
Chapter 29 Conquest of paradise 2.

Standing In front of the Temple were Marino and Gluttony admiring the scene. Behind them in the small town fire's rose and screams could be heard as the chosen raided the town.

Admiring the arched glass double doors of the Temple. Marino admired the beautiful art on the doors, depicting two phoenix birds rising from the fire towards the sun. As he went to push open the door the sun split in two in the middle.

Inside he could hear beautiful singing and see that the building was in a cross shape, with a circle in the middle. In the circle stood a man and a woman next to a statue of a phoenix and on each side were benches that the townspeople sat on.

Standing there he listened to the beautiful singing of the Elves, until suddenly a woman Yelled. " Kyaaaaaa! Di dɛbul dɛn de ya! " Then the people got up from their seats and started running towards the back of the Temple as the two priests stood In front.

Hearing the woman's ear-piercing shrieking, Marino frowned not liking the loud noise. In annoyance, he walked onward inside the Temple followed by Gluttony.

Now closer he could see the two priests much better. They both wore similar types of clothes. The man wore white robes with a blue shirt underneath and a green hood on his head, he also had a blue cloth belt and a white staff with a yellow phoenix on the top. The woman wore a white dress with a blue cape and some sort of a head ornament. Her staff was similar to the man's but a bit smaller.

Seeing this Marino nodded in appreciation, none of the women here wore any bras. Even though the priests chest was fully covered under the dress, he could still see the shapes of her breasts and nipple's under the thin white fabric. Her tight blue belt also brought out her figure nicely, helping him imagine her naked much easier. She also had a cute face with beautiful eyes, a small button nose and juicy lips. Looking at her his dick hardened a little, he grinned evilly and locked his lips.

Seeing Marino's roaming lustful gaze on her she unconsciously covered her chest with her hands and looked at him with disdain. Then the man stepped in front of her and spoke. " Yu de fred fɔ dɔti dis oli titi wit yu luk we yu want! Dis na oli ples ɛn a nɔ go tinap fɔ dis! Sista lend mi yu strength, mek wi erase dis barbarians from dis world! "

Marino frowned at the man who was blocking the beautiful women from his view and tilted his head in wonder not understanding what they were saying. Then he saw the man's body glow as it was fed with some kind of energy by the woman. Walking to the side he could see the woman sitting on the ground channeling her magic energy into the man.

This made Marino wonder, if she could channel energy into others then could she channel her energy into him. Maybe through her, he could unlock true magical abilities and become a isekai protagonist finally.

Then the elf man said something and magical energy shot up from his hand into the staff and without warning a massive fireball was tossed from the staff.

Just before impact, Marino's force-enhanced instincts kicked in and he jumped in between the benches.

Boom came the sound of the Fireball blowing up. Peeking from behind the benches Marino could see the left back wall of the temple engulfed in fire. " Are you trying to burn us all to death! You crazy fucks! " Marino yelled while shaking his fist in anger at them.

Then he heard Gluttonys Voice coming from the doorway. " No bad pretty people! I won't let you hurt boss! I will eat you! " Then Gluttony charged forward as the ground shook under his weight.

Seeing this massive barbarian charge the elves didn't panic and just shot another fireball towards the new enemy. With a fush the fireball flew and then boom. It exploded in Gluttonys face, creating a small smoke cloud and then out from it he emerged. Marino could see that Gluttonys helmet had melted but he still kept going. " I won't let you! Hurt Boss! " He yelled in pain and charged.

He was only 5 meters away now. Seeing this the woman quickly ended the channeling and touched the ground with her hands. Almost in an instant roots shot out from the ground and wrapped themselves around Gluttony as the man elf kept firing firebals at him. Each shot melted Gluttonys armor more and more, now his armor was glowing hot and his flesh made a chiseling sound underneath. Gluttony screamed in pain like the pig-looking man he was. Seeing this Marino was a bit scared seeing as how strong this magic here was, sneakily he started to move.

Feeling immense pain suffering and hatred towards the elf man Gluttonys eyes turned red like a devil's and the force grew inside of him, feeding off of his hatred and pain. Empowered by his negative emotions Gluttony moved forward breaking through the thick roots like they were but an inconvenience.

The she Elves body trembled and sweat ran down her face as she tried her best to stop the monster.

Seeing the big barbarian not stopping the man elf shivered in fright and quickly poured all his magical energy into his staff and shot out a constant flame out of it, creating something like a flamethrower.

As Gluttony moved the church burned and his armor melted, making him look like a skeletal metal monster.

Only two meters away now the she Elf stood up and started to cast something but before she could, Marino came from behind a bench right behind her with lightning speed and wrapped his both arms around her neck. Then with his muscular big arms, he started to strangle her. Some brave civilians stood up wielding small hunting knives and their fists and charged Marino. But it was too late, the last thing the she Elf saw before she lost consciousness was the elf man screaming in terror In front of that metallic beast.

Now only 1 meter away the Elf mans clothes started to heat up and as he saw his death approaching he pissed his pants and yelled in fear.

With his hammer melted away Gluttony decided to give the man elf a bear hug. Feeling the glowing hot melted metal burn through his clothes and his flesh all the way to the bone, the man elf screamed in agony as he watched the monsters red eyes watching him from above. Then came Gluttonys deep menecing voice. " Now I eat you! " And then he opened his now metallic mouth and bit into the man's face. Then as if feeling his mission completed, Gluttony stopped moving. Now only a metallic statue hugging a half-burned fleshy skeleton remained, in the middle of the burning Temple.


As that was happening Marino had dropped the now unconscious woman and turned to face the 12 or so angry Elves.

An Elf man who looked like a hunter charged with his hunting knife raised towards Marino. Seeing this foolish stance Marino decided to use his self-taught martial arts, mixed in with what Jesus had taught him in the past two years of training and fight this man head-on.

With his incredibly strong and flexible body, he sent a quick sideways kick into the man's Adams Apple, making him choke. Then he did a roundhouse kick to his head, knocking him out cold.

Next 2 men came one with his fists and one with a knife. Still charging in blindly, Marino decided to go for the knife man first. He held the knife low, so with a simple fast kick to the hand Marino sent the knife flying to the other man's chest.

In pain, the former knife wielder screamed like a woman and held his twisted hand. Marino's kick had twisted his fingers into unnatural angles and broken his wrist.

The other man touched the knife in his chest in shock and screamed not knowing what to do.

Not wanting to watch this scene any longer Marino pulled the knife out of the other man and cut his throat. Now holding his throat in shock the man fell to the Temple floor in shock.

Then before the man had yet to fall to the floor Marnino was already stabbing the other man. With super speed, he stabbed the man's eyes out and gave him a bigger smile and 20 new holes in his body.

The fight had only taken 5 seconds and 3 men were already down. Seeing this the others stopped and hesitated. But Marino was not a patient man, so he threw the knife into one man's head and then started to beat the other 8 men to death. He smashed their heads into the hard wooden benches. Broke their arms, noses, legs and whatever else he felt like breaking. He snapped a few necks and busted some nuts, after which he pulled out their eyes. For 2 minutes the other civilians watched all this happen too scared to help and unable to escape because of the fire at the only exit.

Finally satisfied with his body now covered in blood, Marino turned to look at Gluttony. Looking at the now dead man, turned into a metal statue. Marino felt pain, the pain of loss. Not the loss of a loved one but the loss of a valuable asset. Shit, that sucks. Marino thought. Then he looked at the fire that now had engulfed the entire entrance. Black smoke covered the roof and was coming lover and lover. Quickly he acted grabbing the unconscious woman off of the ground and carried her past the civilians close to the wall.

The people looked at him in freight and gave him space. Touching the wall Marino felt the solid wooden wall. Then with a powerful kick, boom, he created a crack in the wall.

The elven women and children yelped in freight. Annoyed by their high-pitched voices, Marnino looked at them threateningly and put his finger on his lips and said shhhhh. Luckily the Elves were not stupid and quickly covered their mouths and stayed quiet. Then after a few kick's the wall broke, creating a man-sized hole.

Then as Marino jumped out with the elf priest in hand the Elves followed. Then without complaint the elves obediently followed Marino down the small hill where his men waited for him. " My Lord we saw the fire and came as quickly as we could. Is everything alright, where is Gluttony? " Asked a chosen cultist in concern.

Hearing his words Marino stopped and pointed towards the burning Temple and spoke nonchalantly. " Ohh, well Gluttony is over there. But don't worry too much, his already dead. Just retrieve his body and take him to The ship Bloody Envy. Envy will know what to do. "

With that said Marino walked back towards his ship carrying the now sleeping beauty in his arms in a princess carry. Behind him, the Elves followed and watched in horror as the foreign barbarians looted and burned their town.

Walking past the broken gate Marino could see Greed orderly sorting out the loot and moving the captured elves into their own groups. He had separated the elves according to sex and age. Though because everyone looked young only 4 groups were created men, women, boys and girls all were in their own groups. The children cried out to their parents but the crew of the golden greed kept everybody in order and let none move out of place. A big fat-looking armoured cultist whipped anybody who dared to make trouble.

Seeing this Marino Yelled to Greed. " Hey, Greed I got you some more loot here. " He gestured to the elves following behind him.

Then quickly the whip-wielding man got every elf separated into their own groups. Seeing this Marino continued. " So how much we got? And is my magical Elf in my cabin? "

With a respectable tone of voice Greed spoke. " Indeed the woman is chained and being guarded by two men. And as for the loot, we have 41 thousand gold coins worth of loot, plus a little bit more. Most likely the church might have had something valuable but now it's burned down. But we are constantly trying to find more. Envy and Wrath are out there hunting for any loot and remaining stragglers. And as for the prisoners. We have 87 men, 246 women, 167 boys and 180 girls, sadly the men went a little overboard with the slaughter and most of the natives died. Many of the men sadly decided to resist, so most of them died. If we take the two medium-sized ships we could transport all these Elves back to Andalusia. "

Hearing this Marino nodded in satisfaction and asked. " But what about our losses and did you find anything useful? "

With a regretful face, Greed spoke. " We lost 47 men in the fight, the natives were too skilled and fast for our men. But luckily there was only a few trained warriors in this town. As for the information I found this map, but I don't know any of the places shown on the map, so I can't tell you anything about it just yet. "

Taking the map into his hands Marino looked at it for a while and then frowned. In the map he could see all of the Caribbean Islands mapped out and the outline of the American main continent. Also, he could see a big name running across all of the Caribbean Islands. Most likely it was the name of the Elven kingdom that controlled these lands, whatever it might have been called. With a frown Marino said. " Change of plans, kill all the men and boys and gather all the strange foods and vegetables on this island. We need to leave as soon as possible. " If the map was correct then they had just raided a massive Elven Kingdom filled with magic-wielding Elves, that most likely would be soon coming to hunt them down. So now they would have to get out of the Caribbean as fast as possible but first, he needed plant's like potatoes.

Confused Greed asked. " Master, are you sure? They could be valuable. "

Greeds words were correct, Elven slaves would fetch a massive price on the slave market. But Marino wasn't willing to take that chance. Since they would have a big Elf kingdom soon hunting them, they could not let the prisoners slow them down too much. Plus men would be more rebellious and harder to control than the woman and girls.

With a serious expression, Marino said. " Just do it and let the men do with the woman whatever they please. We will take them back but not for profit. We will have to find a new source of income instead and I think these new plants are just what we need. Ohh and kill the men and boys somewhere further away so that the women won't know what happened. " Then he walked back to his ship not caring about the panicked voices coming from the elves as they were separated.


Walking to his cabin door Marino dismissed the two guards and opened the door. Stepping inside his cabine he could see the adventuring mage gagged and cuffed to the cabin sealing. With a hateful stare, she looked into Marino's yellow eyes. She tried to say something but only muffled cries and screams could be heard. It looked like she was trying to say something concerning the woman in his arms.

Not wanting to waste any more time he carried the half-a-sleep woman to his bed and dropped her there unceremoniously. " Kyaaaaaa! " she screamed out of shock as she was dropped on the bed.

Then Marino walked to the door and locked it. Turning around he could see through out the window that the sun was starting to set, filling the room with the darkness of night. Only a few lit candles remained to light up the darkening room.

On the left side of the room, he could see the mages staff, neatly placed into the corner. It was quite a simple thing made of wood, though at its top there was an interesting blue crystal embedded into it.

Then he turned to look at the two women who were on the right side. The cuffed one looked at him with anger and hatred, as the other one on the bed had tears in her eyes as she looked at him, like a small rabbit looking at a big wolf. Their fear and hatred filled Marino's dark soul with happiness and power. With an arrogant smile, he walked to the cuffed woman and pressed his body against hers. She only reached his chest height so now her face was pressed against Marino's blood-covered chest. In defiance, she struggled and tried to scream, but only muffled screams could be heard. Smiling smugly he grabbed the metal cuffs with his hands and with his raw strength he ripped the metal cuffs off. " Kyaaaaaa! " The woman on the bed screamed as she started to hug the wall in panic, she was absolutely terrified of the man.

The now-freed woman looked in awe at the powerful man who towered above her. With his left hand, he pulled her close, shocking the woman even more. Hearing her whimper in protest made him smile. With his right hand, he grabbed her chin and pulled out the cloth covering her mouth.

As if realizing that he was not going to hurt her expression turned curious. Holding her close Marino watched her beautiful blue eyes closely as she watched his yellow eyes in the silent cabin.

Then her gaze started to wander around his muscular body. Surprised Marino looked at her as she started to touch his big pecs. Running her small dainty hand over his chest. She scraped the dried blood off of him and then as if realizing what it was, she turned to look at him as if she was looking like a hungry bloodthirsty beast.

Marino looked at her in curiosity as she struggled out of his arms and backed away in fear until her legs touched the side of the large bed and she fell on it. Now with both women on the bed looking at him like frightened rabbits, Marino grinned and said. " Now this is where the fun begins. "

Then he took off his loincloth and let loose his semi-hardened massive cock. The women turned red and frozen like two deer in headlights. They appeared to be in a state of extreme surprise, fear or confusion he did not know and he did not really care.

Their shocked expressions and the eyes that intensely and curiously watched his hardening member made him more arrogant. After a few seconds, he spoke. " So now ladies tell me are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way? Which one do you choose? "

Then as If realizing something the formerly cuffed elf snapped back into reality and her face turned ugly. She lifted her hands and opened her palms towards him and started to chant something. Seeing this Marnino watched the elf calmly as he walked In front of her. Looking at the closed eye mumbling pretty woman, Marino could tell that she was having a hard time casting her spell. It appeared that being under a lot of stress and without her staff slowed her spell-casting down significantly. After 8 seconds or so, magical light started to form in her hands.

Taking this as a sign to act he grabbed her small dainty hands, with his massive ones and pinned her to the wall. The women yelped in surprise. " Kiiiiiiiiii! " Then he placed both her hands into his left palm and moved his right hand on her thin fragile neck. With an evil grin on his face, he looked into her now open defiant blue eyes. His mind went wild with thoughts of all the different ways he would use to discipline her. " I guess it's the hard way for you then. " He said with a low deep threatening voice.

But then he felt two soft and small hands grab onto his right arm. Glancing to his right he could see the other elf holding onto his right arm. Looking at her he could see her big teary eyes looking at him and then he heard her soft feminine voice saying something as if she was begging him for mercy or something.

Then he could see the other elf huff and turn her head away from both of them, not wanting to look either one in the eye. Clearly what ever the other elf said didn't fit well with the defiant elf. Then the pleading smaller elf grabbed a hold of the other elf and started to talk with her. They were clearly arguing about something and he had no idea what it was, but it looked like the smaller Elf was more on his side.

Seeing them negotiating like this Marnino laughed, getting both their attention and said. " Hahaha! Now I know just what to call you two. "

Looking at the defiant Elf in the eyes he said. " Your new name is Anna, the defiant busty mage. " Then he released her to her surprise and turned to the other elf and grabbed her delicate trembling chin. She was surprised and a little frightened, but she didn't resist or retreat. He looked into her similar-looking blue eyes and said. " Your new name is Elsa, the diplomatic and submissive small elf priest. "

Then he let go of the Elsa and laid down on the bed next to the two sitting women. Anna retreated a little not wanting to be too close to him. Elsa just looked in wonder at the man's strange actions and his hard dick. Unconsciously she licked her lips and drooled a little as if seeing something yummy. Seeing this Anna said something scolding her as Elsa just blushed.

Seeing their actions Marino laughed and lifted his left muscular left leg into the air. Elsa being right under it flinched in fear and covered her head with her hands, probably thinking that the big man would drop his leg onto her. But Marino just smiled and brought his leg to Elsa's other side. Now with her between his legs, he patted her head passionately.

Feeling the gentle patting on her head, her expression softened and her eyes opened. Lifting her head in surprise that nothing bad had happened she blushed seeing the meat stick in front of her.

Anna's face was red out of embarrassment as she watched this all happen with her hands on her face, while occasionally peaking through them.

Taking his hand off of her head he then pointed to her and then to his dick, gesturing at her to touch it. Now with his orders given, Marino put his arms behind his head and waited patiently to see if she would take the easy way or not.

Elsa blushed hard, as Anna shook her head and tried to discourage her, but Elsa stubbornly got closer to his dick. With a hypnotized expression she watched Marino's hard twitching cock on her knees and with a little hesitation touched it.

Feeling her dainty small hand touch it, his dick twitched and straightened. Feeling a shiver run through his spine, he groaned. " Ohh fuck, that feels great! " Feeling Elsa take away her hands he turned to look at her. He could see that the woman was scared and uncertain apparently, his actions had scared her. Seeing this he smiled at her and lifted his dick towards her, trying to gesture to her to continue.

After a bit of hesitation, she calmed herself down. Then he saw her bite his lips and grab his dick with more excitement and curiosity than before. Seeing this his dick hardened and precum started to come out.

As it came out it had an immediate effect on the elves. Both the women's hearts started to race, breathing thickened and he could see their nipples harden. Ever since his eyes turned yellow and force powers awakened, strange things had started to happen to his body. For one his cum acted like an aphrodisiac making the Elves drool and lick their lips. Particularly he could see Elsa being affected the most, she bit her lip and pushed her nose close to his dick and sniffed it. As if taking a hit of some powerful drug, her eyes widened and her mouth opened. Then she eagerly started to lick his dick like a lollipop, taking particular interest in locking all the precum off of his dick.

Feeling her tongue on his dick Marino groaned in pleasure and unconsciously placed his massive hand on her head.

With his heavy hand on her head, the weight of it made her automatically be pressed lower. Now her lips were touching his dick she opened her mouth wide and tried to lick it. Unconsciously Elsa wrapped her mouth around the base of his dick, stretching her mouth as wide as it could go. Then without really intending to, she started to suck him off.

Anna watched in awe at the horny former holy priests actions. Without thinking she bit her lip and started to rub her lower region wantingly.

Marino on the other hand felt like he was in heaven. After so many weeks at sea, he was extremely pent up and stressed, now finally he was getting what he needed. Feeling himself getting close to a release he pushed her head lower, making her start gagging on his dick. " Ohh yeah! " Marino moaned in pleasure. But then he flinched and felt her teeth start to scrape against his dick. Marino yelled in protest and pulled the woman off. " Aaah fuck you stupid bitch! "

He looked at the cock hungry slobbering mess of a woman, as he held her by the hair.

He could see her snapping back to reality and then she looked at him with an innocent teary expression. Then he heard Anna say something to her while pointing at her teeth. As if realizing something Elsa blushed and looked down ashamed.

Seeing her innocent actions, Marino could tell that she was just in experienced and didn't mean any harm. Realizing that this was probably too much for her to begin with, he let out a sigh and got up into a sitting position.

The women just watched him in wonder, waiting for his next move. Then with ease, he grabbed the petite Elsa Into his arms and got up with her. Standing on the side of the bed Marino gently let her down.

Standing there he had to look down to see her pretty blue eyes watching him, as she barely reached his chest height. To her surprise and shame, he started to undress her. First, he took off her head ornament, carefully he placed the expensive-looking item onto his working desk. Then he turned to her and next took off her necklaces and cape, placing them down carefully as well. Then came her silver wristbands and wide blue cloth belt. Now with nothing but a white loose dress on her, she probably felt exposed as she looked away from him not daring to meet his gaze out of her timid shame.

Looking at him about to completely undress the former priest, Anna got to the edge of the bed on her knees and looked at Marino with a threatening gaze. It looked like she was daring him to do it with the threat of death to follow.

Seeing this Marino smirked and decided to sit back down on the bed. Sitting next to Anna he leaned back so that both women could see all of his glory. Then he turned to look at Anna while slightly shaking his dick in challenge to her.

Anna turned to look at Elsa who just shyly stood still not knowing what to do next. Then she turned to look at Marino and his dick. Biting her lip she gulped hard and reached out to grab his dick. As if just testing the thing she pumped it up and down with one hand while watching it intensely.

Marino groaned in pleasure but he was not satisfied enough with just one hand. Seeing as she was being so rebellious and slow on the action, he decided to make a move. With his left hand, he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her down forcefully to his dick. " Kyaaaaaa! " Anna yelped in shock and a bit of pain from her hair getting pulled.

With a angry glare, she looked at him but Marino just flashed a cocky smile at her. Then he pulled her by the hair placing her lips above his dick. Pushing his dick against her lips she watched him intensely but then reluctantly opened her mouth and took him in. Feeling his light slide inside her mouth all the way to the back of her throat sent shivers of pleasure down Marino's spine. With his hand on her head, he helped her move ever deeper and deeper as she sucked him off. He watched as the elf's watery hateful eyes slowly turned to lust. Unlike Elsa, Anna was clearly skilled in the art of sucking and knew what to do.

Seeing her slowly succumb to him boosted his ego even more. Feeling himself coming close to a release he looked over to Elsa only to see her biting on her lustful face, she was biting her lip and fidgeting around with her hands on her lower region and tits. Marino laughed and said. " Ha ha ha ha! Looks like you truly are no noble Elves! You are just two cock hungry bitches! Hahaha, if only you knew what I have done to your men. "

Hearing his mocking tone of voice the women looked at him with questioning eyes, but then Anna gagged hard as her throat started to be filled with Marino's seed. Marino pushed her lower onto his cock as he groaned in pleasure. " Ohh yeah, take it! Take it deep, you pointy-eared bitch! " After 10 seconds of nonstop cumming, Anna was about to pass out. Seeing this Marino released her with a loud wet pop and Pushed her aside.

Now with Anna lying next to him panting for breath Marino turned his attention to Elsa. Still hard and not completely satisfied, he gestured for Elsa to come to satisfy him.

Shyly she walked towards him until he stopped her. Confused she looked at him until he started to tuck at her dress and gestured to her to take it off.

Blushing Elsa turned around not daring to look him in the eyes as she undressed. With a few simple movements of her hands, the dress fell to the floor, revealing her slim hourglass figure to him. Marino watched with some drool in his mouth, her skin was white and smooth without any defections. Her slim shapely legs, her tight ass and that beautiful small waist of hers that he could easily wrap his massive hands around. Beautiful blonde hair came down to her back and that perfect face of hers constantly watched him and waited for his approval.

Not able to contain his lust any longer Marino leaned forward grabbed a hold of her tight ass and pulled her onto his lap, pressing his big body against her small one. Elsa only let out a small yelp of surprise but didn't resist and just melted into his big firm muscular body.

Marino felt good having his dick in between her ass cheeks and finally being able to explore the softness of her decent-sized firm breasts. Eagerly he massaged them and pinched her small nipples, earning a small moan of pleasure out of her. Her waist arched and her head pressed against his chest. Marino could finally have a clear view of her naked body as he happily fondled it.

Then his attention was taken by the panting elves face as she moved her right hand to grab a hold of his face and desperately tried to kiss him. Marino smirked watching the small woman's attempt, her height was not enough so she couldn't quite reach his lips. But he didn't want to let this opportunity go so he grabbed the woman's face and bent down for a passionate French kiss. With passion their tongues tangled together and their lips pressed against each other, they only separated for a quick moment of breath before going back in. Marino particularly enjoyed the woman's delicious juicy plump lips. After a while, they separated with only a string of saliva connecting them. Elsa panted and watched him with her blue eyes.

Wanting to make this woman completely his, Marino took hold of her legs and lifted her up on top of his erect throbbing big dick. Elsa whimpered softly as her pussy lips twitched and eagerly started to open, giving him clear access inside.

From the side, he could see Anna fingering herself as she jealously watched all this happen.

With a large grin on his face, Marino started to lower Elsa down. Elsa moaned in pleasure and a little bit of pain as his dick pierced her hymen. Marino groaned as he felt her tight hole squeezing his massive dick hard. Feeling his dick reaching as far as it could go, he stopped and saw a small bulge on Elsa's stomach. Looking down he could also see some blood dripping down his balls.

Then he turned to her panting lips and kissed them after which he proceeded to slowly pump her up and down his dick. Each time she came down their flesh collided creating a fleshy clapping sound and causing Elsa to moan with her tongue out. Seeing this he commented. " Ohh you like that, don't you? I'm not even fully in yet and your all ready moaning like a whore. Well, let's see what happens if I push even deeper. How much more can you take? I wonder. "

Feeling her relax and adjust to his dick he little by little increased the pace, easily lifting her light body up and down his dick.

As their pace increased Anna did the same as she took off her own clothes and started to finger herself furiously. Then Elsa let out a loud moan of pleasure, she squirted hard as her back arched and her head pressed against Marino's chest. As love juices flew Marino felt her tightening even more around his member, causing him to groan and release his seed inside her. Elsa's stomach bulged as Marino's big ball's released a good fist full of thick seed inside of her womb.

As Marino was taking in the pleasure of releasing his seed inside of Elsa, he suddenly felt a spray of liquid hit the side of his body, all the way up to his face. Turning to look at what had sprayed him, he was treated to an arousing scene.

Anna was completely naked panting next to him with her legs wide open, showing him her beautiful lower lips. Watching her breathe heavily he could also see her big breasts going up and down hypnotizing him. Without a second thought, he lifted Elsa off of his still hard big dick and tossed her to the right side of the bed. Then he quickly got in between Anna's open legs and dug in.

" Aaaaaiiiiii! " Came Anna's high pitch-womanly scream as he pushed his length inside of her.

Her hole was tight, but not as tight as Elsa's but it didn't matter since she was able to take more of him inside, and that was just what he needed. With ever quicker and harder thrusts he went deeper and deeper inside of her.

Slowly he rearranged her insides as more and more of his dick slipped inside of her. With each thrust his balls smacked against her tight ass creating wet fleshy claps. As he fucked her hard he could see her tits swaying back and forth, now earning his attention. Impatiently and with force he grabbed a hold of both her breasts with his hands. His fingers sank into them and his hands felt like they were melting into a soft newly made dough, as he pressed and squeezed them hard. Seeing the wobbling mounds of flesh and the pink nipples on top, he pressed his face between them. With both hands, he squashed her breasts together and now with both her nipples rubbing against his mouth he bit them. Anna moaned in pain and pleasure as she grabbed a hold of his hands clearly not enjoying his rough treatment of her sensitive breast.

But Marino didn't care and he proceeded to pull at her nipples with his teeth, stretching them to their limit and then he let go. Happily, he watched as the breasts wobbled like jello. Seeing this scene Marino decided to make them wobble more by giving them a few hard slaps. " Aaaaaa! " Anna yelled and quickly covered her breasts and looked at him with a pouting expression.

Seeing her protest he laughed and spoke with a sarcastic tone of voice. " Hahaha! I guess that was too much for you then. But it's your fault for having such big bouncing tits, you know. But don't worry I will make it up to you. "

Then as an apology he slowed down his pace and fucked her gently and gave her a long sloppy kiss, breaking her defiance. Seeing her calm down he moved back down to gently kissing and massaging her now reddened tits.

Now hearing Anna moaning with just pleasure he slowly increased his pace earning ever louder sounds of pleasure from her.

With pleasure, Marino grunted and panted as Anna moaned and whimpered. Like that they fucked for a while, letting their primal instincts take control until once again they both felt themselves coming near to an orgasm. Anna wrapped her arms around Marino's head pulling herself close as they both kissed each other and orgasmed at the same time.

Marino hugged her tight as she wrapped her arms and legs around him in response, making sure that none of the seed leaked out. With passion he kept kissing the woman, tangling his tongue with her's.

After a while, he felt her grip weaken and saw her consciousness start to fade out of exhaustion. Then he slowly pulled out of her causing a wet pop sound. He watched her sleeping beautiful face with a truly satisfied smile. Then he sat back and watched the glorious mess he had created.

Looking at the two sleeping beauties he could see them leaking his white seed from their pussys. They lay there peacefully and satisfied. Looking at his semi-hard dick he could still see some of Elsa's blood on it, this made him feel good. Finally, he had managed to plant his seed into two women with magical energy running through their veins.

Some time ago while recruiting Lust, Pride and Envy to his team he had learned of their magical abilities. He had also learned from them that just like the force, magic is not an equal thing that anybody can use. Instead, it is something that only people of certain strong bloodlines can use and the more pure the blood the better the results.

So now with this new information, he had decided that he could at least introduce magic into his family line. So at least his children could become magicians. He had tried to seduce Lust, Envy and Pride but they all had refused as they did not want to stain their bloodlines. So now he needed to find some willing or not-so-willing magicians to fuck.

Luckily he had two of them in his bed now. Thinking of this his dick hardened and he crawled behind Elsa. With drool on his face, he lifted her ass, earning a small yelp from her as she was awakened. Then he grabbed his dick and guided it to her wet entrance, with his dick he parted her lower lips a little. Then with a quick thrust, he went back inside her, creating a wet plop sound and earned himself the pleasure of hearing a lustful scream come from Elsa.

Fucking her from the back he placed big his hands on her small waist. Marino grabbed her waist hard trying to get his fingers to touch each other and to complete the encirclement around her waist. Not seeing much progress and fearing his own strength crushing her waist into a bloody mess, he quickly decided to stop and start slapping her ass instead.

" Slap, slap slap! " Came three hard slaps onto Elsa's right butt cheek making her yelp in pleasure each time, then he targeted her left butt cheek. " Slap, slap slap! " And like that, he continued until her ass was hot and red.

With no strength left to resist Elsa just moaned and took all of his hard treatment submissively. With her tight ass sticking up into the air, he fucked it hard and then reached down to play with her modest firm breasts.

Feeling himself yet again getting close to cumming Marino straightened his back and like a wolf yelled in pleasure to the sky and pushed himself as deep as he could go. Releasing his massive load of hot thick cum inside of her she shook her but and squirted out her love juices as well.

After releasing all of his seed inside of her, he unceremoniously grabbed her throat and lifted her up against his chest and gave her a sloppy kiss, while fondling her breasts with his other hand. Finally feeling satisfied with Elsa's body, he dropped her panting semi-conscious body onto the bed creating another plop sound as his dick detached from her wet hole.

Now panting himself he sat down only to hear lustful muffled sounds from behind himself. Turning around he saw Anna touching herself slightly as she bit her lip and watched him with lustful eyes. Seeing her rubbing her big tits and wet cum filled pussy Marino immediately got hard once again and pounced onto Anna.

" Ohh you want some more? Well, I still have at least 4 more loads left in me, so let's do this. "

Quickly he repeated what he had done with Elsa and with force turned Anna onto her stomach. Then he lifted her ass and went inside once more. Just like with Elsa he slapped Anna's bigger wobbly but and played with her big swaying tits until he released inside her once again.

Now with at least 3 more shots left, he decided to fuck both girls once more in a mating press, trying to stretch them as far as they could go. Afterward, all of them were exhausted, especially Elsa but being the cruel man that he was he didn't let them rest. He lay back and commanded the women to suck him off.

Both women had disheveled hair and dazed tired expression's on their faces as they sloppily licked and sucked his big dick. After cumming so many times Marino was extremely sensitive and it didn't take long for the girls to get him to cum. Feeling the end be near he grabbed them both by the hair and placed their lips on his dick so that they could both share his seed.

Cum slew up into their faces and the air as the women tried their best to take it in. Feeling his dick softening Marino lay down with his arms outstretched and a satisfied look on his face. Then he felt both the beautiful women lay next to him and press their sexy bodies against him. He watched a bit surprised as they grabbed a hold of his arms and started using them as pillows. Seeing their exhausted and peaceful faces Marino pulled them in close and felt at ease as he quickly fell asleep himself.

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