
chapter 2: into the darkness

<2 weeks later>

after the arival of this monstarous creatures

sai and the 4 other rankers were commanded to lead units into battle against the monstars in a 200 km radius of the base

hoping it would give the leaders time to think of strategies and how the hell is the human race going to survive this war

after the fist week of encountering the monstars, sighting of demon's coming out of worm hols or as scientists say, they came out of portals that arived making this an even bigger problem for the human race, because now they know that this isent something that they can just handle anymore, this is way bigger

sai is currently in the base with his new platoon while aiko is out on a mission with her platoon and the others resting

sai and his best friend Mallory are chatting about what they think the best types of food and how they can beat each other in races and other stuff not important as there plans of the war and how the current situation is

the current situation of this is really bad as we know how there are angels and demons, they think that the angles might be the true bad guys cause they dont care for the human lives and how were just in there way, no matter how many times humanity fights the monstars

as soon as sai sighs he hears malory say " sai when we die i hope that we won't live in a world were theres death everywhere and everything is going to hell i just hop-", sai interrupts her "don't worry if I'll stop this war no matter what ok and your dream will become a reality".

Mallory wipes a little tear of of her eye and says "ok then ill help as much as I can ok" bow that's the spirit sai says in an excited tone

sai says in a serious tone ok now I don't know much about the others tell me do u know what there skilled at

ok mal's says "your the best at assassin skills,

I'm really best at melee combat, we have a technical genius who develops are weapons and gear besides head scientist of course, we also have a explosive expert, a tank type person, and a medic, also 3 normal soldiers

ok i get the gist of it now, the most reliable of the platoon in this war is u the tank guy the and the medic cause bullets don't work on then and thoes plasma pistols only do a have a sixty percent chance of killing them we will have to melee most of them

"mal's tell them that were heading on an extermination mission to a villige a 100km from here at nineteen hundred hours so be prepared" ok says mal's as she finishes eating her bole of spicy curry

at 7 p.m. the next day they flew wail it getting darker outside and to a little post before getting to there

once Sai's teem got there sai explained to the wjat they needed to do and a technic to not get detected buy the monsta soldiers

sai sneaks in there buy snapping the neck of a lone kabol guard at a hole in the wall that could fit a width of half a person

after the sneaking in there sai sneakily sets explosives in all building and places then after fished mal's will detonate it

after finishing he sneaked out as fast as he could the worst part was that he saw the demon leader izumi

after getting to the platoon he said detonate it now whail we still have the chance, <kaboom> multiple explosions erupted clearing the village except for one izumi

he walked out of the fire with an angry look on his face, but suddenly instead of looking at us he looked to infront of him, cUse if was non other than gadriell who was infront lf im now just with a big grin on his face

they both suddenly disappeared, they were moving so fast that all they saw was sparks,

non of is picked on quickly enough they both hurled powerfull blast twards each other.

there was a huge explosion Mallory grabed onto sai as she hoped she wouldn't get separated with the closes person too her

sai,malory and the platoon vanished

everything in pitch black then sai opens his eye's, he's in a room he runs toward door and tries to open it its locked

he see's a desk next to the bed he was on, there was a notebook open on it


a screen appears infront of sai, he was shocked so much he jumped back but it remained still infront of him and said

<system requirement>

- check out the notebook on desk

sai walks tward the notebook sits on the chair and reads it

all it said was would u like to keep the bodie that you had before you died

sai remembered and that there was a blast but his head is still fuzzy

keep curent body and name or have races body and new name made for u


sai circles the yes and then the words dissappears and new ones reappear

*ding* [ bonuses from previous life added ]

race : lesser angel

name : sai

level : 1

health : 14

mana. : 10

sta. : 20

str : 1

agi : 1+3(4)

int : 1

vit : 1+2(3)

job : unknown

class : unknown

skills : (invitory)(mana manipulation)

-str/strength is how powerful they are physically

-agi/agility is being agilen, shaper sense,and reflexes

-dex/dexterity is the overall defense or toughness of the physical body closely intertwined with strength

-int/intelligence in closely relating to magic and there overall knowledge of and understanding of everything

-vit/vitality is your health

-job is that of a set life specified skills from the work u like and as you get stonger

-class is your offensive/defensive style of skills plus attribute depending on what suits you

-skills are things that u can naturally do almost like another nature

sai looks at the paper and doesn't seem to see anything wrong as with the information then turns his head

the the botbook turns to light and absorbs itself into sai, sai see's his stats info on that tab that is infront of him as some sort of light blue screen

sai then wonders what it all means but before he could do anything.


<new message>

I know you have questions but that will have to wait, the gods have seen what has happened and know how deeply you and another want revenge, for what has happened to you

the gods have granted u and another the chance to get stonger in a new world with your memory's attached, then when the time comes you will get your revenge but for now on this is your new home.

the gods have also granted you and your companion a special race for a reason so don't go around and tell anyone you and your colleague must pretend to be human to blend in with the world because both of your races are being hunted dont but not just each other but some monstars and the major factions of this world

sai reads this and says atleast I get to live again that's all that matters right now, sai hears a ding in his and another thing appears infront of him


[ task ]

if you want to live u need to learn your capability and your new ability this is a test u will be stuck in the void for 14 days but don't worry there's something there, this isent any void the is a labyrinth and when the 14 days are up u both will be sent to a small village, oh and u both will be in sepret generated labyrinths so no help basically. besides the system, and the system. is what is the will of your soul and an adition to the blessings of the gods that was called [the one who resisted deat]


-starting in




everything goes blank sai wakes up on the bed and now has an erge to leave the room thought a door that sudenly appears

sai gets up and heads tward the door he see's a note with a dagger stabed into holding it up on the door

it says, "to activate the menu just thing hardly of menu and it will appear also depending on your

int stay it will provide u with information that you desire on this word and the first evolution is at [ lvl 10 ] there are chances of hidden evolutions, and also right now your the weakest of your race now go explore survive and become the strongest

sai takes the dagger and leaves throght the door he closes the door behind him and then looks around it seems to be a tunnel

he looks behind him and the door is gone, then he walks further and sees what is like a dried up courps, he decides to crouch and sneak

he opens his menu and and thinks of a beasteary, then a slide book shape appears think apears on the screen, sai looks at the coups and


dragure identified now adding to the beasteary

sai looks at the beasteary and sees that there is a level of understanding monstars and in all connects to a secret level gage

he then closes menu and sneaks behind the dragure and puts his hand on its forhead than slices its throat but sai is not stpng enough

the dragure turns and pushes sai, sai the. falls and imeadently gets up in a flash, the dragure then pulls its sward and gets in an attack position

(<sai thinks the dragure looks like a maki and now sai refers to it as maki> authors note)

maki attacks swinging his sword horizontally sai does by sliding as the sward is swung and stabs maki in the stomach

maki doesn't flinch instead pulls back his sward and stabs sai, sai trys to doge and ends up getting his chest sliced a little big

HP: 10/14

sai leavs the knife when he doged sai gets into a hand to hand combat style that he learned in the facility

maki was an intelligent and cocky being to he threw his sword on the ground pulling up his fist , maki swung and sai jumped and clocked maki in the head with a spinning areal kick cause maki to fall down sai then dashes to maki's sword and grabs it, as soon as maki wakes back up from that kick the see's sai on top of him with his sword at his head

sai says "maki u put up a good fight and I'm sorry for this buddy" then stabs maki in the head pearcing his eye to the brain.

sai then the maki's wepon belt and wears it then picks up his dagger and the maki's sword and sheaths them both.

sai then thinks


- dragure has been slain

- 100 exp


- lvl up

- all stats increase by one and gain 2 AP and SP ((atrabute points) that go into stats)

name: sai

lvl: 2

health: 10/16

stamina 10/20

mana: 12

str: 2

agi 5

int 6

vit 4

skill: (invitory) (mana manipulation )

sai decided to keep onto his AP and then lays in the floor a meter away from maki and sleeps recover

if u got this far thanks for reading and have a good day, oh and sorry for the late update I got buissy last and this week ^w^ byeooooo

Monarch6319creators' thoughts
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