
Chapter 009: Narla please stop

I leaned back on the chair and rubbed my tummy that was now swollen from woofing down so much food. I could pass for a pregnant toad. I sigh and look at scarlet who had one foot on the table, So unladylike. Her long black lashes almost touching her cheek as her eyes are tightly closed. She smiled as if sensing my gaze on her and we both laughed lowly.

"So Ryan and Max are royalty?" My mouth spoke out my surprise Which had registered itself after my tummy was full.

"Duuh" scarlet mocked lowly keeping her eyes closed lazily. My mouth hung open at her nonchalant tone. I was shocked out of my brains and all the food I had eaten wanted to come back out. My stomach churned uncomfortably and my head was getting light.

"Don't you dare throw up?!"

Scarlet's voice was now close to me as she stood beside my chair. Her left hand rested on the table and her right hand rested on the back of my chair. She looked more horrified than me, I could have burst out laughing but I had a lot of things to process in my brain.

"Just breathe in, nobody is going to kill you for being carried into the palace by prince Maxwell Zemmiel or being carried from the dungeon by Prince Malik Ryammel" she cooed making the situation worse.

"You are not helping.... and Ryammel didn't carry me... "

I trailed off not remembering how I got to the bed I woke up on.

"I envy you", Scarlet said dreamily her eyes dilating. She was obviously fantasizing about being in one of the princes' arms.

"Scarlet?!" I groaned at her boldness.

"What?" She rolled her eyes taking a sit next to me.

"Can't a girl imagine eating a hot prince?"

She was definitely getting used to being around me. She wasn't blushing as hard.

"That's not the point scarlet, I was out of line even touching them, and Im not so ignorant about royalty"

"They are so hot, I don't blame you", Scarlet winked and said completely out of point. I sighed and threw my hands in the air giving up.

She was totally whipped.

"So Narla have you met the old man? Rumor has it that you got a reaction out of him?"

It wasn't a question and I had only met one old man since I landed here.

The king

I felt my heart rate accelerate. He was cold as stone. He had had me thrown in the dungeon without blinking. I shivered slightly and all I wanted to do is curl into a ball and forget his cold icy blue eyes. What did she mean by 'Got a reaction out of him? That man gave me the creeps and I wished to never see him again.

"Is he... I trailed off but scarlet nodded understanding my unfinished sentence

"Yes he is. King Darius Crowley. He hardly reacts to any situation unless it's vital"

I know she wasn't accusing me of anything but my heart contracted painfully knowing somehow she meant I was the cause of something. Tears stung my eyes and I looked away from her.

"He threw me in the dungeon", I snapped feeling placing white hate for king Darius fucking Crowley.

"But you got out in shorter than half a day" Scarlett voice filled in as if I was lucky.

I turned to her angrily. Ready to give her a piece of my mind and tell her one second in that dark cold silent room feels like a damn day. But the terrified look on her face has me holding my tongue. My anger evaporated and was replaced by sympathy and curiosity for this beautiful woman, Elf. She was clearly didn't belong here as much as I did. Did King Darius coldasstone Crowley had her thrown in the dungeon too.

I remembered her telling me that this wasn't always her home. My soul bled for her and I have to refrain from pulling her to me and give her a bone crushing hug.

"Did he...?"

"No!" she shrieked as if scared of the mere thought of being in the God forsaken dungeon. I covered my ears slightly but I was slightly relieved she was not thrown in that wretched place.

"But I have seen one victim beforehand", She shivered and I silently prayed that the victim didn't get eaten by a demon. "He was the luckiest."

I Iet out a breath I didn't know I had been holding, but her next words had me chocking on my it.

"King Darius had forgotten him in the dungeon for a decade and he couldn't see, or hear, or talk, or move, he...he was just bones and skin, he..."

"Stop...please stop" I begged her not to continue. I didn't want to hear any more of it.

"He had lost his mind, he clawed his skin and screamed after every second", she continued as if she hadn't heard me. Her eyes were blank and lifeless as she explained. "He was a vampire but no amount of blood would bring him back. He wouldn't die from starvation because he is an immortal so Prince Malik had to burn him to put him out of misery, he was the last of their kind and had been a menace across the realms. I still... "

"Stoop!" I screamed snapping her back to the present. I had heard enough of the worst story ever, in my life and I buried my head in my arms as tears fell on my lap. That was horrible and tormenting and I just wanted to forget all of it but I couldn't.

"Narla..." I felt her small hand on my back but I had no strength to shake it off. I felt nauseous and I definitely wanted some air before I ended up spilling my guts on the sweet delicacies.

I stood up and ran out as if all hell was after me, Scarlet hot on my heels. I barely registered the screeching of the chair as it flew across the room or the banging of the doubles doors after I flew through.

"This way!" I barely registered Scarlet yelling at she threw a door open. I rather not think about how she got so far ahead of me. I stepped out and was immediately greeted by the most beautiful flowers garden with a green carpet of beautiful grass which I was about to ruin. I hunched over and emptied everything I had eaten.

Scarlet rubbed my back as she whispered a series of apologies. Wave after wave, until I was heaving from my now empty stomach. I felt weak and disgusting as I sat on my heels and hung my head.

"What did you do to her?"

A deep silk voice cut through the silence.

I looked up and was met with the intimidatingly huge form of prince Ryammel Malik. He was clad in all black from his black jacket to black slacks and black boots. He looked like a dark angel. A smoking hot black angel. His sleeveless black shirt clung to his defined torso so deliciously. His white slacks hugged his strong feet. His black cloak rested on his broad shoulders loosely and his sword was tightly sheathed to his belt and his left hand rested on the hilt lazily. He seemed relaxed but his green eyes told another story. They were narrowed into slits at scarlet who didn't seem to notice as she checked him out with her jaw on the floor.

Could she be any more obvious? I rolled my eyes as another wave of nausea hit me. But this time it had everything to do with scarlet ogling Prince Ryammel freaking Malik.

But I couldn't blame her, the man was freaking hot.

"I asked a question?!" his angry voice roared again.

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