
CH38 Humans???

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Time passed quickly. It seemed like the blink of an eye. The scorching sun that was still hanging high in the sky just now dissipated its original heat and began to fall toward the western sky.

"It's getting closer and closer to the end of the Beginner period. Time seems to pass faster!" Haru looked at the dense forest that was gradually darkening outside the castle. His little angels are also about to return to the castle after a day's hunting.

"The number of wild monsters hunted today is not large. Less than three hundred. The collected food is about 4,000 units, and there are some monster materials."

If you count the earth dragon group that was slain in the morning, today's hunting can also be called a bumper harvest.

What Haru regrets is that, the power stone harvest did not exceed his expectations. Hunting nearly 300 wild monsters, only fifty-eight Power Stones were harvested.

In this way, he still needs fifty-two power stones to meet the upgrade requirements of the [Angel Reincarnation Pool].

That is to say, today the Angel Reincarnation Pool won't lsvel up.

"Night is coming. The number of monsters in the wild has multiplied. If the Angel team continues to hunt at night, they should be able to make up for the missing Power Stones. But the problem is..."

At night, the strength of wild monsters will also triple. Elite-level monsters, command-level monsters, and even lord-level monsters are endless.

Hunting at night is extremely dangerous. Even with the angel team, it is like walking on the tip of a knife. Their safety cannot be guaranteed. In case of losing some of the little angels, even if the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] is upgraded, it will not be able to make up for the loss.

After all, resurrecting the little angel requires consuming the energy of the Angel Reincarnation Pool. This will directly affect the birth of the Angels.

"It's better to be cautious. Let's wait for Mary and Seraphina to advance to the Tier 9."

Haru didn't think any more. Tomorrow at the latest, the Angel Reincarnation Pool can always be upgraded.

It is not bad to wait for just a day more. The price to pay for excessive pursuit of development speed, is to let the Angel team take risks. It is better to play it safe because once there will be a loss, it will be a big big one, and the loss will outweigh the gains.


Haru collected and decomposed the corpses of wild monsters piled up in the yard as usual. All harvested food got listed on the trading area. The power stones were stored. Monster materials got packaged and sent to Lily in the underground world to create equipment.

At the same time, the dragon meat that was previously listed on the [Hyperspace Trading Channel] had all been sold out.

Ordinary Earth Dragon Meat, Elite Level Earth Dragon Meat, and Commander Level Earth Dragon Meat. All sold clean. Earth Dragons are sub-dragon monsters with dragon blood. Its meat can barely be related to the dragon. This attracted many Castle Lords to snap it.

After the Earth Dragon meat was sold out, Haru naturally made a fortune. A total of 23,000 units of wood and 11,500 units of stone were harvested.

"I have 113,100 units wood. Its reserve is finally over 100,000! The wood needed for the upgrade of Angel Castle is finally collected."

This is something to be happy about. Haru is also really happy because the 3,800 units of food that were just put up for trade can also be traded for a large amount of wood and stone. His Angel Castle is moving fast towards [Angel Town].


At the same time, in the dense forest about six kilometers away from the Angel Castle. Among the lush foliage, suddenly a little angel with snow-white wings flew out. The sphere of influence of Angel Castle is three kilometers in radius.

The little angel Michael, who is far away from the Angel Castle, is to complete the task given by Haru to the angel team that is, searching for the local forces hidden nearby.

Two days in a row, he found nothing but today he finally discovered the traces of the local forces. Several short-statured Gnomes shuttled through the lush forest. They were extremely fast and agile, like big black mice running fast.

The little angel Michael flapped his wings and followed behind the Gnomes. He didn't startle the snake. Instead, he followed them, trying to find the Gnome's tribe or lair.

"Run fast!"

"Let's go back and tell the chief that a human has invaded our territory. They created traps to capture and kill our people!"

"Unforgivable! Just wait for the chief to dispatch a powerful army of Gnome warriors to destroy those shameless humans!"

The Gnomes ran very fast. The forest covered with thorns could not hinder their speed at all. In the blink of an eye, a few Gnomes ran for two or three kilometers.

Eventually, they disappeared into a tree hole. This is an ancient tree with a height of 100 meters and luxuriant foliage. There is a tree hole less than one meter in diameter. This tree hole is one of the entrances and exits of the Gnome's lair. The little angel Michael stopped at this point.

A Gnome's lair or tribe must be hidden behind this tree hole. He followed alone, and his safety was difficult to guarantee.

"The entrance has been found! I should go back and report to The Lord!" The little angel Michael marked the location, turned and flew away. After a while, he was gone but suddenly, several arrows were shot at him. Their speed was very fast and the angle was very tricky.

Little Angel Michael's level is as high as Tier 6, and he is not afraid of ordinary long-range attacks of this level. He waved the holy sword in his hand and easily slashed the arrows one by one.

Turning his head, he saw a group of humans. Among them, several human beings even held a large rattan net and tried to cover him directly.


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