

Regal lived a harsh life with almost null magic power in the academy. On his 18th birthday he receives a gift from his parents, who tells him he is not their real child. The gift is two pendent, one is black wing and another is white wing. Now the story of Regal who starts to disclose his identity starts...

Existence001 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 10:- Demon King Enters

The statue begins to speak.

"I am the King of this place. For what reason have you come here?"

"Your highness I have come to ask permission for entering the library, for that your permission is needed."

"You can visit the library tomorrow, enjoy your day today."

"Thank you your highness"

I turn around and leave the castle.

A colosseum little far away piqued my interest.

The Colosseum had a circular arena surrounded by tiers of seating for spectators. The center of the arena contained an open space where gladiators fought each other to the death. A large bronze statue stands in the middle of the arena, depicting the god Mars himself.

To the north and south lie the entrance ways into the Colosseum proper, which leads to the north and south entrances. There are four doors leading out of the Colosseum; you can choose any one..

A pair of hellhounds stand in combat with a muscular man wearing only a loincloth. They tear at his flesh as he attempts to fend them off with a spear. From his crouched position, the man looks up and sees you standing there, paralyzed with fear.

He raises his spear and shouts something in some unknown language, but it's too late. You watch helplessly as the beasts bite deep into his flesh, tearing him apart like a butcher's blade through soft cheese.

His body falls limp to the ground, oozing blood from every orifice until finally, it collapses onto its face.

You turn around to see another group of men entering the Colosseum, laughing and cheering as they look down on the dead gladiator.

Another pair of demons enters the fray, ready to finish the job.

As I watch, more and more people crowd into the Colosseum, eager to witness the next bloody spectacle.

The sound of jeering and shouting fills my ears as I feel the cold hand of doom grab hold of my heart.

I have seen enough.

I stood up and as I was about to exit, the crowd erupts, and I turn around to see the Demon King entering.

The Demon King was tall, he looked like a man, but his eyes were dark and cold as the night, his body covered with scales and scaly skin. His eyes were red, and the sharp claws of his right hand could tear apart a man's flesh in an instant. He wore an exquisite robe of gold silk that shimmered in the light from the torches lining the walls around him.

The Demon King sits at the special seat and as he looks around out gaze meets. The Demon king seems to be looking at my pendant. The demon king ordered someone to bring me to him and I was taken to his place.

"I think it's boring let's go to a place more enjoyable than this." The Demon king bought me with him to a different arena.

I am confused why the Demon king is bringing along me with him to the arena.

The arena is surrounded by twelve rows of seats, each row containing twenty-five spectators. There are two entrances to the arena: one from the north and one from the south; both lead directly into the main concourse.

I enter the arena through the northern entrance, which leads me to the main concourse. Here, I see a wide variety of entertainments available for purchase. A large selection of food and drink can be found here as well.

The main concourse also has several stalls selling souvenirs. At the east end of the concourse is a room filled with arcade games that cost a quarter per play.

To the west, there's a bar called "The Ringmaster". There is a barbecue stand in the north corner of the concourse. Finally, there are restrooms located throughout the stadium.

On your way back to the arena, I pass by the concession stands again.. When you reach the ring, I find that this time the audience consists entirely of demons, who are cheering wildly as they watch the fight between the demon fighter Grognard and the beastly Baron Balaam.

The crowd is packed around the edge of the ring, so the demon fighters must perform their tricks right in front of them. After the first round of the fight, the crowd grows increasingly vocal about wanting blood.

As the second round begins, Grognard jumps over the ring ropes and charges towards Baron Balaam, swinging his fists like a madman. Before he can hit the Baron, however, the crowd gets on its feet and starts chanting "Kill him! Kill him!" as if it was a game.

Grognard takes out his frustration by repeatedly punching Baron Balaam in the face. Blood sprays everywhere, but Grognard doesn't stop until the Baron falls dead at his feet.

The crowd erupts with cheers as Grognard picks up Balaam's head and walks to the center of the ring, where the demon king awaits. He places Balaam's severed head on the ground before him and bows his head deeply. The crowd roars even louder than before, and the demon king raises his arms in triumph.

Grognard steps forward, lifts his arm high above his head, and brings it down hard onto the Baron's head. It cracks loudly under the impact, sending bits of bone flying.

The crowd goes absolutely wild. Grognard stands there holding the Baron's head, looking down at it in awe.

Then, he suddenly drops his head and turns around, running straight out of the arena as fast as he can. The crowd follows after him, shouting "Death to the Beast!" as they chase the fleeing demon.

"That was amazing!" shouts the demon king with delight. "I am going to have to make sure Grognard fights here every night."