

Five days had passed since Althea and I 'accidentally' fell onto the couch. The working days were over, and the two rest days that everyone looked forward to had finally arrived.

Usually, people would go catch a movie or take an excursion to the zoo on their beloved rest days. But I didn't have that luxury. If I went out even for a grocery run, Althea would doll up with extravagant makeup and put on some gorgeous clothes, morphing into the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.

Bringing her out in that state would be suicide, especially since she would attempt to seduce me at every turn. Staying at home wasn't an option either. She would dress far more liberally inside and would continuously attempt to initiate skin contact.

I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Either choice I made, I would find myself pinching my thighs or averting my eyes.

Fortunately, I had a way to cheat the system that Althea created. And that was…

"Sorry, I'm late! I had to drop something off for Sienna."

"No issues, you're just on time."

I poured a drink for the blonde man who had just rushed into the pub. Yes, to escape Althea, I had to call in the big guns. I invited Len out for a boy's night out and left the girl at home. Not admirable, I know, but what else could I do?

Besides, there was a good reason why I needed to meet with Len alone…

"I'd ordered some guacamole nachos; I hope you're fine with that."

"Cool! You have nachos and beer! This boy's night out sounds fun!" Len raised his beer glass in celebration. He chugged the glass down clean and released a satisfied roar. "So, what's this thing that you need to talk about?"

"No hurry, let's wait till the nachos arrive."

"Ouh, being mysterious, I see!" Len's face broke into a smile. "Well, I can sort of guess."


"The calm and collected Desir who has everything figured out in his life is coming to me for advice? It's not working for sure. We work in the same company, and I know that you're killing it in all of your projects. It's not exercise or cooking either. The Desir I know has his life figured out to the second. So… What could possibly stump our great and honourable Desir Snow?"


Look at that smug expression. Tsk, if you weren't my friend, I would have given you a tight slap by now. I raised my own beer glass and chugged it down to settle the fire within my heart.

"Huehuehue… To think that Desir is coming to me for girl problems! I'd never thought I would see the day!"


"So, what's wrong? Did you get in a fight with Althea? Or did you do something wrong and need to ask her for forgiveness?"





I remained silent, folding my arms while I glared at the man I called my best friend down. There was an uncomfortable silence, one that hid a tension that could be cut with a knife. It has been a while since I looked at Len in anger, and the man knew it well. He nervously shifted his eyes while his fingers hid under his pants.

"I-Is something the matter?"

"... What did you tell Althea?"

"W-What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb," I growled. "Althea goes out one night to meet the two of you, and when she returned, she confessed to me? If that's not vintage Len, I don't know what is."

"Oh! So she confessed to you! Isn't that great! You can date her happily now!"

"Don't fool around, Len!!!"

My voice went so deep that it stunned everyone listening in on us. No, when it left my mouth, I'd even surprised myself. Was I really that angry that it showed in my voice?


"Tell me the truth… What did you say to her?"

"... Promise me you won't be mad."

"No," I flatly replied. "I don't know what you said to her, but you've made my life miserable. I want to know the reason why Althea has changed."

How could I not be mad? After Althea met the meddling duo, she had changed drastically. It was peaceful before. Althea knew that I wasn't interested in romance, and we had a comfortable relationship where we could just sit around the house and enjoy each other's company.

Now, if I sat alone on the sofa, Althea would conjure up some sort of excuse to sit near me or even sit ON me! How the hell could I remain calm?

"That… Hah… I guess the cat's out of the bag..." Len dropped his shoulders and began to confess.

"I told her everything..."


"Yes, everything…"

Len explained the bits and pieces of his conversation with Althea solemnly. He left quite a bit out, but I could fill in the blanks myself. My childhood, my stepfathers, my mother, my poor experience with girls…

That bastard… He told her everything?!

"Len… I told you that in confidence."

"Yes, I know that..."

"Didn't you promise me not to speak a word about it to anyone? Even Sienna?"

"I-I did..."

"And without my permission… You went behind my back and told everything to Althea?"


Len bit on his tongue, unable to mouth a single word in response. I had trusted the man with secrets that I'd told no one. Secrets that I would have brought to my grave. And yet… He had betrayed my trust?

"Len… I'm disappointed."

"You… You've left me with no choice!"

"Choice? Don't make me laugh! I'd never revealed anything you said to me in confidence, and yet you spilt all of my secrets out the moment someone asked? You had a choice that day, and you decided to break my trust!"

Len turned his face away, clearly guilty of the deeds he'd done. But rather than apologise, he met my eyes and hollered back: "If I let you be, you would have ended up all alone in your old age! You won't find closure for your past traumas if you continue this way! I'd only said all those things to Althea because I'd thought that she would be the one to break you out of your shell!"

"And who are you to decide my life for me?"


"Len, how many times must I tell you? I'm happy with my current life. I don't need any girlfriends, nor do I want to be in any romances. Not everyone needs to be attached to live a fulfilled life."

"T-That may be true, but that's not the point! Desir, your view on romance has been skewed by your past! If you gave Althea a chance-..."

"That's enough, Len Petram!"

This time, I really got angry.

"What I do with my life… What relationships I have… It's for me to decide. As my friend, I hoped that you could at least understand that." I folded my arms and tapped my feet in fury.

"You're being stubborn! Everything I did was for your benefit, Desir!"

"No, what you're trying to do, is to force your own ideals on me." I snarled at the man. "I told you many times that I want to live the rest of my days in peace, as a SINGLE man. I don't need the bullshit that relationships bring. I don't need a girlfriend, a wife or any children and from the looks of it..."


"... I may not need a best friend."

Len's eyes widened at my jaw-dropping words. He froze in place, not knowing how to react to me. Len's rosy lips opened and closed multiple times, but no words came out from it. His mind was still trying to process the gravity of the words I'd said.

"... You can't mean that."

"Len, this time, you've gone too far," I continued to stare the man down. "When you tried to set me up with a girl or brought me to parties hosted by Sienna, I could only grumble internally. Since no matter what happened, I'd always thought that you would be on my side. But telling Althea things that I shared with you when I was the most vulnerable? That crosses the line."


"If you really cared for me, you would have respected my decision to remain single. You would have guided Althea away from me instead of causing this situation where I fear to return home. You meddled in my personal life in a way that no friend should ever do."

"... Is that how it goes? Every time you come close to forging a relationship, you shut them out and blame others?"

Hearing my best friend's sharp retort, I narrowed my eyes as a murderous intent filled my soul.

"Careful, Len… You're the one who made the mistake, so don't cross me any further."

"Am I wrong?! You're the one being stubborn! Althea genuinely likes you! She's not like the other girls who tried to use you or your stepfathers! If you give her a chance-..."


I bellowed out.

The atmosphere in the pub froze as everyone within twisted their heads in our direction. Likewise, Len was stunned by my sudden outburst. It has been a while since I'd ever shouted at him, and honestly, my emotions even surprised me.

Why did I feel this strongly about Len telling Althea my past?

Ah… I get it…

I trusted Len with my deepest secret. I gave him a piece of my soul when I confessed my inner fears and desires. And yet… Len betrayed that faith.

To further his own agenda, to bring forth his selfish desire to see me date… He broke my trust.

The one person that I trusted the most in the world.

The only person I trusted.

Broke my trust.

"I'm sorry, customers... Could you please tone it down?"

A waitress walked over, and with a shaky smile, she tried to chastise me. As a consequence, I accidentally shot a dirty look in her direction. Intimidated by my stare, she unconsciously took a step back and quickly averted her gaze.

Ah, yes… That's the one. That's the face that everyone gives me. I'd been too pampered by Althea that I'd forgotten what I was.

"Sorry… Could you hand me the check?"

"A-Ah, you pay at the counter."

"Okay," I softly replied before turning my attention to Len. "Don't call me for a while. We need to take some time off to really reevaluate our friendship."

"Desir… I..."

"See you, Len."

I ignored the man who was supposedly my best friend and quickened my feet to the exit. In the end, I didn't look back even once. I couldn't bear to. If I were to look at Len one more time, I felt like my anger would explode like a volcano.

Gritting my teeth, I remained in a bad mood all throughout my train ride home. And when I'd finally reached the foot of my apartment block…

"Althea… She's staying in my apartment again..."

The lights in my apartment were on. I'd clearly turned them off when I left, so there was only one reason why it could be on. Rather, there was only one person that could possibly turn them on.

Ever since that day where I saved her, Althea had become too dependent on me. She spent most of her time at my place rather than her own, and she didn't have anyone else to rely on. That's why she developed these bullshit feelings for me.

I kept explaining to Althea that her feelings were nothing more than a fleeting thought, and it would pass once she got to know better guys.

And yet, she remained in my apartment.

Althea… If I don't do something, she'll never get over her emotions. She'll never move on, and she'll always be a thorn at my side.

I guess I don't have a choice.

Drastic times call for drastic measures.

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