We all have supernatural hearing here," Alli growls.

"Why haven't I thought of this earlier?" She gasp walking around with her hand in the air. I'm pretty sure she knows we can't read her mind

"Spit it out Lydia Martin!" Rachel scoffs. Ha.

"You said you did kill her right?" Christian only nods pretending to care. "Vampire blood heal humans," she breathe out raising an eyebrow.

Oohhhh. For the first time, I understand where she's heading... maybe I'm not that stupid afterall.

"Who would do that though?" Alli asked. "I mean Vampires don't just go around healing people for no reason.".She's right. "Someone who wants revenge," Rachel add. Great. I've barely been alive for 3 days and I already have enemies

"If she's not a witch then what is she?" I ask directly to Christian since he's the only one here I trust.

He keep secrets... but he doesn't lie.


"She's a siphoner," he breathed out.

That makes sense..

oh wait!!

What on Gods' earth is a siphoner?

'Someone that siphons, idiot' I mumble mentally.

"I have a theory.." Lisa says walking around in circles. "One. Christian went all crazy and kill Vanessas' boyfriend. Two.. Christian being the heartless person he is, killed Vanessa for no reasons at all. Three.. When you left somebody, a vampire to be more specific, found her and for some reasons brought her back."

Damn... she got all that from walking around in circles. Wow

"Wait a minute there, sidekick... I didn't kill them for no reasons at all!" Christian exclaims trying to be all defensive and shit. "I'm a vampire... A vampire has needs," he scoffs. Yeah... the need to kill people

"Um so if she's a siphoner, whatever that means. How are we from the same coven and why did she take your magic?" I ask butting in. Vanessa had so many motives for wanting to hurt us, but I refuse to believe someone brought her to live then all of a sudden she just be like 'oh goody, I should hunt down my sister, steal her body and kidnap the others'.

Nah she's not smart enough to think of that all by herself.

"That's the thing.. She didn't siphoned my magic." Lisa say pinching her chin. "She took my energy."

Hmm. That, she might be smart enough to do

"Why?" Rachel asked confused. BECAUSE SHE'S CRAZY

"Because she can't exactly take my magic. She's not half as strong to take your magic so she took my energy to give her strength," she sigh. "But she can siphon yours," she says pointing at me. Yeah, that too


I miss being a human.

"The vampire who brought her back to life had a motive and was most definately not working alone," she adds.

Great. Just great.. fantastic... I'm not even a little bit surprise.

I wouldn't even be surprised if I woke up at the tip of an active volcano tomorrow.

"Also.. You two are not from the same coven," she adds. "Whoever gave her the siphoning abilities must've came from your coven. So basically she's not stealing your magic, she's absorbing it. Considering that fact that your magic was what officially made her..

But what I don't understand is that, it takes a special type of supernatural being to do this and they're rare."

I swear the only thing I understand from what she said is 'someone revive Vanessa so her crazy ass could steal my magic, so therefore I should find this person and kill her/him or it'.

Yup that's basically all I need to know.


"She did it!"

"The black woman" Vanessa said barely opening her eyes.

"What black woman?" Alli asks touching her gently. Tf, she being so nice to her for? Grab her neck, she's more smarter when there's violence involve.

"T-the one with the fox tattoo" she whispers.

Okay, so maybe being gentle works too

"It's not a fox genius.. It's a wolf," Christian says rolling his eyes.. "And I think I know the type of woman you are talking about."

"Great!" I exclaim. "Then you're done here"

I grab her by the neck and feed on her. I don't care. She's not even useful anymore.

A couple seconds later, I slice her neck open with my claws. I huff dropping her body, even though she's dead, I'm still not satisfied. I stand over her body staring at the woman I thought was my sister, the woman that abandoned her own family, the girl that broke my mom's heart. She didn't deserve such a peaceful death.

I was young when she left but I still remember how my mom felt and how I felt when I saw my mom crying. She cried for days and nights, each morning she'd pray and hope that one day Vanessa would walk through our gate but she never did. I will never forgive her for hurting my mom like that, never.

She took a piece of mom's heart and now I'm gonna take it back. I punch my fingers into the left side of her chest and rip out the heart she doesn't deserve. "Surprise surprise, she still had a heart," I chuckle staring at her heart.

None of them dared to stop me or say anything. I'm pretty sure they already know what kind of things i'm capable of by now.

"Did you just kill your sister?" Rachel ask in a shock tone."Yup" Christian reply popping the 'p'.

"For the record.." I growl wiping my lips. "She's not my sister"

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