
Angel Adams

COVER NOT MINE Angel Adams might just have to be the unluckiest kid in the block but being a literal angel after death? Adams is rough around the edges who knew he was actually just a diamond in the rough waiting to be chipped out and death was the only way to do it. *** I open my eyes and the building's gone, I look ahead at the water body ahead and city lights, hooting, with the wind lifting me, my wings are still on fire and there's lightning coming out of my fists. I hear screeching behind me and veer around to see the most disgusting race of demons I've ever seen_on the internet, with these huge bat wings and blades on the edges, their fingers were blades too with fire coming out of their eyes, they were only two of em. "That one's ripe for the taking" "I don't want no trouble_Rafe? Raphael? Hey homie, I got trouble out here" I laugh when nothing's happened and my wings are gliding on the wind thermal, I can see my reflection on the water clearly, I face them smiling. "Hey, I'm Angel...Hail Satan" "You're coming with us" The demon pulls out a huge sword and I pull back. "Back up" I raise my flaming hand but they don't balk. "Uhh..the power compels thee?" They exchange looks like I'm crazy and I feel the heat rising and an extreme amount of fire and lightning comes shooting out of my hand to scorch them. I turn to fly away and look at my hand "That worked?" The demons double up to four, screeching, I curse trying to evade the hail of blades coming at me and wince at the one that stabs my feet, I let myself drop in the water and the fire on my wings is still persistent. Fire in water, how unbelievable. I hold my breath and grit my teeth pulling out the daggers, no blood, the demons were floating above water just waiting for me like a swarm of killer bees but what could be worse? It's been 2 minutes and I'm still underwater, my lungs were gonna give out anytime soon, my brain if I had any would be swelling, air bubbles escape and I'm still

FavourEkele_1969 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 17

Gary tumbled in the ocean leaving a big spray beyond the seashore to the metropolis, Murdur restrained him and Anais screamed when Murdur snapped his neck and smashed him to pieces after he put up a good fight.

Angel turned at the change in the breeze and spun at the punch from a demon, Anais held on to his hair strands screaming in the impact of the fall till he brought himself back on the wind thermal adjusting his jaw, his eyes narrowed at Azazel with red skin and horns, his tail almost cut Angel and he dodged it grabbing it with his fist. His hand shook at the grip and Azazel pulling.

"I'd love to play hanky panky with you but I believe you have bigger problems" He nodded at Murdur destroying everything he touched and spilling lava, he was turning the place into a wasteland.

'Unfinished business', Azazel thought and his eyes rounded. Round 2

He pointed at Angel with a sharp finger. "This isn't over"