
Ch.12 Questionable

A Short Recap


After the whole debacle was over with they both just started to walk in an uncomfortable silence that Azrael welcomed more than Jemma's incessant questioning.


'I need to watch what I say out loud now how tiresome.' Azrael chided to himself mentally

"I am sorry for yelling at you but with everything going on at S.H.I.E.L.D and now this I'm sorry I too my anger out on you please forgive?" Jemma decided to apologize to Azrael after a considerable amount of silence.

"Apology accepted and sorry for accidentally voicing my true thoughts of telling you to shut up" Azrael replied sarcastically to her.

"Huh? Why are you being so detestable right now?" Jemma question angry once again.

"Because I'm not allowed to be sarcastic with my self" Azrael replied with as straight a face as he could pull.

"Wha-what?" Jemma now completely confused instead of angry.

"It's so I don't lose my mind while I'm on Maveth" Azrael spouted some bullshit to confuse Jemma even more.

"oh okay?" Jemma just agreed with a confused look on her face and stayed quiet until Azrael couldn't hold it anymore.

"hahaha you should've seen the look on your face!" Azrael couldn't hold it in anymore and started laughing away on the verge in tears.

"But it wasn't even that funny?"Jemma Questioned Azrael.

"It wasn't? Huh must've spent too much time alone with myself." Azrael started questioning his sanity but gave up on that after remembering he had [Gamers Mind].

"Anyway just continue to follow me and I'll help find you a cave to live safely in until your friends can find a way to come and get you." Azrael kept walking while talking to Jemma until the came to a cave that went deep enough that heating crystals,as Azrael called them, from under are crust of Maveth appeared in the walls of the cave.

"What are these crystals?" Jemma pointed at the glowing orange crystals that were in the walls of the cave.

"Honestly I have no idea but my theory is that since this planet is always in a state of eternal night that the civilization that used to live on this planet must of used them for light and heating. I call them heating crystals which I am sure is an unoriginal name." Azrael explained to Jemma.

"This is-"

"What do you mean by the civilization that used to live here? In the ruins is there tech that we could call for help with?" Jemma interrupted Azrael and began to ask more questions then a curious 5 year old kid.

"Before I was so rudely interrupted I was saying that this is where you will be living from now on" Azrael continued on with the corner of his mouth twitching in annoyance.

"There is no surviving usable tech that we could use to call for help or to find a way back to earth as I have already tried" Azrael continued on not giving Jemma time to ask anymore questions.

"Stay here and I don't know do something but just stay in this spot as I will be back after a couple days." Azrael told Jemma and before she had anytime to say anything Azrael flew off into the distance.


2 hours later

Azrael had made it back to his cave and was in the middle of doing his exercise for his back muscles and more specifically his wings muscles when Azrael decided to check his status.



Azrael (Micheal Thorpe)


Race: Cheyarafim

Bloodline: Seraphim (Angel of death)








Extra stat points:0


Lately it had become even harder for Azrael to raise his stats even with Maveth's higher gravity than Earth's.

Azrael had come up with a plan to get Leopold Fitz to build a mobile artificial gravity generator and use the cabin that Daisy was placed in when she was still trying to control her powers and since Bruce Banner created it for when he hulked out it should be perfect to use as a gravity room like in dragon ball and see if training in it of those would allow his stats to climb higher than they are now.

Of course getting Fitz to build it and S.H.I.E.L.D to not stick their nose into his business would be pretty hard but hopefully if Jemma tells them he's one of the good guys it's would allow for his mobile artificial gravity generator to be made.

Since Azrael killed Hive then that one scientist Doctor Radcliffe wouldn't create the primitives or Aida the A.I with Fitz that later on gained a body and wrecked havoc on S.H.I.E.L.D but that wouldn't happen as the events that started that wouldn't be put into play.

What worried Azrael the most would be how that no one had ever heard of Mutants or so Jemma had said and how killing Hive early on and how a lot of characters that were suppose to later go on to die in the show would probably die later on still but not at the time shown in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.d.


5 Months Later

There was now one month till Azrael could escape from Maveth and live on Earth living the good life that would hopefully follow.

During these 5 months Azrael had gotten to know Jemma more as whenever Azrael visited her and brought food and fresh water for her to eat and drink they would talk for a few hours and Azrael would listen to Jemma talk about biological sciences and ask questions here and there as by doing so he found out that it would raise his Wis by quite a bit so far as his Wis went from 75 all the way up to 91 during these last 5 months.

Azrael had also managed to raise his mastery of the Divinely Enhanced Goro Goro no mi and had gotten it to around 60% and could now make his third pair of wings from red lightning and it increased his speed so close to the speed of lightning at 150,000 miles per second but not quite the 186,000 miles per second of lightning.

While Azrael could move at a speed close to the speed of lightning that didn't mean he could react while going that fast and he was more likely to crash while going that fast.

While Azrael had gotten to know Jemma he also got to know that in the story line of the MCU that he is close to the start of Spider-Man: Homecoming and he already had ideas about stealing tech from Toomes and build some armor that could hopefully provide more defence than his current armor made of unknown material.

"I can almost taste the freedom I will have once I get to earth" Azrael had almost unconsciously began to talk to himself once again as it had become a bad habit of his now.

Sorry if you got this chapter a little late.

Stay safe out there. :)

Shameless_Buddhacreators' thoughts
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