

Azure Academy had a huge number of students. Everyone had their own abilities, skills, advantages, and disadvantages, so it was logical that there was a hierarchy in such an important place.

Light City was a paradise compared to the Dark Outskirts, however, that didn't mean that all the people here were kind and thought only of the common good.

There were also the worst of the worst among the students, many of whom ended up in C-Class because of their attitudes towards other people rather than their bad grades.

Today was supposed to be the final exam, so the academy had all the students, and they were in different parts depending on their Class.

"Hey, stop resisting, just give me the coin already!" A young man with red hair and nose piercings said threateningly while standing over the girl he had pinned against the wall.

He was tall with broad shoulders, so the short girl with two blonde pigtails and blue eyes could not escape him.

"No! Stop asking me to do that! The coin will be mine! We should unite and fight against the Angels instead of robbing each other!" The girl exclaimed with a wave of her hand, trying to change his mind.

Redhead smirked, "That's exactly what I'm going to do, however, with your coin it will be easier for me to do it. That's it, I've had enough! I'm giving you one last chance, or I'll take the coin by force!"

The girl flinched, against someone so strong and aggressive she didn't stand a chance.

"Shut up."

A third voice suddenly appeared ,and a silhouette with cold eyes appeared behind the redhead.

Before the redhead could turn around, the blunt part of the axe crashed into the back of his head with such force that his eyes rolled back and he instantly lost consciousness.

The girl turned around, meeting the gaze of Ethan, who was holding the axe on his shoulder like a reaper.

Ethan said nothing, he just bent down, took the coin from the redhead, and inserted it into his seal. Then, he held out his hand to the girl.

The girl smiled as her eyes sparkled.

"Ethan... I always knew you were a gentleman." The girl giggled, taking his hand.

But, Ethan immediately tossed her aside with a menacing glare.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Agh...?" The girl gave him a questioning look.

"The coin. Give me your coin." Ethan said slowly.

The girl's face changed dramatically as she uncertainly muttered, "Hey... Maybe it's not worth it? We can be a team and...!"

Before the girl could speak, the sharp blade of the axe slammed into the wall, severing one of her pigtails. Ethan moved surprisingly fast, she hardly noticed anything.

After that, the girl simply pulled the coin from her seal and with trembling hands passed it to Ethan.

"Good girl." Ethan flipped the coin and slid it into the seal, collecting the complete set and filling each of the four slots. Then, with an utterly calm face, he followed his quill.

[Time remaining: 15:24!]

"Wait..." Redhead woke up, grabbing Ethan by the leg.

"Hm?" Ethan turned around with a confused expression, "I sure swung full force. You're pretty tough, aren't you?"

"I'll... I'll... smash you..." Redhead wheezed in a hateful voice.


Ethan slammed his foot down, plunging his head straight into the ground. Now, not only did his speed seem extraordinary, but so did his strength.

The girl gulped at Ethan's gaze, it was cold and cruel, barely human and certainly not what a happy resident of the Light City should be.

"Why...?" The girl whispered while tears sprang from her eyes, "Ethan... Why have you changed so drastically?! You're one of the best! You're one of the S-Class!"

Ethan stopped, partially turning his head as his icy gaze fell on the girl.

"One of the best? That's bullshit. The only thing I was good at was pretending. I spent most of my life here in Light City, but it was like being in a cage since I only really lived for a couple of years." Ethan spoke in a deep voice, then his gaze filled with sorrow.

"Today was supposed to be my happiest day, a difficult but... happy one. However, look at what happened. Light City, the city called paradise, was destroyed by the fucking Angels! Just like my parents and the only pure good, I could look upon without contempt! It was all gone in an instant! And right now, one of the Angels is hovering over our Academy!"

Ethan's words echoed down the hallway, entering the girl's mind and leaving her speechless for a long time. It showed her that even before the Angels, things were not as she had imagined, the world was already different and now things were only getting worse.

[Remaining time 12:11!]

This message appeared in front of Ethan, the moment the feather finally stopped, after the long journey that he had to go through.

" Sports Hall... Well, for some reason I was sure this is where I'd end up. Too fitting a place for something grand." Ethan muttered, looking at the wide red doors in front of which a feather hovered.

Ethan glanced at his seal, "Well, at least I'm ready for the challenge. Getting even stronger is probably impossible at this point."

[Gold Coin (3): Level 1 Strength Buff].

[Gold Coin (4): Level 1 Balance Buff].

Ethan remembered the strange egg that had invaded his chest after the First Trial, but so far it had not manifested itself in any way. Sometimes you have to keep patience to get results.

After a slight sigh, Ethan opened the doors ,entering one of the largest rooms in the entire academy.

Someone had been here before, as the sports equipment was almost taken away, and there were bloody footprints on the floor in some places, quite fresh.

However, Ethan didn't even pay attention to that, as all he could think about was the huge golden chest in the center with a massive lock on it.

'Hmm... Strange, the feather doesn't move, and I don't see any guards or anything. Is it really that simple? I don't believe it is.' Ethan pondered, then he frowned and took a step forward.

After all, he had no other choice. He couldn't turn back now.

At the same moment, the doors behind him closed abruptly, and the feather turned into a golden flash. All entrances and exits were blocked by transparent barriers, locking Ethan in here.

Ethan nodded slightly. He wasn't going to test the barriers, since this all seemed like a logical progression to him, but there was still something he didn't understand.

Step. Step. Step.

Ethan approached the chest, a creaking sound coming from every step he took. Nothing happened until the very end, even when he was right in front of the chest.

"Well... I'm bound to do it, aren't I?" Ethan muttered, looking at the four empty cells on the lock, perfect for his coins.

Remaining wary Ethan touched the lock, inserted the coins, and then the chest finally opened.

A shadow fell on him from the top lid with many teeth as sharp as blades, while a long tongue like a whip swept straight toward him.

Next chapter