

Regal lived a harsh life with almost null magic power in the academy. On his 18th birthday he receives a gift from his parents, who tells him he is not their real child. The gift is two pendent, one is black wing and another is white wing. Now the story of Regal who starts to disclose his identity starts...

Existence001 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 6:- Training with Knight

I follow him into combat range where the two of us square off against each other.

As soon as the first blows start flying, I realize that I have made a mistake: this knight is much better than any of the ones who are training here on the training ground.

My sword clanks against his shield repeatedly, but the bigger man keeps swinging at me with increasing ferocity. After several more swings, I am forced to retreat back toward the camp.

His next blow nearly hits me in the head and knocks me backwards. I stumble away from him and find myself falling down onto the grassy hillside. The wind is knocked out of me and I can feel blood pouring down my leg.

I reach back to touch the wound and notice that the knight has finally stopped striking at me.

"Are you okay, boy?" he asks. "Didn't know if you could handle a real fight."

"I think you are right," I say. "Now would you please let me go?"

He laughed. "Oh no! Not until our match is over."

I sit up and lean against the tree behind me. There's nothing else I can do; it looks like I am going to get beaten by this brute.

But then something strange happens: the other knights begin cheering wildly. They cheer so loudly that I actually hear them from outside the ring.

The Knight rushes at me, swinging his sword down at me. It is hard to defend against such a powerful blow from an opponent with only one hand. I block it with my shield, deflecting the blade away harmlessly.

"That was awesome!" someone yells. "You should have seen your opponent's face! That was great!"

My opponent turns red under his helmet. He backs away from me slowly, trying to keep his distance, but there's nowhere to run now.

The cheers grow louder as the other knights watch what will happen next. Even the knights whose bouts I had watched before are turning to see what's happening.

The knight rushes again as he closes the distance between him and me. He swings his swords towards me and as his sword was about to touch me my mind went blank and my vision went dark.

The next thing I remember is the knight was under me and I was above him. He was breathing heavily and lying below me without resisting.

A hush falls over everyone. The crowd applauds in appreciation while the knights' faces turn dark with rage.

"Well done!" someone calls out. "You won fair and square."

"What's happening here?" a loud but familiar voice.

I looked back and Ridire was standing there. "You can command everyone, you must hold a high position in the Knight?" I asked.

"Well I am the vice-captain of the Divine Knight."." He replied with a little smile.

"The Divine King is waiting for you. So, let's proceed."

Ridire and I entered the Divine Palace main building. A familiar girl was standing before the King's room.

Ridire and I went in front of the gate. Ridire bowed before the girl "How are you doing your highness?"

The girl noticed Ridire and looked behind towards us. As she looked towards us she knelt down with her eye focusing on the floor.

"What's the matter your highness?" Ridire asked.

"It seems you are here to visit my father your lord. Please wait a moment I will inform him."

After saying this princess opened the door and went inside.

Ridire asked "have you met with her Divine princess before? She seems to know you?"

I remember now, she was one of the people who were bowing down when a that time. She may know what happened to me that day.

The door to the king room opened "The Divine King wishes to bless you with his presence.

Ridire and I entered the room. The moment I entered the room the Divine King stood from his place and came running towards me. There was another person, he looks like a knight but he was looking downwards as well as the princess.

The Divine King put his hand on my soldier and asked " where did you get this pendent?"

"I don't know. I only know that it was left to me by my real parents when they left me to my now parents."

" Everyone from this moment onward no one should step into this room until I call for them. Now get out."

The king sent everyone outside. The moment everyone went out, the king fell on his knees and started to weep.

He was saying something but cause of his weeping I can't understand a word.

After some time, the king finally calmed down. He called me near him.

" You are the son of my only sister, Diosa. . She left to us so that she can be with her lover since then we have no information regarding Diosa. Now you are suddenly here with her pendent. She is the youngest sister of four heavenly angels and the strongest among all of us. Now I know the reason why Sophia said that I would lose to you in terms of holy power. Cause you are the son of the strongest angel."

"Do you know about my father ? " I asked.

"Sorry I don't know who your father is. Diosa never mentioned him. But looking at the pendent I know that he is a demon."

" Wait for sometime, I have called the four idiots. They will arrive shortly and I should also introduce you to your cousin."

The Divine King ordered for Sophia to enter. "Sophia this is your cousin, the son of your aunt Diosa."

Sophia was dumbfounded. Someone knocked on the door. "your majesty the four heavenly angels are here"

"let them enter"

The four heavenly angels entered the room.